Lathner Primary School ICT Committee

Meeting Notes, Term 4


Brian Treadwell (Principal) Raffi Newark (Year 6J Teacher)

Richard Battersby (Year 6 Teacher) Ray Warning (Father of Sally, Year 1)

Bec Johnson (Mother of Robert, Year 4/5F), Spiro Andrianopolis (Father of Costa, Prep)

Anna Jones (Year 4/F Teacher) Umita Zavare, (Year 1/2 R Teacher), Sylvia Lawson (Administrative Assistant)

Apologies: Ilana Snyder, Nicola Yelland (Academic Advisors)

Item 1 – Three Year ICT Strategic plan

Brian identified the need for the Committee to develop an ICT Strategic Plan for Lathner Primary School to meet basic educational requirements and to make ICT a more visible priority across the school. Brian circulated three or four other schools’ (that he admires) ICT Strategic Plans as a starting point.

The Committee went through these documents and discussed areas that the Plan needed to address:

  • How does the use of ICT fit with Lathner’s overall approaches and philosophies?
  • What are Lathner’s goals or vision when it comes to ICT?
  • Computers – whether the existing 24 computers in the multipurpose room need to be upgraded? Should more computers be positioned in the classrooms? If so, what sort of computers? How many? Where should they be located?
  • Whether to acquire additional interactive whiteboards (Richard was very supportive of this) for every classroom?
  • What other equipment might be needed in addition to computers? Where should it be located?
  • What additional software could be used in Lathner PS?
  • How would the school maintain its ICT infrastructure and keep pace with rapid changes in technology?
  • How to encourage all staff to purposefully integrate ICT into their classrooms
  • What sort of professional development might be needed to support staff (Anna Jones felt that staff didn’t have the skills they neededand without more support may not be confident to use more technology in their classrooms)
  • What sort of leadership structure might be needed to push the ICT agenda across the school?
  • Whether the current level of technical support (one technician, available 2 days per week) was adequate.
  • What other sources of funding could the school access to support the ICT goals?
  • What policies does the school need to develop eg mobile phones, iPods, Internet use, Printing

Action item – committee members to review the issues that need to be included in the ICT strategic plan and provide further input at the next meeting, in terms of other areas that should be included and detailed suggestions on the areas already identified. A timeline for completing the ICT strategic plan, and allocate responsibilities also needed to be developed. Distribute minutes to all staff, family members, and outside advisors for suggestions.

Item 2 – audit

Richard suggested that the starting point needed to be an audit of what ICT the school already had and how it was being used. All agreed that this was important to complete before the next meeting. Brain to provide this (See attached)

Item 3 – Web 2.0

Anna raised the issue of Web 2.0 technologies and that these should also be considered in the development of the ICT Strategic Plan. Anna discussed her plans to involve her students in creating and maintaining a class web site but has recently been shown some amazing things students are doing with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs and wikis and feels these have great potential within the primary classroom.

Minutes recorded by Sylvia Lawson

Lathner Primary School - ICT audit

Computers & Equipment

Equipment / Number / Location / Age
PC Computers / 24 / Multipurpose room / 4 yrs
PC Computers / 2 / Anna Jones / 4 yrs
PC Laptops / 3 / Richard Battersby’s room / 2 years
Interactive Whiteboard / 1 / Richard Battersby’s room / New
Data Projector / 1 / Richard Battersby’s room / New

Document: Lathner Primary School ICT Committee.doc

Author: Nicky Carr

Save Date: 03/12/2008

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