September 14, 2015

The Council of the City of Helena met in a regular scheduled meeting on Monday night, September 14, 2015 in the Helena Municipal Building at 6:00 P.M., regular place and time for holding said meetings.

Council President Cris Nelson called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.

Pastor Kirksey led prayer.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mike Jones.

Roll Call


Members: Mayor Hall, Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman


Visitors: George Pickle, John Wilder, James Penhale, Dan Dearing, and others (list attached)

Council President Cris Nelson declared a quorum present and meeting was open for business.

5. Minutes Approved/Corrected from Prior Meeting(s)

Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve the Pre-Council minutes and Regular Meeting Minutes from August 17, 2015 with a second by Mike Jones.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

ABSTAIN: Leslie Bartlett

Motion carried.

6. Bills

Modification to bill list- Ovation Media to come out of sports account.

Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve the bills with a second by Leslie Bartlett.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Leslie Bartlett, and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

ABSTAIN: Mike Jones

Motion carried.

7. Report from Mayor Hall

Mayor Hall advised the following: Police Dept has done well and will continue to for all the ball games; Police Chief applicants have been submitted and Council will be advised soon; Fire Department new ladder truck should be here the second week of October; Helena Fire Explorer sponsored State Explorer event at the Helena Sports Complex this past Saturday and did a very good job, Thank You to Lt. Heath Bartlett; Helena Belles had their annual Gala Saturday night and announced Denise McDonald would be the new advisor for the group.

8. Approve/Deny Amendment of Ordinance #737-07 Schedule “DD” One Day License Peddlers, Transients’

Harold Woodman advised the amendment would require each door to door salesperson to wear a badge to help identify them that would be given from the city. Any house that wishes to not receive solicitors should post a “No Solicitation” sign by their front door. This will not prevent any Politian, Church group, or any child selling something for their school, this pertains only to the businesses.



September 14, 2015

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Harold Woodman made a motion to approve Amendment of Ordinance 737-07 Schedule “DD” One Day License Peddlers, Transients with a second by Leigh Hulsey.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

10. New Castle Construction LLC-Final Plat Approval for Riverbend at Old Cahaba Phase 2- Positive recommendation from Planning and Zoning Meeting August 20, 2015

Cris Nelson advised it is for Dedication of Streets only, not final plat approval since that was approved by planning and zoning.

Mike Jones made a motion to approve Dedication of the Streets for Riverbend at Old Cahaba Phase 2 with a second by Leigh Hulsey.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

11. Resolution 09142015- Holidays for City Employees for Fiscal Year 2016

Leigh Hulsey made a motion to approve Resolution 09142015 with a second by Harold Woodman.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

12. ClasTran-Matching Fund request for FY 2014/2015 services

Mike Jones made a motion to approve proclamation September GYN Cancer Awareness Month with a second by Leslie Bartlett.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

13. Proclamation- September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Connie Green was present and spoke for the Proclamation.

Harold Woodman made a motion to approve proclamation September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with a second by Leigh Hulsey.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.

14. Proclamation- Declaring September 17-23 Constitution Week

Leslie Bartlett made a motion to approve proclamation declaring September 17-23 as Constitution Week with a second by Mike Jones.

AYE: Cris Nelson, Leigh Hulsey, Mike Jones, Leslie Bartlett and Harold Woodman

NAY: None

Motion carried.



September 14, 2015

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15. Helena Market Days Committee Donations for 2015 Season

Helena Belles and Helena Fire Explorers were each presented with a $300.00 donation.

16. Council Comments

Harold Woodman: Thank you to all the volunteers.

Leslie Bartlett: Congratulations to the Helena Belles and Fire Explorers and all the dedication to the city.

Mike Jones: Proud of all the Helena Belles; Fire Explorers did a great job hosting the state competition on Saturday.

Leigh Hulsey: Would like to echo what Mike and Leslie have said about the Belles and Explorers. Thanks to all involved with the budget process and making it go very well and easier with the years.

Cris Nelson: Great job to all the Helena Belles and Fire Explorers.

13. Adjourn

There being no further business Leigh Hulsey made a motion to adjourn meeting at 6:39 P.M with a second by Mike Jones.


Amanda C. Traywick Cris Nelson

City Clerk Council President