УДК 332.12 +: 330.34: 001.89 + 330.15 :: 338.14 +338.4 +339.1

Kuz’min Oleg Evgenovych

Bublyk Miroslava Ivanivna

Lviv National University "Lviv Politechnic"

Lviv city


The article analyzes the impact of economic activity of industrial enterprises on the environment, society and economic system. The system of preventive measures for the destructive effects of industrial enterprises was proposed.

Keywords: business economics, complex economic systems, economic activity, man-made damage.

Formulation of the problem in general. Given the growing consumption in the community economic development occurs in the presence of three key factors: labor, natural and industrial resources. The problem of economic development leads to the growth of destructive environmental impact load (LES), the public and themselves the means of production.

The destructive impact of human activities characterized by unacceptably high levels of use of basic life-supporting natural resources and limit pollution of economic systems, as well as reduced health, which poses a serious threat to the national security of Ukraine. With Ukraine's transition to a market economy deteriorated property issues, evaluation of its objects in terms of money, as well as the determination of the damage caused by economic activity and in Emergency Situations (NA) of man-made and natural disasters. Hence the urgency is the issue of economic evaluation for industrial technological losses, damages, or losses from their business.

Analysis of recent research and publications which discuss solving the problem and that is based on the author. Problems of economic evaluation of resource potential industrial examined outstanding scientists, economists O. Amosha, J. Vytvytsky, V. Geets, A. Volkov, M.Denysenko, A.Zahorodniy, V.Kozyk, O.Kuzmin, P.Orlov, P . break Y.Petrovych, I.Skvortsov, Yu.Stadnytskyy, O.Rudchenko, R.Fathutdinov, L.Fedulova, V.Fursov, V.Foltsman, N.Chuhray et al. Significant scientific achievements in reducing human impact on the NPC, the population and the means of production are in the works of leading scientists, both in Ukraine and abroad, particularly in the writings Balatskiy AF, Bilokon YM, Bystryakova IK, Bobylev C . M. Burkyns'kyi BV, Vahovycha IM, Veklich OO, Hryniv LS, Hoffman KG, Hoshovsky SV Danylyshyn BM, Daley G., Deineki LV, nether MI Evdokimova Y., Żuławski A.YU, Illyashenko SM, SM Kozmenko, Lutsk VS, Medvedev AE, Miller LA G., Mishenina EV, Nedina IV, alone VA Pidkaminnoho IM, Potravnoho IM, Rudko II Tarasevich VM Telizhenko OM Tregobchuk VM Tunytsya JJ, Kharichkov SK, Hans L. Khlobystov EV, Tsarenko AM others. Issues of environmental security in the region dedicated work Gerasymchuk ZV, Dorohuntsova S., A. Kaczynski, Oleksyuk AA, Fedoryschevoyi AM, environmental policy - works Dyomkina V. Kravtsiva VS Many scientists, including Arkynd M. Lebedevych S., Navrotsky V. Shevchuk V.Ja, ​​Shevchuk AI, exploring the issue of environmental safety and environmental audits.

Despite the considerable amount of work in economics and business management [1-10] on economic evaluation and control of man-made damage caused by this economic activity and as a result of man-made Emergencies insufficiently studied, and the study of mechanisms and methods of determining the reduction and prevention for industrial enterprises are fragmented.

The purpose of the article is to find effective ways to reduce the destructive impact of industry on the development of complex economic, natural and social systems.

The results of research. Using a systematic approach to the concepts of complex economic, natural and social systems, we believe that the lowest structural elements of the enterprise biocenosis family respectively, where each structural element is invariant state of the system, has the same nature of the entire system.

Naturally, the development of industrial enterprises leads to increasing anthropogenic impact on NPS, society and the national economy of Ukraine in general. Thus, in the Lviv region for the period 2010 - 2011 years industrial output has a positive trend (+0.9%), where the highest interest rates are enterprises of the processing industry (5.1%), and lowest - companies with production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (-11.3%) .

The volume of industrial production and consumption of their products according to [11] in 2010 in Lviv region is 25 806 963.1 thousand., And engineering - 3004 713.1 thousand. Among the 3,434 industrial enterprises most dangerous 5. It should be noted that the "List of 100 objects that are the biggest polluters of the environment in Ukraine" includes Dobrotvivska TPP management pipelines "Lvovtransgaz" state enterprise "Lvovugol" Lviv utility "Zbiranka" Rozdilske State Mining and Chemical Enterprise "Sulfur" and Lviv City utility "Lvivvodokanal" where Table 1 shows their distribution by sector. Tangible environmental impact in the Lviv region has mining, metallurgy, food, chemical and petrochemical industries. As Table 2 shows emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere (in 2010 - 113, 2 tons, less than the previous year by 6.4%) and their share of [11, p.68-77, 12, c.168-176 ], where the highest percentage of enterprises with production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (37.1%) and companies mining sector (33.1%).

