
Insert the articles where necessary:

Not _ word was spoken in __ parlour.


B. a/a


D. the/a

E. -/-

2. Dinny looked up at __ house, and suddenly saw __ face in __ window of __ dining room.


B. the/a/the /the


D. the/a/a/the

E. -/-/-/-

3.Match the definition to the word

Something wonderful and superb

A. Frantic

B. Divine

C. Honorable

D. Dedicated

E. Soothing

4. He goes to evening classes……..Italian.

A. learning

B. to learning

C. to learn

D. have learnt

E. learned

5. The government is determined …..some of the environmental problems facing the area.

A.to solve

B. solving

C. to be solved

D. have solved

E. solve

6. She stopped…… when she was sixty-five.


B. working

C. to work

D. to be worked

E. worked

7. I will never forget…… David Beckham.

A. meet

B. to meet

C. meeting

D. have met

E. met

8. There’s no point in …..a computer if you are not going to use it.

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

D. bought

E. to buying

9. Don’t forget ….. the door.

A. to lock

B. locking

C. have locked

D. lock

E. to locking

10. I like…… TV at the weekends.

A. watch

B. to watch

C. watching

D. to be watching

E. is watched

11….risks doesn’t stress me.

A. to take

B. take


D.to taking

E. took

12. I find it easy…..theoretical problems.

A. understand

B. to understand

C. understanding

D. understood

E. having understood

13. It’s important for me……..creative.

A. be

B. to be

C. being

D. be

E. have been

14. I’ m looking forward to……. your groom.

A. meet

B. to meet

C. meeting

D. met

E. have met

15.I enjoy……….. people with their problems.

A. to help

B. helping

C. have helped

D. to be helped

E. help

16. I don’t find it difficult …… by myself.


B. to work

C. working

D. to working

E. worked

17. Complete with the preposition.

I’ve applied ….. a job with British Airlines.

A. as

B. with

C. at

D. for

E. in

18. Don’t worry …… anything!

A. about

B. with

C. at

D. in

E. of

19. Are you good ….. science?

A. at

B. with

C. on

D. in

E. about

20. Are you still ……. University or have you finished?

A. in

B. with

C. at

D. on

E. within

21. Match the words to the given definition:

A written legal agreement

A. application

B. contract

C. qualifications

D. experience

E. introduction

22. To stop working when you reach a certain age.

A. to be sacked

B. to hire

C. to retire

D. to resign

E. to fine

23. Lasting for a short time

A. part-time

B. contemporary

C. permanent

D. temporary

E. full-time

24. A person who is applying for a vacant job place

A. employee

B. employer


D. subordinate

E. chief

25. An amount of money you get while you are unemployed

A. earnings

B. unemployment benefit

C. bonus

D. salary

E. insurance

26. Working for yourself not for a company

A. self-evaluated


C. self-appraised

D. self-employed

E. self-estimated

27. Summary of one’s employment record

A. resume

B. application

C. classified ad

D. benefit

E. redundancy pay

28. I hated the idea…… your going, he said simply.

A. of

B. in

C. for

D. at

E. with

29. We’ll look forward …. . seeing you.


B. at

C. with

D. in

E. for

30. We wouldn’t mind ……… being poor again.

A. -

B. of

C. from

D. at

E. with

31. He looked at me for a long time …… answering.

A. with

B. for

C. at

D. without

E. of

32. The others insisted …… accompanying them.

A. at

B. with

C. for

D. in

E. on

32. I was afraid ….. saying the wrong thing.

A. at

B. with

C. on

D. of

E. for

33. I’ve paid very heavily …… being a romantic girl.

A. in

B. at

C. for

D. with

E. as

34. Why were you so anxious to prevent anybody …… leaving the house?

A. from

B. for

C. at

D. with

E. of

35. I’m ….. charge of the marketing department.

A. for

B. in

C. at

D. of

E. with

37. I’ve applied ____ a job with British airlines.

A. for

B. in

C. at

D. with

E. on

38. Don’t worry _____ anything.

A. for

B. about

C. at

D. with

E. on

39. I really don’t agree ______you.

A. for

B. about

C. at

D. with

E. on

40. Are you good _____ science?

A. for

B. about

C. at

D. with

E. on

41. She works ______a flight attendant.

A. for

B. about

C. at

D. as

E. on

42. Are you still _____ university or have you finished?

A. for

B. about

C. at

D. with

E. on

43. Did you see …..news on …… TV last night?

A. the/ the

B. a /the


D. the/ -

E. a/a

44.We go to …. theatre once …… month.

