SFNF Supplement 7700-1-91
EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/01/1991
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 7711
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FSM 7710
Chapter 10 transportation planning handbook
/ Forest Service Manual
santa fe national forest
santa fe, new mexico

fsM 7710

chapteR 10 transportation planning handbook

Supplement No.: 7700-91-1

Effective Date: May 1, 1991

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: alan s. defler
Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 05/01/1991

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document.

New Document / !7700-91-1 Transmittal
7711.11 Maps
7711.12 Inventory Record / 1 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / 0 Pages

Digest: This supplement establishes directions for Mapping and Record keeping:

7711.111. Establishes a Forest Map Atlas for Forest Resource Primary Base Series (PBS) quadrangles (quads) and Transportation PBS quads.

7711.122. Establishes an update procedure for the Forest Atlas identified as “Transportation Quads”.

7711.133. Establishes a data management system for the forest transportation system.

7711.11 Maps

Forest Atlases:

1. Forest Resource Primary Base Series (PBS) 7.5 minute quadrangle (quad), 1:24,000 scale. This is the latest GSC (Geometronic Service Center) updated mylar quad with no editing or changes. It is stored in the vertical map files in Engineering labeled "FOREST RESOURCE QUADS". Each quad is identified by the quad number/name. Other items in this file are High Altitude Photos, Orthophotos prints and mylars, color prints, etc.

2. Transportation PBS 7.5 minute quadrangle, 1:24,000. This is the latest GSC updated quad with transportation system updates and corrections. It is stored in a vertical map file labeled "TRANSPORTATION QUADS". Each quad is identified by the quad number/name. These quads display roads open to the public, closed to the public and roads to be obliterated or obliterated and year performed.

Update Procedures - Transportation PBS Quads

Transportation quads will be updated annually according to the schedule listed below. Each year two paper copies of the transportation system quads will distributed for updating. One will be filed in S.O. engineering and the other on the district. On the copies, make correction using the symbols, and a red pencil or pen.

Symbols for editing Road Management:

Open to the Public :
Closed to the Public :
Planned Obliteration :
Obliterated (Year) : / (1991)

Annual updating of PBS quad will follow the schedule below:

Ranger District / PBS due
in SO / PBS returned
to Ranger District
Coyote / September 15 / October 15
Cuba / October 15 / November 15
Jemez / November 15 / December 15
Las Vegas/Pecos / December 15 / January 30
Espanola / January 15 / February 15

District's will submit their quads by the PBS due date. The corrections and updates will be used to revise the transportation quads in the Supervisor's Office. The revisions will be inked onto the transportation quads. The forest geometronics/Resource Access and Travel Management (RATM) coordinator will be responsible for monitoring and filing all revisions. Copies of the transportation quads will revisions will be made and sent to corresponding district.

7711.12Inventory Record:

The data management inventory system utilized for the Santa Fe National Forest transportation system is the Data General Transportation Inventory System (DG_TIS) database. DG_TIS will be store the data document in the Resource Access and Travel Management (RA/TM) worksheet, Form Number SFNF-7700-1, (See Supplement 7709.55-91-1 Handbook 7709.55 Chapter 30, Exhibit I).

Update Procedures DG-TIS

Annually DG_TIS will be updated by the RATM coordinator. All updates will reflect the changes or additions made to the Transportation quads. Updates will occur on the same schedule as the Transportation quads (See Santa Fe National Forest Supplement 7700-91-1, 7711.11 Maps).

Each year, as defined by the update schedule, two computer printouts, listing roads within each district, will be distributed, one to S.O. engineering and one to each district. Use a fine tip red pencil or pen to make changes or additions to the listing. Submit the updated listing at the same time as the transportation quad update.