Project briefing form

Please complete the form below as fully as possible. Some fields have drop-down options which can help to defineyourrequirements. Please send your completed brief to .

Contact details:

Your name: Click here to enter text.Your company: Click here to enter text.

Email address: Click here to enter text.Tel/DDI/Mobile: Click here to enter text.

Company profile:

If we haven’t carried out work for you before, please give us an overview of your company/brand.

What is your strapline or tagline? Click here to enter text.

What do you supply to your customers in goods or services?
Click here to enter text.

What distinguishes you from your competitors? In other words, what are your USPs (Unique Selling Propositions)
Click here to enter text.

Who are your customers?
Click here to enter text.

What problem does your offering solve for your customers, or what need, ambition or desire does it satisfy?
Click here to enter text.

Who are your main competitors? (Please include web addresses)
Click here to enter text.

Project briefing

What is the finished output of this project? Choose an item.

What do you want this ‘communication’ to achieve for you? Click here to enter text.

What are the main messages that you want conveyed? (If this is an extended piece such as a catalogue, just provide an overview description.)
Click here to enter text.

What action do you want the recipient to take? Click here to enter text.

What is the key takeaway that recipients should go away with? Click here to enter text.

Do you have a word count to work to? Click here to enter text.

Do you have a brand personality or Tone of Voice that this copy must reflect? Click here to enter text.

What source information will you provide for us to base the writing on? If web links, please provide them below.
Click here to enter text.

Do you have imagery that will accompany the copy that you can share with us? Click here to enter text.


Do you have a deadline for this project? Click here to enter text.

How would you like your copy supplied? Choose an item.

Thanks for taking the time to complete the brief. Your finished copy will be stronger as a result.