A. the/a

B.the /the

C. the /an

D. a / a

E.a/ the

45…..men aren’t normally as sensitive as …. women.


B. a/a

C. -/-

D. a/the


46. can you give me ……lift to ….. station?

A. a/the

B. a/a

C. the/the

D. -/a

E. a/-

47. I leave….. home at 8.30. and get to…..work at 9.00.

A. the/the


C. a/the


E. -/a

48.We usually have….. dinner at 8 and go to …. bed at about 11.30.

A. the/the




E. the/-

49. to influence somebody in a positive way

A. To encourage

B. To promote

C. To ban

D. To reduce

E. To increase

50. to say something is not allowed

A. To encourage

B. To promote

C. To ban

D. To reduce

E. To increase

51. To make something smaller

A. To encourage

B. To promote

C. To ban

D. To reduce

E. To increase

52.To make something bigger

A. To encourage

B. To promote

C. To ban

D. To reduce

E. To increase

53.Women are experts at gossiping andthey always talk about…..things.

A. trivial

B. frantic

C. bored

D. sympathetic

E. anxious

54. Women use conversation to solve problems and reduce stress while men chat with each other …. opinions.

A. to make

B. to swap

C. to work out

D. to explain

E. to introduce

55. Body polish is a treatment which will … your skin.

A. rub

B. wash

C. smooth

D. nourish

E. create

56.He…… a job with a food company and sent in his CV.

A. looked for

B. looked forward to

C. applied for

D. worked

E. hired

57. After an argument with his boss, he …….and now he is unemployed.

A. was sacked

B. was fired

C. retired

D. was recruited

E. got promoted

58. Match the definition to the word:

A person who takes part in a competition

A. an applicant

B. a politician

C. a contestant

D. a director

E. a reporter

59. a person whose job is concerned with politics

A. an applicant

B. a contestant

C. a politician

D. a director

E. a reporter

60. A person who does dangerous things in a film instead of a main actor:

A. a plumber

B. a judge

C. a politician

D. a stuntman

E. a reporter

61. A person who writes about the news in a newspaper or speaks about it on TV:

A. a reporter

B. a judge

C. a politician

D. a stuntman

E. a reporter

62. a person who decides criminals should be punished or who decides the result or winner of a competition:

A. a reporter

B. a judge

C. a politician

D. a stuntman

E. a reporter

63. Cross out an odd word:

A. job

B. business

C. occupation

D. labour

E. application form

64. Cross out an odd word:

A. responsible

B. creative

C. gifted

D. persuasive

E. decorating

65. Cross out an odd word:

A. responsible

B. creative

C. gifted

D. persuasive

E. decorating

66.Cross out an odd word:

A. honorable

B. rewarding

C. challenging

D. boring

E. dancing

67.Cross out an odd word:

A. a plumber

B. a stuntman

C. a carpenter

D. a receptionist

E. an applicant

68. Cross out an odd word:

A. to retire

B. to resign

C. to quit

D. to hire

E. to insist

69. Cross out an odd word:

A. Butcher’s

B. Baker’s

C. Chemist’s

D. Stationer’s

E. bargain

70. Cross out the wrong combination:

A. Bunch of flowers

B. Bunch of grapes

C. Bunch of keys

D. Bunch of parsley

E. Bunch of chocolate

71. Cross out the wrong combination:

A. loaf o bread

B. lump of sugar

C. bar of chocolate

D. bar of soap

E. can of milk

72. underline the word with a different sound:






