The awards application process for 2015—2017 is the same as the last two years. Books of Evidence as we have previously used for awards will continue for Publicity Press Books, Flower Show Achievement Awards, and a few others as noted in this directory. The rules and procedures are listed below. Read carefully because your state chairmen will only be able to consider award applications that are submitted in the correct format. Descriptions of individual awards are listed in this Directory issue of Miss Gardener (or GCM website). As this award information is for two club years, PLEASE KEEP THIS DIRECTORY. Remember that some awards vary from year to year. Most awards will be presented at the annual State Convention. There are also District Awards that will be presented at the respective Fall District Meetings. Those who receive NGC awards will be given their awards at the Spring District Workshops. If additional information regarding award applications is needed, please contact the State Awards Chairman, Sandra McCaulla, 5276 Carrollton Rd., Grenada, MS 38901 (662-226-7157) (C 662-417-5623) , as listed on the roster or the designated state chairman. Additions/corrections ONLY will be included in the 2016 summer Directory issue.

These websites may provide additional information:

Garden Clubs of MS

Deep South Region

National Garden Clubs


1 .AWARDS YEAR: Any project, which meets the awards criteria, is eligible if completed during the awards year, including last year’s work if completed this awards year. The awards year is January 1st – December 31st. Club year is defined as June 1st – May 31st.

2.DEADLINES: All award applications must be received by the appropriate state chairman,

aslisted with the awards, by the designated deadline (exceptions will be noted in the award

descriptions). After receiving award applications, each State chairman will forward ALL applications to the State Awards Chairman no later than December 15th unless otherwise noted in award description.Deadlines are:

October 1– Yearbook

October 1 – Special Awards State #19 & #20 (Must submit before Advisory

Council meets)

December 1– All awards not otherwise designated in award description

December 1– ALL Flower Shows, immediately after show and no later than Dec. 1, except Nov. or Dec. Holiday


December 1- Youth Essay, Poetry, and Sculpture Contests; Youth awards and Youth yearbooks

December 15- Holiday Flower show (applies to a Nov. or Dec. Holiday Show)

January 25 – Press Books (Need time to get holiday articles published) & Youth Poster Entries

February 1 – Special Award No. 39 (Send to State President, NOT Special Awards Chairman)

3.ELIGIBILITY: PLEASE NOTE - Only clubs, councils, etc., that are members in good standing (state dues paid for all members to GCM by July 1) of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., are eligible to apply for awards. If a club size category is designated for an award, your award application will be judged according to the number of members on whom GCM dues were paid. You must have had an active membership when the project applied for took place. Junior, Intermediate and High School clubs, sponsored by an eligible adult club, may apply for awards offered. In award descriptions, State refers to The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc., or GCM, National Garden Clubs, Inc. is referred to as NGC, and Deep South Region is referred to as DSR. Clubsand Councils may only apply for GCM awards. Only the State Awards Committee determines if applications are advanced to DSR and NGC.

4.APPLICATION FORMS: All award applications must be on an official application form. An Award application form is in the current Club President’s Kit and on the GCM website. All Flower Show award applications must be made 60 days in advance of the actual flower show. Request forms directly from the State Flower Show Chairman and enclose a stamped return envelope. The application form contains topics to be addressed along with any supporting photographs.

  • There is a three (3) page limit, using only the front of the page.
  • Binders and vinyl sheet protectors are no longer required or allowed.
  • Applications will not be returned.
  • Applications may be submitted electronically to the appropriate state chairman, if that chairman so indicates. Contact the chairman of the award for which you are applying before

submitting online.

  • Forms are available on the GCM website, in the President’s Kit, and from the GCM Awards Chairman.
  • This application form should not be used for Awards of Excellence or Flower Show Achievement Awards.