Table 1

A list of the most hazardous industries - Lviv pollutants and their distribution by sector *

№ / Name of object / Type of economic activity / Departmental affiliation (ownership) / Indicators
1. / Dobrotvir TPP / Electricity, gas and water / State ownership / Accumulated 10,002.0 tons zoloshlaku
2. / Management pipelines "Lvivtranshaz" / Transportation of Natural Gas / "Naftogaz of Ukraine"
3. / "Lviv Coal" / Mining / State ownership / The volume of products of combustion emissions
4. / INC "Zbiranka" (Lviv landfill) / Other manufacturing (processing waste) / Municipal property / Accumulated 38121.1 thousand tons of waste coal
5. / Rozdilske SMCP "Sulfur" / production of sulfuric / State ownership / Accumulated 10987.9 thousand tons of solid waste
6. / Lviv City Municipal Enterprise "Lvivvodokanal" / Treatment of wastewater / Municipal property / Accumulated 3800.0 thousand tons of phosphogypsum
7. / JSC "Lvivsystem-Energo" / Mining / Joint Hungarian-Ukrainian / The volume of discharges into r.Poltvu return water increased by 1.3%
8. / JSC-tion oil refining complex "Galicia" / Manufacturing / Collective ownership, state (25%) / Accumulated 76251.9 thousand tons of waste coal cleaning and coal
9. / JSC "Lviv Research naftomaslozavod" / Manufacturing / Collective ownership, state (25%) / Accumulated 34.0 thousand tons naftoshlamu

* Data generated by materials [11, pp.16-32, 12, c.168-176]

In terms of economic activities significant proportion of emissions of pollutants are also transport and communication - 21.2%, and the processing industry - 7.5%.

Table 2

Distribution of emissions of pollutants into the air by sector *

№ / Economic activity / Emissions in the region
Thous. tons / % of total
1. / All kinds of economic activities, including: / 113,202 / 100,0
1.1. / Mining / 37,5 / 33,1
1.2 / Manufacturing / 8,46 / 7,5
1.3 / Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water / 41,961 / 37,1
1.4 / construction / 0,250 / 0,21
1.5 / Transport and communications / 24,025 / 21,2
1.6 / Other / 1,542 / 1,3

* Data generated by materials [11, p.68-77, 12, c.168-176]

The result of economic activity in Chervonohrad coal mining area is the formation of rock piles - heaps, tailings different. In addition, there is a threat of avalanches and landslides, samozahoryannya heaps, NPS pollution emissions of sulfur anhydrite, phenols, petroleum, sulfates, phosphates, etc.. Metallurgy according to [12, c.171] represented in extraction, beneficiation, metallurgy processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic materials, manufacturing iron, steel and more than a hundred color and precious metals, alloys, rolling mills, recycling ( scrap). The main consumers of steel products is an engineering, construction and transport. Today, a decrease in production in this sector (-0.6%).

Major mining - chemicals are Stebnyk Lviv State Mining - Chemical Company (SMCP) "Polimineral" Yavoriv deposit "Sulfur" Rozdilske deposit "Sulfur" and deposit "Podorozhnensky mine." A common problem companies in this industry is to minimize the loss of man-made internal and external. Note that Stebnyk SMCP "Polymineral" included in the list of hundreds of dangerous objects regional level. As a result, business activities of these companies have cavities, they get fresh surface water, which helps dissolve pillars and creates the potential for earthquake anthropogenic. The resulting cavity adjacent to the buffer zone of Truskavets, cities Drohobych Stebnyk, Borislav, etc., over them crossed lines and road Drogobych - Truskavets, water and other communications [12, c.174].

Waste production is sulfur stored in tailing dumps and waste production fertilizers - in phosphogypsum dumps. Former career m.Rozdoli threaten living in the surrounding area. Because of catastrophic rainfall in August 2008 shift intensified because Novorozdilsk deposit "Sulfur" was conducted tops filling gullies and reforestation landslide slope.

The main characteristics of economic activities of industrial enterprises are: 1) the presence in the Lviv oblast enterprises belonging to the 100 objects that are the biggest polluters NPCs Ukraine, 2) the closure of mining and chemical industries, which carried out business activities in violation of environmental laws, without appropriate measures for their safe closure and 3) stop the majority of industrial enterprises, and 4) the presence of large amounts of industrial waste mining and chemical industries, 5) air pollution emissions of pollutants from industrial plants and motor vehicles, 6) water pollution discharges of pollutants with inverse waters of industrial enterprises, housing - utilities; 7) groundwater contamination, 8) the availability of waste-III classes hazards and problems regarding their treatment.

