ChE 210 - Chemical Process Calculations I –

Spring 2017

Instructor: Dr. Laurent Simon; 361 Tiernan Hall, 973-596-5263,

Lecture Hours: 1:00PM – 2:25 PM, Monday & Wednesday

Office Hours: Wednesday: 3:00 PM-4:00 PM or individual appointment

Prerequisites: Chem 126 (or Chem 122). Corequisites: Math 112 and CS 101.

Text book: Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes by R.M. Felder and

R.W. Rousseau, 4th Edition (2015)

Credits: 2

Course description: Analysis of chemical processes is introduced, emphasizing steady and unsteady-state mass and species balances. This course uses primarily chemistry and algebra to determine, for a wide variety of processes and applications, the flow and concentrations of different chemical species.

Course Objectives:

1. Perform basic engineering calculations

2. Perform mass balance calculations on existing processes (involving single and multiple units).

3. Use basic applied chemistry/ thermodynamics in material balance calculations.

4. Work in teams.

Grading scheme:

Homework 15%

Teamwork 15%

Exam 1 15%

Exam 2 15%

Exam 3 15%

Project 15%

Final 25%

The lowest 15% will be dropped. A final course grade will be assigned on the following basis:

85+ / A
80+ / B+
75+ / B
70+ / C+
65+ / C
60+ / D
<60 / F


1.  Students are encouraged to turn in their homework by the due dates. Remember that these assignments count toward 15% of the grade. Late homework will only be accepted under extraordinary circumstances.

2.  Students are responsible for the material covered in class. Regular class attendance is expected.

3.  Make-up exams and “incompletes” may be given under extraordinary circumstances and at the sole discretion of the instructor. Regular class attendance is expected.

4.  Homeworks are due at the beginning of class, one week after assignment


Week / Date / Subject / Read / Assignment
1, 2 / Jan 18 & 23 / Introduction to course Chemical Process Calculation Systems of units, Force and weight, and Numerical calculation / Chapter 2.1 to 2.5 / Introduction
2, 3 / Jan 25 Jan 30
Teamwork: 2.1, 2.2, 2.8, 2.9 & 3.2 / Dimensionless and data analysis; Mass/Volume/Flow/composition / Chapter 2.5 to 2.7 and Chapter 3.1 to 3.3 / A1 – assignment given
2.10, 2.20, 2.29 (a-c), 2.55 (a and b), 3.3 (part c. use 5 gal/min for pump)
3, 4 / Feb 1 & 6
Teamwork: 2 bio examples; 3.8, 3.25, 3.38; 3.53; 3.63 / Pressure and Temperature; review chapter 2 and 3 / Chapter 3.3 to 3.5 and review chapter 2 and 3 / A2 – assignment given
Due A1
3.21; 3.35; 3.55
4 / Feb 8 / Exam 1 chapters 2 and 3 / Due A2
5 / Feb 13 &15
Teamwork: 3
2 bio examples; 4.6(a) / Process flow sheets and
Fundamental Mass balance and Calculation of Material balances / Chapter
4.1,4.2, 4.3a to 4.3c / A3 – assignment
6 / Feb 20 & 22
Teamwork: 4
2 bio examples: 4.24(a,b) / Calculation of Material balances / Chapter 4.3d to 4.3e / A4 – assignment
Due A3
4.26; 4.27(a)
7 / Feb 27 & Mar 1
Teamwork: 5
4.40; 4.42 / Multiple unit processes and Recycling and Bypass
Review chapter 4.1 to 4.5 / Chapter 4.4 and 4.5 / A5 –assignment
Due A4
4.43 (a and b)
8 / March 6 / Exam 2 Chapters 2, 3, 4.1-4.5 / Due A5
8, 9 / March 8 & 20
Teamwork: 6
4.52 (a-c); 4.53 / Reactive processes / Chapter 4.6 and 4.7 / A6 –assignment
Project - assignment
4.65 (a, b); 4.69 (a, b)
9, 10 / March 22 & 27
Teamwork: 7
1 prob. on atomic balance; 5.8 and 5.34 / Single phase systems and Non-ideal Gases / Chapter 5.1 - 5.4 / A7-assignment
Due A6
5.9, 5.14 and 5.79
11,12 / March 29 & Apr 3
Teamwork 8:
6.3; 6.16 / Introduction multiphase system and Fluid systems / Chapter 6.1 to 6.4 / A8-assigment
Due A7
Project – due
6.10 (a and b); 6.23
12 / April 5 / Exam 3 Chapters 2, 3, 4.1-4.5, 4.6-6.4 / Due A8
13 / April 10 & Apr 12
Teamwork 9:
Handouts / Introduction multiphase system and Fluid systems / Chapter 6.1 to 6.4 / A9-assigment
Due A8
14 / April 17 & 19
Teamwork 10:
6.101; 6.102 / Applications multiphase system / Chapter 6.5-6.7 / A10- assignment
Due A9
6.103 and 6.105
15 / April 24 & 26
Teamwork 11:
10.1 / Material balances on transient (unsteady state) processes / Chapter 10.1-10.2 / A11- assignment
Due A10
16 / May 1 / Material balances on transient (unsteady state) processes; Review Chapter 4, 5 and 6 / Chapter 10.1-10.2
17 / TBD / Final Exam [cumulative]

The NJIT Honor Code and standards of academic integrity will be enforced in this course. Any violation will be brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students.


Course Objectives - ChE 210 Chemical Process Calculations I

Objective 1: Perform basic engineering calculations
Strategies and Actions / Student Learning Outcomes / Outcomes (a-k) / Prog.
Object / Assessment Methods/Metrics
Define, calculate, and estimate properties of process materials. / Students will be able to define, calculate, and estimate fluid density, flow rate, chemical composition variables (mass and mole fractions, concentrations), fluid pressure, and temperature. / a / 1 / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Convert quantities from one set of units to another. / Students will be able to convert fluid density, flow rate, chemical composition variables, fluid pressure, and temperature from one unit to another. / a / 1 / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Objective 2: Perform mass balance calculations on existing processes (involving single and multiple
Draw and label process flowcharts from verbal process descriptions. / Students will be able to draw and label the flowchart of a process described in words and involving a single unit or multiple units. / a, e / 1 / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Carry out degree of freedom (DOF) analyses. / Students will be able to analyze processes with and without chemical reactions using DOF. / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Write and solve material balance equations. / Students will be able to write and solve single- and multiple-unit processes, processes with recycle and bypass, and processes involving chemical reactions. / a, e / 1 / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Objective 3: Use basic applied chemistry/ thermodynamics in material balance calculations
Perform pressure-volume-temperature calculations / Students will be able to use basic equations of state to calculate molar flow rates based on data for volumetric flow rate, temperature, and pressure. They will be able to calculate partial pressure of a constituent of a gas mixture. / a, e / 1 / Exams and assessment rubric. In-class group activities
Objective 4: Work in teams
Solve problems in team / Students will be able to work effectively in problem-solving teams and assess the performance of team-mates. / d, f / 1 / In-class group activities, and assessment rubric (student questionnaire)