  • Complete the application form. Submit the original form (3 pages, only) to the proper chairman by deadline that applies to that award. If submitting by mail, include original and one copy.
  • Keep one copy for your records.
  • YEARBOOKS – Complete the necessary information on the GCM Application Form. Do not answer the questions. Firmly clip two copies of the completed application form to the inside front cover (send only 1 yearbook).
  • PUBLICITY PRESS BOOKS – Complete the necessary information on the GCM Application Form. Do not answer the questions. Prepare a Book of Evidence. No limit on number of pages. Submit to Publicity Press Book Chairman by January 25.
  • EXCEPTIONS – State No. 15 and State No. 66 - Submit articles in binder. Complete the necessary information on the GCM Application Form. Do not answer the questions. No limit on number of pages.

6. SCALE OF POINTS FOR ALL GCM AWARDS: (EXCEPTIONS: Yearbooks, Flower Show Achievement Awards, Publicity

Press Books, others as noted).

Presentation 5 pts. – neat, concise, includes all required information on the GCM Awards Application Form (3 sheets allowed), or the Book of Evidence, if required.

Achievement 65 pts. – scope of project; need and fulfillment; benefit; accomplishment; comprehensiveness of work; activities to attain goals; evaluation of goals reached;educational; prior planning; very brief history if continuing project; financial report; other.

Participation 15 pts. – size of club; involvement of members, community, government agencies, professionals, youth, residents in facilities, others. Not all of these have to be involved.

Record of Documentation 15 pts. – supporting data (as applicable); clear and well labeled before and after photographs if applicable; landscape plan (does not have to be professionally drawn); financial report; letters of appreciation; community awards; newspaper/magazine articles (if possible); radio or TV script (if possible); etc. Photocopies of articles are permitted.


Please note that when the same project is eligible for various awards, submitting the EXACT same award application is not acceptable.

****Exception*****Awards #31, 34, 46, 76 listed under Special Awards


Sponsoring a Standard Flower Show is an excellent way for Garden Clubs to realize their goals as a garden club. Flower shows educate both club members and the public in horticulture, floral design and National Garden Club objectives. Flower shows also provide a creative artistic outlet for club members.

A successful Standard Flower Show is planned well in advance of the show date. The CURRENTHandbook for Flower Shows, contains all the information you need to put on a successful show. A club can apply for one or more of the many flower show awards that Mississippi offers. All state flower show awards are listed in summer Miss Gardener Directory (odd numbered years) and on the Garden Clubs of Mississippi website,, (under FORMS, then click GCM AWARDS for the list.) When your club decides which type of flower show you want to have, write a schedule. Then, during the club year have workshops or speakers to help educate the members on the horticulture and designs you will be exhibiting. If your club plans to apply for a Flower Show Award, you must send in an application 60 days before the show date to the State Flower Show Awards Chairman as listed in the current directory. The application form can be found on the GCM website, in your President’s Packet or requested from the State Flower Show Awards Chairman.

You can send the application by mail or e-mail. Please call if you have any questions.

Amye Kelly, Flower Show Awards Chairman, 2043 Bright Rd., Hernando, MS 38632

(662-429-6005) (C 901-485-3806)

2015—2017 AWARDS


Send to: Sandra McCaulla, 5276 Carrollton Rd., Grenada, MS 38901 (662-226-7157) (C 662-417-5623)

State No. 5 – Outstanding Achievement - A certificate may be awarded for an especially outstanding achievement in garden club work by a club, group of clubs, or individual, not covered by another award.

State No. 74 – Garden Club of the Year

A cash award of $25.00 may be awarded annually to a member garden club in the State which excels in the following categories: membership increase, service to members, club programs, projects, members attending club, district and state meetings and/or sponsored programs. The garden club shall produce substantiating evidence of the club’s accomplishments in the stated categories in the Scale of Points. Place typed information in a theme binder for protection. A Book of Evidence is required... The State winner of this award shall be forwarded to the DSR Awards Chairman by their January deadline to be considered for DS #24, Deep South Garden Club of the Year Award.


1. MEMBERSHIP INCREASE (For one year) 20 pts

Number of members, January 1, _____

Number of members, December 1 _____

If membership is limited, what number? _____

2. SERVICE 10 pts

Continuing service provided by club for members.