The level of pollutants per 1 km2 reaches 5.2 tons per capita - 44.4 kg (compared with 2009 - 47.4 kg). The largest share in total emissions of pollutants are methane (54.5 tons), substances in the form of suspended solids (10.8 tons), nitrogen oxides (5.9 tons), carbon monoxide ( 5.5 thousand tons), dioxins and other sulfur compounds (32.3 tons), and more distribution of emissions by major polluters are given in Table 4.

Table 4

Major air pollutants from 2010-2011

№ / Name of object / Name of pollutant / Share pollutant emissions
total emissions, tons / year / to the Society. emissions. object% / to the Society. emissions. (nasel. points),%
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1 / Dobrotvir TPP "West-Energo" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 7680,893
39251,615 / 19,57
100,0 / -
2 / Branch "Lvivtranshaz" "Ukrtransgaz" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Dioxide and other sulfur compounds
Total / 0,391
23116,120 / -
100,0 / -
3 / "Lviv Coal" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen compounds
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 381,323
29830,28 / 1,28
100,0 / -
4 / Branch GPU "Lvivgas-extraction" SC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Total / -
4602,792 / -
100,0 / -
5 / JSC "Mykoloyiv cement" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 1375,120
2758,912 / 49,84
100,0 / -
6 / JSC "Zhydachiv PPM" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 464,207
1202,300 / 38,61
100,0 / -
7 / JSC "SPC-Galicia" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 2,241
1493,019 / 0,15
100,0 / -
8 / JSC "Lviv Coal Company" / Substances as susp. tv. particles
nitrogen dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide
Total / 193,722
776,352 / 24,95
100,0 / -

* Data generated by materials [11, p.68-77, 12, c.168-176]

The decline in production and stop many industries not affected the quality of surface water and reduce discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage. The largest consumers of recycled, re-used water and consistently is an industry - 300.3 million m3. and utilities - 9.33 million m3. Using water industry are summarized by industry in Table 5.

Table 5.

The main pollutants of water bodies (by industry) according to the use and allocation of water, million m3

Industry Economics / Used water / From it on: / Abstracted water in surface water bodies
Domestic and drinking needs / Activity requirements / Total / Including contaminated / Of those without treatment
Power / 2,122 / 0,616 / 1,506 / 0,908 / 0,008 / -
Coal industry / 1,886 / 0,499 / 1,387 / - / - / -
Metallurgy / - / - / - / - / - / -
Chemical and petrochemical industry / 0,133 / 0,075 / 0,058 / 0,061 / 0,054 / 0,025
engineering / 0,632 / 0,368 / 0,265 / 0,496 / 0,428 / 0,393
Oil and Gas Industry / 1,408 / 0,153 / 1,255 / 0,043 / - / -
Housing / 82,79 / 74,79 / 7,973 / 200,6 / 57,92 / 0,956
agriculture / 30,91 / 0,011 / 0,166 / 0,033 / - / -
Food / 7,351 / 0,293 / 6,994 / 3,289 / 0,52 / 0,188
transport / 2,161 / 1,107 / 1,054 / 0,195 / 0,117 / -
Building Materials Industry / 1,246 / 0,110 / 1,136 / 0,609 / - / -
Other industries / 44,1 / 1,78 / 24,68 / 23,966 / 0,265 / 0,26
Total / 174,7 / 78,29 / 46,47 / 230,2 / 59,312 / 1,822

* Data generated by materials [11, p.68-77, 12, c.168-176]

Another problem is the waste-III hazard classes, which include waste oil and banned the use of pesticides that have been accumulated in the last century. As of hazardous waste are the oil producing and processing enterprises, including OGPD "Borislavneftegaz", JSC SPC "Galicia" [13].

Thus, we should seek ways to reduce the impact of industry on the environment and to minimize technological losses caused by them. The world used the method of maximum pollution prevention, that method "zero waste." During the processing of by-products production companies try to avoid sending waste to landfills, which often leads to the emergence of new sources of income. Known in Japanese company Asahi Beveriz (Asahi Breweries) waste beer production uses as livestock feed, plastic packaging processes to synthetic mats, cork bottle to apply in construction as a filler and cardboard - for processing into paper. This technique of "zero waste" is especially common in Japan because of the high cost of burial waste. It is used known Japanese company Sanyo, Canon, Toyota, etc., since the cost savings from achieving zero waste, the corresponding image of the company that produces ecologically friendly NPCs, create them additional advantages in the Japanese market. Companies can also lobby the government, acting on the legislative climate, or team up with competitors to set environmental standards for the industry. However, these methods are mainly used to prevent or reduce the liability of companies for damage NPCs.