Social Studies Study Guide

Chapter 2

Know the following:

·  The reason people divide places into regions is to make it easier to study and compare places.

·  How it would be best to describe an urban region.

·  States are divided into smaller regions called counties.

·  The Rocky Mountains is a region based on physical features.

·  Types of economic regions.

·  A cultural region is based on a group’s customs, foods, or language.

·  A physical region such as a river may change over time if people build dams over the river.

·  People in different regions depend on one another because no one region has all the resources and products it needs.

·  What are some ways that technology links people in different regions? Also, think about the past and how technology has improved travel.

Understand these statements:

Ø  Many of the same kinds of regions found in the United States are found in other places around the world.

Ø  A government is not a system of deciding what kinds of jobs are best for a group of people.

Ø  Physical regions do not have exact boundaries set by law.

Ø  In service industries, workers are paid to do things for other people.

Ø  Shaking hands when you meet someone is a custom.

Ø  Much of the United States in not covered by rain forest regions.

Ø  People often modify the environment to meet their needs.

Know how to use a land use and resource map.

Essay: Extra Credit

The interdependence among different regions in the United States is possible partly because of the country’s modern transportation system. Write a paragraph describing two ways transportation helps connect people in the United States.

Students’ responses should show an understanding of how transportation allows people in different regions in the United States to trade goods and services faster, more easily, and less expensively. Students should also mention that modern transportation allows people to visit family and friends in different regions of the country and world. Some forms of transportation students may include are cars, trucks, boats, trains, and airplanes.