Communications (Describe briefly). Other (Describe Briefly)

3. CLUB PROGRAMS (Give number) 20 pts

Horticulture _____ Design _____ Environmental Concerns _____

Special and/or Regional Project _____

Member participation in presenting either programs or workshops ____

Describe briefly (include yearbook page copy showing programs)


Average number attending nine-club meetings _____

Member(s) attending spring/fall district meeting _____

Member(s) attending environmental and other state programs _____

Following club representations are not requirements (Bonus Points in case of tie):

Member(s) attending State Convention _____

Member(s) attending DS Region Convention _____

Member(s) attending National Garden Clubs, Inc.Convention _____

5. CLUB PROJECT(S) 20 pts

Describe briefly on (1) page; (2) photos may be included on 2nd page.

6. CLUB FINANCE. Funding club activities 10 pts

Dues only source of income? _____

Fundraisers (Describe briefly) _____ Amount $_____

TOTAL 100 pts


Send to: Katie Wood, 309 N. Waverly St., Charleston, MS 38921 (662-647-0647)

State No 62 – Adopt-A-Park- Awarded to an individual garden club for the establishment of city, mini, pocket, or subdivision parks, and/or to enhance specific areas in existing parks.


Send to: Annie Jewel King, 1047 Highway 528, Bay Springs, MS 39422 (601-764-3349) (C 601-670-6909)

State No. 43 – Arbor Day(A) A member club, (B) More than one club or a council. May be awarded for outstanding work in recognition of Arbor Day.

State No. 65 – Tree Planting. May be awarded to a garden club for the most outstanding tree planting project. Emphasis to be on low maintenance, quality trees suitable to local climate and ecological condition. Project may be started at any time, but must be completed within the award year in which application is made. Scale of points same as Deep South No. 9.


Send to: Phyllis Adams, P. O. Box 74, Cary, MS 39054 (662-873-2840)

State No. 68 -- Backyard Wildlife Habitat- Awarded to a garden club which shows the greatest percentage of its members with Backyard Wildlife Habitats. Consideration will be given to the following: photos of members in an area of his/her habitat, summarized descriptions of unique features of various habitats, including provision for food and water, places for cover from weather and predators, and breeding areas provided.

State No. 42 – Carrie Avent Bird Award- Three awards, one each for adult club, youth club, and a council may be awarded for conducting the most comprehensive and effective bird program/ project. Considerations include Award Application Presentation, Membership Participation, Protection and Care of birds, Quality of programs or projects, and Community involvement.


Send to: Nancy Moore, P. O. Box 116, Decatur, MS 39327-0116 (601-635-3160) (C 601-417-3450)

State No. 81 – Blue Star Memorial– First, Second and Third Place awards may be given to a Garden Club or Council of Garden Clubs for the establishment of a Blue Star Memorial. Consideration will be given to money-raising efforts, club participation, publicity, dedication events, and overall appearance of finished project. Awards may be given for a Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker, Blue Star Memorial Byway Marker and Blue Star Memorial Marker.


Send to: Mahaley Hames, 13954 Hickory St., Oakland, MS 38948 (662-623-5219)

State No. 23 – Butterfly Conservation - (A) Member Club, (B) More than one club or a council. Awarded for conducting most comprehensive and effective butterfly program/project.


Send to: Betty Lou McDaniel, 667 Old Gilmer Rd., Taylorsville, MS 39168 (601-785-4646)

(C 601-452-0606)

State No. 1 – Civic Achievement- Awarded for any project of a permanent nature significantly improving a town and/or countryside. Consideration will be given to club’s role in research and reasons for selection/need, length of project, what goals were set, how obstacles were overcome, improvements achieved, and benefits to community.


Send to: Dr. Elouise K. Upchurch, 749 Renshaw Rd., Yazoo City, MS 39194 (662-746-6631)

State No. 17 – Club Programs (video, CD or DVD) - Awarded to the garden club which contributes the best Video, CD, or DVD to the state club program file.


Send to: Jayne Cooper, 1505 Lakeview Dr., Laurel, MS 39440 (601-649-7334) (C 601-422-9910)

State No. 4 - ConservationAward - May be awarded to a club for a worthy conservation project of a permanent nature.