73. underline the word with a different sound:






74. Underline the word with a different sound:

A. short

B. permanent

C. earn

D. shirk

E. work

75. A shop or an office which is a part of a larger organization

A. Branch

B. Chair

C. Class

D. Staff

E. room

76. Things that other people do for you, e.g. repair your TV

A. services

B. departments

C. shops

D. works

E. demands

77. Money or things you give somebody because you have treated them badly:

A. bargain

B. compensation

C. profit

D. coin

E. food

78. A written promise from a company that it will repair something if it breaks in a certain period of time.

A. guarantee

B. bargain

C. contract

D. application

E. signature

79. Things that are for sale

A. stock

B. meal

C. goods

D. bads

E. slam

80. The music from a film

A. operetta

B. pop music

C. sound track

D. poem

E drama

81. A person who makes a film

A. director

B. actor

C. stuntman

D. manager

E. producer

82. The people who watch a film in a cinema

A. director

B. audience

C. stuntman

D. manager

E. producer

83. The most important actor or actress in a film

A. star

B. crew

C. director

D. stuntman


84. All the people who act in a film

A. star

B. crew

C. director

D. stuntman

E. cast

85.A film which continues the story of an earlier film

A. special effects

B. plot

C. scene

D. sequel

E. stunts

86 .translation of dialogues of a film into another language:

A. special effects

B. plot

C. script

D. sequel

E. stunts

87. Something that you buy for what you think is a good price:

A. bargain

B. refund

C. sales

D. waste

E. trolley

88. a place at the front of a shop where you can see the products:

A. bargain

B. shop-window

C. sales

D. waste

E. trolley

89. a reduction in the price:

A. discount

B. shop-window

C. sales

D. waste

E. trolley

90. Money that is paid back to you when you are not happy with something you buy.

A. discount

B. shop-window

C. sales

D. refund

E. trolley

91. Cross out an odd word

A. librarian

B. plumber

C. carpenter

D. stuntman

E. trolley

92. ______is banned in all public places.

A. smoking

B. to smoke

C. is smoking

D. smoke

E. smoked

93. It’s very expensive _____ a flat in the centre.

A. to rent

B. renting

C. rent

D. rented

E. is rented

94. Everybody went on______until after midnight.

A. dance

B. to dance

C. dancing

D. danced

E. have danced

95. He’s terrible at ______.

A. learning

B. to learn

C. learned

D. is learned

E. learn

96. She’s worried about______the exam.

A. to fail

B. failing

C. fail

D. have failed

E. having failed

97. Find the correct form of the reported statement

“I passed the exam!”- she said to him.

A. She told him she would have passed the exam.

B. she told him she had passed the exam.

C. She told him she will have passed the exam.

D. She told him she passed the exam.

E. she had told him she pass the exam.

98. “I must go.”

A. She said she had to go.

B. She said she must go

C. She said she would go

D. She said she have to go.

E. She said she had go.

99. ” I’m going tomorrow”.

A. She said he was going the next day

B. She said he would go the next day.

C. She said he have to go the next day.

D. She said he is going the other day.

E. She said he would go the other day.

100. He asked me: “Are you married?”

A. He asked me if I was married

B. He said me I was married.

C. He asked me if I had married.

D. He asked are you married.

E. He asked if I were been married.

101. Jake said to Mary: “Don’t worry!”

A. Jake told Mary not to worry

B. Jake told Mary do not to worry

C. Jake told Mary that she not to worry

D. Jake told Mary she not to worry.

E. Jake told Mary you not to worry.

95. Use the right form of relative pronoun:

Julia’s the woman ______works with me.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whom

E. whose

96. The man_____ car I crashed into is taking me to court.

A. who

B. whose

C. whom

D. where

E. that

97. That’s the restaurant ______I told you about.

A. who

B. whose

C. which

D. that


98. What is the name of your friend _____ wife is an actress.

A. whose

B. which

C. whom

D. who

E. that

99. This is the book______everybody is reading at the moment.

A. which

B. that

C. whose

D. where

E. whom

100. Complete the sentence with appropriate word:

A______isn’t authentic.

