Olmstead Planning Committee

June 7, 2012

Olmstead Plan Outline - DRAFT


·  Describe requirements of Olmstead decision

·  Impetus within the state for development of the plan


·  Process for assembling those responsible for drafting the plan

·  The drafting and approval process for the plan

·  Specify involvement of agencies, stakeholders, function of public meetings

·  Presentation of plan

3)  VISION (working draft May 17, 2012)

The Minnesota Olmstead Plan (Plan) will empower and support people with disabilities of all abilities regardless of age to live with dignity and independence in the most integrated setting consistent with their own dreams and aspirations and based upon their own informed choice. Expanding, strengthening, and integrating high quality and effective systems of community-based services and supports that are person-centered, as individually-controlled as is optimal, and adequately funded are the intended outcomes of the Plan

4)  PRINCIPLES (working draft May 17, 2012)

·  Disability is a normal part of life.

·  A person with a disability is a whole human being equally worthy of dignity and respect as are other human beings.

·  “In enacting the ADA, Congress recognized that physical and mental disabilities in no way diminish a person’s right to fully participate in all aspects of society, but that people with physical or mental disabilities are frequently precluded from doing so because of prejudice, antiquated attitudes, or the failure to remove societal and institutional barriers” 42 USC §12101(a)(2) Note.

·  The State of Minnesota's “proper goals regarding individuals with disabilities are to assure equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for such individuals” 42 USC §12101(a)(7).

·  The goal of community living in the most integrated setting appropriate based upon the informed choice of an individual with a disability, with needed, sufficiently-funded services and supports will be an important factor in state disability policy development and funding decisions.

·  People with disabilities of all ages and abilities must have access to community living opportunities including employment opportunities, accessible and affordable housing, public transportation, assistive technology, and health care, with access to the needed services and supports to make these opportunities a reality.

·  An accurate ongoing and comprehensive system of assessment of an individual’s abilities as well as functional limitations will be available in order to preclude unnecessary institutionalization and to ensure that individuals who desire to leave an institution and live, work play and participate in an integrated community are enabled to do so without undue delay.

·  A full range of services and supports are needed to address the broad range of persons with disabilities of all ages, abilities, limitations, and health conditions including persons with stable as well as degenerative chronic medical conditions.

·  Each individual with a disability will be empowered to make an Informed Choice notwithstanding any myths, fears or stereotypes which the individual may be experiencing regarding his or her capacity to live in the community with needed services and supports. The ability to make informed decisions will include the opportunity to speak with peers who are successfully living, learning, working and enjoying life in community-based integrated settings.

·  Accessibility, quality, person-centered planning and wherever possible, individually-controlled decision-making will be the goal when developing services and supports.

·  Systems of community-based care, services and supports must be strengthened, expanded and integrated to ensure access, effectiveness, efficiency and quality.

·  Public and private mechanisms of financing long-term care and supports must be reexamined to enable state, county, program and individual funding to be used in the most creative, effective and efficient means available.

·  Community-based services and supports as well as long-term care developed or maintained under this plan must be free of discrimination on all bases in accordance with applicable federal and state law and must address the diversity of individuals with disabilities in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, ability to communicate, sexual orientation, geography, and ability to pay.


(This section will organize the current system into the three categories below)

·  Institutional Services

Institutional services are those that offer services in large congregate settings that may be geographically segregated from the community. The setting and the program do not allow easy integration of living, working, or playing with persons who are not paid care givers or other persons with similar disabilities.

·  Services in the Community Not Integrated

These services are provided in settings that are geographically positioned in the community where the activities of living, working or playing are in the direct proximity to non-disabled people but who spend a significant percentage of activities interacting with paid care givers or other people with similar disabilities.

·  Services in the Community Integrated

These services are provided in settings that are geographically positioned in the community where the activities of living, working or playing are in the direct proximity to non-disabled people who spend a significant percentage of activities interacting with the majority of their time interacting with people who are non-paid care givers or who are not disabled.

(DHS staff will need to fill in the details of these categories including)

·  History of development

·  Identification of state agencies involved in supports to consumers

·  Wait lists

·  Analysis of populations and programs:

o  Status and trends

o  History of institutional services


o  State-operated long term care facilities

o  State-operated psychiatric hospitals

o  Nursing facilities

o  ICF-MR facilities

o  Assisted living residences

o  Facilities for children

·  Description of residential services (institutional, HCBS and other community)

·  Description of transportation, employment, and other non-residential elements

·  Description of current assessment, referral and coordination of services methods

·  Advocacy, self-advocacy, family support and involvement

·  Baseline data on programs, services, consumers, providers

·  Baseline budgetary information


(Gaps in the current system need to be defined and will lead to areas identified in the next section)


(Across the three categories define the recommended changes to each area necessary to adopt the Olmstead principles)

·  Institutional Services

·  Community Based Services: Non-Integrated

·  Community Based Services: Integrated


(Need to identify major departmental initiatives that will or may intersect with the plan identified above)


·  Issues/activities of highest priority

·  Identification of necessary sequencing of activities

·  Identify major activities and tasks which can be implemented…:

o  with rebudgeting, reallocation and internal agency changes within existing funding and regulatory structures

o  without fiscal impact or regulatory change

o  with moderate fiscal impact or regulatory change

o  only with legislative activity for additional funding or changes in laws


·  Categorization (by plan’s goals) and statement of specific tasks

·  For each task:

o  Desired outcome

o  Persons or agencies responsible and accountable

o  Identification of needed resources

o  Deadlines or targets

o  Mechanism to track progress

o  Mechanism to address obstacles to implementation

·  Assignment of responsibility for tracking overall plan status and progress

·  Reporting methods and documentation

·  Overall administration of the plan, including authority, and revision/update mechanisms