State No. 72 – Eloise Cumbaa Conservation Award (1994).- May be awarded annually to a club for the most outstanding conservation project using NATIVE and/or “TOUGH” PLANTS”. Project may be started at any time, but must be completed within the award year in which application is made. Consideration to appropriateness of plant material, quality of project, member participation and community involvement.


No application required for District Awards. District Awards are based on the Club President’s Annual Report which MUST be received by club’s District Director by June 1. The winners do not necessarily score the most points, but they are based on participation in GCM activities, programs and projects as outlined in Club President’s Annual Report.

“Outstanding Garden Club in District” – first Place and Second Place Certificates of Achievement may be presented at the respective Fall District Meetings to the top two clubs which achieve the most in all phases of garden club work as per information submitted on the Club President’s Annual Report forms. To be considered for this award, clubs must fulfill the Honor Roll requirements. No club may win First Place in District competition two years consecutively. The award Certificates of Achievement for “Outstanding Garden Club in District” will have either a First Place (Blue) or a Second Place (Red) ribbon attached with a GCM Seal.

“Outstanding Horticulture Work by Club” – A District Award may be presented within each District at the Fall District Meetings. Judging to be based on the Club President’s Annual Report forms. A certificate of Achievement, with a Blue and a Gold ribbon attached with a GCM Seal, may be presented within each District to a club with the most outstanding emphasis on horticulture and/or horticulture project.

Certificates of Merit – Awarded to clubs at the discretion of the district’s Director, based on the Club President’s Annual Report forms, in recognition of their outstanding participation in the projects and programs of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. They are presented at Fall District Meetings. (No ribbons or Corporate Seals on Certificates of Merit.)


State Certificates of Appreciation may be awarded for monetary donations to projects/programs of The Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. All donations accepted, no minimum required. To receive credit on your Club President’s Annual Report for donations and to receive a certificate, ALL donations from clubs, councils, and/or individuals, for state projects/programs, must be sent to the appropriate state chairman or appropriate Treasurer by March1. (See Board roster for correct addresses). Make checks payable to GCM and/or State Headquarters, and designate for specific project/program. Those receiving donations (Chairmen/Treasurers) must mail these donations, postmarked no later than April 1, to the GCM Treasurer. Otherwise, the donations cannot be credited for the current club year, and no certificates for monetary donations may be given for that club year. No application required (based on official records).

Certificates presented at the respective Fall District Meetings for donations to the following:

1. Avenue of Magnolias—(Send to Chairman Pat Rutledge)

2. Blue Star Memorials—(Send to Chairman Nancy Moore)

3. Wildflower Fund—(Send to Chairman Halla Jo Ellis)

4. Governor’s Mansion Landscape Fund (Send to Chairman Frances Morse)

5. Habitat for Humanity—(Send to Chairman Lynne Wood)

6. MSU Horticulture Summer Camp Scholarship—(Send to Chairman Elaine Thompson)

7. Lanoux Youth Nature Camp—(Send to Coordinator Allison Ashmore)

8. Mississippi State University Scholarship Fund—(Send to Chairman Ann Chiles)

9. Natural Disasters USA—(Send to Chairman Teddy Plaisance)

10. State Headquarters Endowment Fund—(Send to GCM Treasurer Ann Godwin)

11. State Headquarters—(Send to Hdqtr. Treasurer Pattie Smith)

12. State Headquarters Landscape Fund—(Send to Hdqtr. Treasurer Pattie Smith)

13. Garden Therapy—MS State Hospital—(Send to Chairman Bonnie Borne)

14. Botanic Gardens—Beauvoir—(Send to Chairman Joy Burke)


Send to: Catherine Chernecky, 18 Sauvolle Court, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (228-875-0762, c: 770-653-7888)

State No. 58 – Environmental Education Awards.- Three awards, one each for adult club, youth club, or a council. May be awarded for conducting the most comprehensive and effective environmental education program.

State No. 71 – Air Quality

Send to: Linda Gayle Smith, 740 Lower Myrick Rd., Laurel, MS 39443 (601-426-2264)

May be awarded to a club, youth club, and a council for conducting the most comprehensive and effective activity of Air Quality.