A. fake

B. fatal

C. fame

D. factory

E. figure

101. A ______is something which is much cheaper than usual.

A. bargain

B. bribery

C. budget

D. blessing

E. bucket

102. Circle the correct form of the Passive Voice

A. The extras have been sent to the wrong place

B. The extras has been send to the wrong place.

C. The extras have sent to the wrong place.

D. The extras sent been to the wrong place.

E. The extras was been sent to the wrong place.

103. Choose the right form of Passive.

A. The film is directed by Ian Darric.

B. The film is been directed by Ian Darric.

C. The film have directed by Ian Darric.

D. The film is directing by Ian Darric.

E. The film is being direct by Ian Darric.


A. The match will played tomorrow.

B. The match will be play tomorrow.

C. the match will be playing tomorrow.

D. The match will have play tomorrow.

E. The match will be played tomorrow.


A. You will be taken to your hotel by a taxi.

B. You will be take to your hotel by a taxi.

C. You will be took to your hotel by a taxi.

D. You will be taking to your hotel by a taxi.

E. You will be have taken to your hotel by a taxi.


A. Oh, our flight has been cancelled.

B. Oh, our flight has cancelled.

C. Oh, our flight was been cancelled.

D. Oh, our flight had cancelled.

E. Oh, our flight cancelled.


A. The Harry Potter books were written for JK Rowling.

B. The Harry Potter books were written by JK Rowling.

C. The Harry Potter books were writing with JK Rowling.

D. The Harry Potter books were wrote by JK Rowling.

E. The Harry Potter books were written with JK Rowling.


A. English is spoken in this restaurant.

B. English is been spoken in this restaurant.

C. English is spoke in this restaurant.

D. English is speak in this restaurant.

E. English is being spoke in this restaurant.

109.Choose the right form of relative pronoun.

This is the school______I used to study.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. where

E. what

110. This test is for students _____native language is not English.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

111. The student______lost his bag is waiting in the office.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

112. The house______they live needs repairing.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

113. Children _____eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

114. Go and find the guests ______arrived here yesterday.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

115. Look at the horses_____are drinking in the river.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

116. The student_____father is sick does not come to school today.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

117. I ate all the cake____you gave me.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

118. My brother Tom_____hates fishing, will stay at home.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

119. A man______name I have forgotten, came to see you yesterday.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

120. I put everything in my suitcase,______is under my bed.

A. which

B. whose

C. who

D. whom

E. what

121 George Marley is 54. Until last year he was a______

A. production manager

B. a production management

C. manager producing

D. a management production

E. manager with production

122When his company had to close because of economic difficulties, he became ______.

A. a manager

B. a redundant

C. a candidate

D. an applicant

E. a boss

123. In Britain a lot of people are _____.

A. out of work

B. work

C. works out

D. in work

E. unemployment.

124.There are 50______for every job.

A. managers

B. applicants

C. plumbers

D. chiefs

E. bosses

125. I’m interested in learning a new skill but nobody wants ______me.

A. to entatain

B. to retire

C. to hire

D. to train

E. to resign

126.Banana, papaya and strawberry body polish is a treatment which will ______your skin.

A. smooth

B. reduce

C. massage

D. damage

E. drainage

127.“The Pretenders” is a very successful TV series. In each programme there is a ____who has just 4 weeks to learn to do a completely new job.

