Learning Objectives

1.  Explain how the following enduring characteristics of the submarine – stealth, endurance, firepower, and mobility - enable it to perform its many missions

2.  Briefly describe the following submarine major missions:

A.  Peacetime Engagement

B.  Intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR)

C.  Naval Special Warfare (NSW)

D.  Strike

E.  Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)

F.  Deterrence

3.  Differentiate between SSN/SSGN/SSGN missions.

4.  Identify key capabilities – missile and torpedo tube configurations, lock in/lock out chambers, design characteristics, and additional equipment - that enable the following platforms to perform their missions:


i. Los Angeles Class

ii. Seawolf Class

iii. Virginia Class



5.  Explain the advantages of nuclear powered submarines as compared to conventionally powered submarines.

I. Submarine Major Missions[i]

The enduring characteristics of the submarine - stealth, endurance, firepower and mobility - enable the U.S. Navy Submarine Force to successfully complete its major missions. These characteristics work together to make U.S. submarines some of the deadliest weapons in the United States’ arsenal.

Stealth. Unlike other vessels in the U.S. Navy Fleet, submarines enjoy the ability to conduct missions without anyone knowing of their presence. Stealth allows submarines to enter an area, conduct a mission, and leave the area without the enemy never knowing a submarine was there. Stealth is also a useful deterrent – the enemy knows a submarine could be close by.

Endurance. All U.S. submarines are nuclear powered, make their own air, water, propulsion, and electricity without requiring refueling for decades. Submarines only need to come near the surface of the water to communicate. Endurance allows submarines to operate for as long as required, typically only limited by how much food they can carry.

Firepower. U.S. submarines have the ability to carry an impressive number of missiles, torpedoes, and ammunition to inflict catastrophic damage to our nation’s enemies.

Mobility. Submarines can operate nearly anywhere in the world there is water, including under ice. The ability to operate virtually anywhere combined with submarines’ high-speed result in submarines being able to respond quickly to any situation required.

Peacetime Engagement

·  Supporting the U.S. Defense agenda of flexible forward presence through the spectrum of activities such as deployments, combined exercises and operations, port visits, and military-to-military relations.

ISR - Surveillance / Intelligence/ Reconnaissance [ii]

·  Transmitting real-time information to avert or mitigate crises, collecting intelligence of long-term value across the spectrum of levels of violence

·  Acting as the unseen eyes and ears of the task group as well as operating with relative impunity in waters controlled by hostile forces.

Naval Special Warfare (NSW)

·  Inserting small groups of forces clandestinely when surprise or secrecy is essential

·  Collecting tactical intelligence for forces ashore

·  Reconnoitering in coastal areas in advance of amphibious operations.


·  Use of tactical cruise missiles against land targets in an offensive power projection role

·  Done via TLAMs (Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles)

o  Provide a long-range (650 nautical mile) strike capability against shore-based targets.

o  Submarines launch TLAMs vertically or horizontally (through torpedo tubes)

o  Unitary warhead or bomblet style warhead

o  Submarines launch TLAMs submerged, allowing for a survivable, stealthy strike platform

Anti-Submarine Warfare (AWS) and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)

·  Interdicting threat surface and subsurface forces as well as merchant shipping.


·  Ensuring our nation’s enemies know if they strike first, we will be able to retaliate

·  The peacetime role of the ballistic missile submarine - the most survivable element of the Triad (i.e., land, air, and sea strategic ballistic missile forces) - will continue to be nuclear deterrence.

·  As a conventional deterrent, the fast attack submarine is a ubiquitous threat that can exert pressure on nearly any trouble spot in the world.

II. Major Missions by Platform

Peacetime Engagement / ISR / Special Operations / Strike / ASW/ASUW / Deterrence
SSN / X / X* / X / X / X* / X
SSGN / X / X / X* / X* / X / X
SSBN / X / X*

*indicates the platform’s major mission(s)

III. Capabilities by Platform

·  SSN[iv]

o  Los Angeles

§  High speed capability, maneuverability, and 12 Vertical Launch System tubes allow the versatile Los Angeles class submarine to fulfill all submarine major missions

o  Sea Wolf

§  Exceptionally quiet, fast, well armed with 8 torpedo tubes, the ability to carry 50 torpedoes or TLAMs (Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles), and equipped with advanced sensors. Designed during the height of the Cold War tensions, Seawolf is the premier platform for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW).

§  The third ship of the class, USS Jimmy Carter (SSN 23), has a 100-foot hull extension called the multi-mission platform. This hull section provides for additional payloads to accommodate advanced technology used to carry out classified research and development, and for enhanced war fighting capabilities.

o  Virginia

§  Ship design and fly-by-wire ship control system allow for increase maneuverability, especially for littoral (close to land/shallow water) operations

§  Lock-in/lock-out chambers for divers and Special Operations Forces

§  12 Vertical Launch System/Virginia Payload Module tubes for TLAMs

§  Extensive use of modular construction, open architecture, and commercial off-the-shelf components, allow the Virginia class to remain state of the practice for its entire operational life through the rapid introduction of new systems and payloads

·  SSGN[v]

o  Provide the Navy with unprecedented strike and special operation mission capabilities provided by:

§  Enhanced communication abilities,

§  ability to carry up to 154 tomahawk missiles

§  2 large lock-in/lock-out chambers

§  ability to carry 1 or 2 Dry Deck Shelters (DDS) with a Seal Delivery Vehicle (SDV)

·  SSBN[vi]

o  Specifically designed for Nuclear Deterrence patrols

The ability to carry up to 24 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), operate for extended periods, 2 crew rotation, and minimal maintenance requirements enable the SSBN to provide the United States its most survivable and enduring nuclear strike capability

IV. Advantages of Nuclear Power[vii]

All submarines in the United States Submarine force are nuclear powered. The advantages of an SSN over a conventionally (diesel-electric; SSK) powered submarine are:

1.  longer range

2.  significantly longer endurance since fuel is not a limiting factor

3.  higher speeds

4.  capable of sustained submerged operations since it does not have to run a diesel engine at periscope depth or on the surface to recharge batteries.

However, there are a few modern diesel submarines labeled as air independent propulsion (AIP) that produce or carry air for combustion in their diesel generators, thus minimizing advantage (4) above.

[i] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/n87/today/mult-msn.html

[ii] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/n87/usw/Issue_3/Pullout/intelligence.htm

[iii] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=2200&tid=1300&ct=2

[iv] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=4100&tid=100&ct=4

[v] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=4100&tid=300&ct=4

[vi] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=4100&tid=200&ct=4

[vii] http://www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/n87/links.html