We do have a dress code for K-5 students. To summarize from our parent
student handbook:
Clothing should not be suggestive, revealing, offensive, or otherwise
disruptive to the educational process. Therefore, clothing should cover the
body from shoulder to mid-thigh. Shirts should cover the torso, including
the shoulders and midriff.
Clothing that displays inappropriate words, pictures, symbols, or promotes,
alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs is prohibited.
Clothing should not be dangerous or pose as a safety hazard.
hoes must be worn at all times and be free of cleats.
Hats and other headgear including scarves and sunglasses must not be worn
in the building, except when required for vocational classes or approved by
the administration.
Clothing should be clean.
Here is our catch all----Since it is impossible to list all infractions of
this policy, the administration is responsible to determine the
appropriateness of dress and grooming.
Here is what we have in the handbook. I tell my staff that they are the most important part in the dress code policy. WhatI mean is if they are going to send me someone it needs to beearly and not late in the day. I also share with them that there is a difference between a K-1 kid and a 4-5 kid. I think youknow what I mean...
Student Dress: Students are encouraged to wear appropriate attire. Caps should not be worn in the building and student dress must reflect a manner that is conducive to a safe and healthy learning climate. Clothing should not be obscene or suggestive, in poor taste, or interfere with the educational process. Students should not wear spaghetti straps, halter tops or tube tops. Since the buildings are air conditioned, students may feel cool when sitting during the day.
We really do not have problems (grades 1-4) but here are our rules.
Student Dress
Below are basic guidelines that pertain to dress during the school day.
We believe that an appropriately dressed student will help foster a
better and safer learning environment.
1. Cover skin from the shoulders to mid thigh, with no skin exposed
2. Shirts exposing the midriff are not allowed.
3. When wearing sandal style shoes, a heel strap style is required to
make running easier and safer at recess time.
At school we are proud of our students and our school.
Proper student dress and grooming is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents. Dress and appearance are considered a matter of individual decisions and taste. However, a student's dress and grooming must be in the best interest of the school with respect to the health, welfare and safety of the individual and the student community and must not interrupt the orderly process of education in the school.
The following are examples of things NOT permitted
General: Clothing and Jewelry /Tops
/Shorts and Skirts
/ Shoeswith / Other
Unless for Halloween or Crazy Hair Day
That may be distracting or unsafe / In intermediate grades: / · Built in wheels
· Platforms / · Make-up
· “Fad” hair styles
· Artificial hair color
· Bare backed or bare midriff
· Fishnet
· Muscle
· Spaghetti straps
· Tube / · Short skirts or short shorts - these should be mid-thigh.
· Have words across the seat area
With inappropriate words, phrases or symbols
Gym shoes for Physical Education means NO
· Hats or scarves· worn in school
· Coats, gloves and “outerwear” worn in school,
· Platform soles
· Backless shoes
· Shoes with metal eyes such as Skechers
Proper student dress and grooming is the responsibility of the student and his parents. However, a student's dress and grooming must be in the best interest of the school with respect to the health, welfare and safety of the individual and the student body and must not interrupt the orderly process of education in the school at any time.
During school hours and when in the building, students will not be permitted to wear hats, coats, jackets or vests which have been designed for outdoor wear. When indoor temperatures are such that a student may need additional clothing for warmth, it is advised that a sweater or sweatshirt be available in the student's locker for such use.
Apparel with inappropriate words, phrases or symbols will not be permitted. Dress generally should be such that it promotes a positive image for the child and for the student body as a whole. Students will be counseled, and parents may be contacted, if dress is considered inappropriate.
It is recommended that the following articles of clothing not be worn at school: midriff blouses, bare backed blouses, fishnet shirts or tops, muscle shirts, short shorts or headbands.
Proper student dress and grooming is basically the responsibility of the student and his parents. However, a student's dress and grooming must be in the best interest of the school with respect to the health, welfare and safety of the individual and the student body, and must not disrupt the orderly process of education in the school at any time. The following are examples of clothing that are not permissible in school: halter tops, tube tops, mesh tops, cut-off shirts/pants, and shorts/skirts above mid-thigh. Also, articles of clothing that display drugs, alcohol, violence, objectionable graffiti or gang symbols of any type are not to be worn. Coats, jackets, hats and all other outer clothing are to be secured in lockers and not worn to class.