Welcome back, we hope you had a good break!
During March we will be looking at animals and nature and how they adapt as the seasons change, with a particular focus on ‘spring time on the farm’. With Mothering Sunday and Easter to look forward to and prepare for – it’s going to be another exciting, busy, fun-filled half term!
Easter Bonnet Parade & Coffee Morning
The Easter Bonnet Parade will be held on Monday 3rd April,followed by a coffee morning to raise funds for replacement toys and books for the pre-school. More information to follow but be sure to put the date in your diary and invite family and friends!
Notice Boards
The information boards around pre-school hold a variety of useful and important information for parents, carers and families. The notice board in the entrance lobby has contact details Ofsted and details of pre-school‘s registration with Ofsted, our Pre-School Learning Alliance membership details contact details for committee members, and a copy of the latest pre-school newsletter.
Each session there is an array of information on the welcome table for parents, carers and families regarding the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and how we implement this to support your child’s learning during their time at Christ Church Pre-School. There are also several forms available, including the ‘More About Me’ form which is there for you to fill in and pass on to us to help keep us up to date with your child’s interests and achievements and there is a ‘bump form’ for completion if your child has sustained an injury outside of pre-school that we need to be aware of.
The healthy eating board on the kitchen hatch has a copy of pre-school’s Healthy Eating Policy as well as the snack menus for each session, together with healthy lunch box ideas and recipes and photos of the children enjoying their lunch at pre-school!
The Safeguarding Board has details of pre-school’s safeguarding policy and commitments and displays contact details in the event of any concerns or queries which you may have.
Lastly don’t forget to check the ‘WOW’ board which celebrates the wonderful things the children are doing at pre-school. Please remember to recognise and celebrate these achievements at home.
Voluntary Contributions
A huge thank you to all of you who have already donated the voluntary contribution of £10.00 this term.
This makes a massive difference to the daily activities we are able to provide for the children at pre-school to enjoy and learn from. So far this term the children have made bird feeders, banana cake, made, eaten and enjoyed lots of fun with pancakes (a little early, my mistake - whoops!, however when Shrove Tuesday comes around all the pre-school children will be very capable of helping you to crack the eggs)andhaveplanted some herbs and spring flowers out in the pre-school garden. The contribution also helps us to provide a choice of healthy drinks and snacks. Our snacks each sessioninclude a variety of deliciousfresh fruits and vegetables, breads, crackers and cheeses along with a drink of milk or water.
For those of you still wishing to contribute for this term, it’s not too late! Please place your contribution in an envelope marked ‘voluntary contribution’ together with your child’s name.
Important Safety Information
Please only use the doors on Dudley Street when dropping off and collecting children.
Please ask a member of staff to lock the door behind you – do not unlock and open the door yourself - it is imperative that a member of staff locks and secures the door behind anyone leaving pre-school.
Please be prompt when collecting children.Unfortunately, due to reoccurring late collections of children we have had to implement a Late Collection Policy, a copy of which will be sent home with your child in the next few days.
Health & Hygiene Policy
Can we please remind parents and carers to keep their child at home if there has been a fever or any vomiting or diarrhoea during the last 48 hours.
Children’s Details
Please make sure you inform pre-school of any changes of address or contact numbers and that all contact details, including emergency contacts details, are correct and up to date. Please also keep pre-school informed of any food allergies or intolerances your child may develop.
Spring Term:
Last day of term Tuesday 4th April 2017
Summer Term:
Wednesday 19th April 2017 to Thursday 20th July 2017
May Bank Holiday Monday 1stMay 2017 (pre-school closed)
Half Term week commencing 29th May 2017
A Reminder of Pre-School’s Contact Number
Pre-School’s mobile telephone number is 07835845990
The mobile is switched on during pre-school hours, please leave a message if your call isn’t answered.
Clare Glendenning can be reached on 07964296257 or at
If you would like to discuss any of the above or have any questions regarding pre-school and your child’s time with us please feel free to catch me at pre-school or contact me on
Many thanks,
Charlie Eaton.
Early Years Leader,
Christ Church Pre-School.