2004-2005 Annual Report

HOPS Information Literacy Common Interest Group

October 2005


The membership consists of one representative from each UC campus, HOPS, LAUC, and CDL. The group selected a chair for this year, Michelle Jacobs (UCM). Beth Dupuis resigned due to a change in position at UCB, and was replaced by Sarah McDaniel, former LAUC representative.

Members are:

Ellen Meltzer
Senior Associate for Education
California Digital Library
Carol Hughes, HOPS
AssociateUniversity Librarian – Public Services
UC Irvine
Sarah E. McDaniel, LAUC Representative (2004-2006)
Instructional Design & Assessment Librarian
Acting Head of Instructional Services, Doe Moffitt Libraries
UC Berkeley
Elizabeth A Dupuis (resigned in July)
Head of Instructional Services, Doe/Moffitt Libraries
UC Berkeley
Sandra Vella
Head, Library Instruction Services
UC Davis
Cathy Palmer
Head, Education and Outreach
UC Irvine
Patti S. Caravello
Librarian for Anthropology, Archaeology, and Sociology
Director, Information Literacy Program
UC Los Angeles
Michelle Leigh Jacobs (chair)
Instruction Librarian
UC Merced
Geetha Yapa
Science Reference Librarian
UC Riverside
Kari Lucas
Director, CLICS
UC San Diego
Min-Lin Emily Fang
Education and Information Consultant for
Nursing and Social and Behavioral Sciences
UC San Francisco
Jane Faulkner
Head of Instruction
UC Santa Barbara
Debbie Murphy
Coordinator of Instructional Services
UC Santa Cruz

CHARGE:The Information Literacy Common Interest Group (IL CIG) is charged with:

  • Survey the UC libraries and annually update the "Information Literacy: Campus Initiatives and Contacts" web page to provide an overview of the scope of information literacy activities currently underway in the system.
  • Develop and support strategies for sharing information about those information literacy activities that might lead to collaboration and cooperation among the UC libraries.
  • Propose training, workshops, or other mechanisms for promoting and enhancing information literacy initiatives for the University of California Libraries for the future.

(Updated September 2005)

Each campus will be represented. It is expected that this group will be ongoing, and that recommendations for how best to continue and expand upon the work of the CIG will be included in their regular updates due to HOPS.


  1. Improve Presence of the UC Information Literacy web site.

Status: In process: A Web presence was established for the IL CIG Workshop and a Wiki was created to serve as platform for ideas and programs that presented at the workshop. The Wiki [

can be contributed to by any librarian in the UC System by requesting the login password.

  1. Plan and hold the Information Literacy Best Practices Workshop.

Status: Complete. On August 10, 2006 the Workshop was held at UCI. Several subgroups were established to help in the planning of the workshop. Jennifer Dorner, ACRL Instruction Chair was the keynote speaker and the workshop consisted of two panel presentations, small group breakout sessions and in-depth networking and idea sharing. Based on the information presented Michelle Jacobs webmaster and ILCIG Chair created a Wiki to further support the goals of the workshop and to improve the Web presence of the IL CIG

  1. Create a “Consumer’s Report” for Information Literacy Assessment instruments.

Status: Ongoing. Due to the planning involved with the Workshop. The “Consumer’s Reports” was put on hold. In the coming year a small working group will be established to continue the work on the project.

  1. Continue to develop and promote mechanisms for and a culture of information sharing about activities and best practices of the instruction coordinators on each campus.

Status: Ongoing. The Workshop was an excellent starting point for improving communication for UC campuses to share effective practices and models. A Wiki has been established to continue the dialog started at the workshop.


  • Request new LAUC representative be appointed [requested to Lise Snyder several months ago by Sarah McDaniel, plan is to fill after filling open positions on SOPAG, etc.].
  • Plan an annual in-person meeting for the HOPS IL CIG to be held at CDL.
  • Consider holding anannual or biannual IL CIG Workshop to focus on various aspects of Information Literacy.


The HOPS IL CIG identified the following as potential goals for 2006-2007:

1. Complete the Information Literacy Activity Assessment survey which will be used to gather information from each campus on the level and status of campus and library information literacy activities.

2. Continue to enhance the visibility of the Information Literacy: What the UC Libraries Are Doing through the website and the Wiki.

3. Plan an annual in person meeting for the HOPS IL CIG to be held at CDL.

4. Consider holding an annual or biannual IL CIG Workshop to focus on various aspects of Information Literacy.

Michelle Jacobs

October 4, 2006