A. an applicant

B. a contestant

C. contestant

D. applicant

E. employee

128. Is it really worth ______when goods or services are not satisfactory?

A. complaining

B. crying

C. shouting

D. fighting


129. Найдите правильный перевод пердложения:


A. We’ve run out of flour.

B. We finished flour.

C. our flour has finished

D. There are no flour for us.

E. We’ve left with none flour.

130. Cross out the word which is different:

A. baker’s

B. shoe shop

C. shop window

D. newsagent’s

E. stationary

131. Sometimes______the truth can be difficult. (tell)

A. to tell

B. tell


D. to telling

132. I don't understand why you have ______so much. (swear)

A. to swear

B. to be swear

C. swearing

D. swear

E.to swearing
133. Don't forget______the lights when you leave the room. (turn off)
A.toturn off

B. turn off

C. turning off

D. having turned off

E. to turning off
134.You need______your hair. It's getting very long. (cut)
A. to cut

B. cut

C. to cutting

D. cuttning

E. cuting
135. Stop______him and let him finish saying what he wants to say. (interrupt)
A. to interrupt

B. interrupting

C. to interrupting

D. interrupt

E. interrupted
136. Do you want______to the movies tonight? (go)
A. go

B. going

C. to go

D. having gone

137. Hey, how about______to see a movie tonight? (go )

A. go

B. going

C. to go

D. having gone

138. I'm not interested in______an expensive car. (buy)
A. to buy


C. buying

D. having bought

E. boughting
139. It's true that______English can be fun. (learn)
A. learning

B. to learn


D. to learned

E. learnning
140. I suggest______a vacation. (take)

A. to take

B. taking

C. take

D. takeing

E. taked

141 "I used to be slim."

A. Liz told us to be slim

B. Liz told us she used to be slim.

C. Liz told us she had to be slim.

D. Liz told she used to be slim.

He asked me why I was wearing such a hat.

E. Liz told us she is used to be slim.

142"Why are you wearing such a hat?"

A. He asked me why I wear such a hat.

B. He asked me why are you wearing such a hat.

C. He asked me why I had worn such a hat.

D. He asked me why I was wearing such a hat.

E. He asked me why I wore such a hat.

143."We will stay in Madrid."

A.They claimed that they will stay in Madrid.

B. They claimed that they would stay in Madrid.

C. They claimed that they would have stay in Madrid.

D. They claimed that they stay in Madrid.

E.They claimed that they would be staying in Madrid.

144."Don't open the door, please."

A. She told us not to open the door.

B. She told us do not open the door.

C. She told us not open the door.

D. She told us do no open the door.

E. She told us not open to the door.

145. Choose the right variant of the passive Voice

The firm uses white bricks to build the hall.

A. White bricks are used to build the hall.

B. White bricks used to build the hall.

C. White bricks are used to build the firm

D. White bricks to being used to build the hall.

E. White hall is used to build the firm.

146. You must not cross the road now.

A. The road must not be crossed now.

B. The road must not crossed now.

C. The road you must not be crossed now.

D. The road must be not crossed now.

E. The road not must be crossed now.

147.They were cooking the dinner at 7 o'clock.

A. The dinner was been cooked at 7 o'clock.

B. The dinner being cooked at 7 o'clock.

C. The dinner were being cooked at 7 o'clock.

D. The dinner was cooked at 7 o'clock.

E. The dinner was being cooked at 7 o'clock.

148. Mr. Black will inform Derek.

A.Derek will be informed by Mr. Black.

B. Derek be informed by Mr. Black.

C. Derek will informed by Mr. Black.

D. Derek will inform by Mr. Black.

E. Derek be will inform by Mr. Black.

149. El Greco painted this picture.

A. This picture painted El Greco.

B. This picture was painted by El Greco.

C. This picture painted by El Greco.

D. This picture was El Greco painted by .

E. This picture paints by El Greco.

150.They are knocking down the old school.

A. The old school is being knocked down

B. The old school being knocked down

C. The old school being by knocked down

D. The old school knocked down

E. The old school knocked down is being

151.Has anyone switched on the light?

A. Have the light been switched on?

B. Has the light been switched on?

C. Has the light switched on?

D. Have the light switched on?

E. Has the light been on switched?

152. They may leave bicycles in the schoolyard

A. Bicycles may be left in the schoolyard.

B. Bicycles may left be in the schoolyard.

C. Bicycles may be leave in the schoolyard.

D. Bicycles left in the schoolyard.

E. Bicycles may leave in the schoolyard.