ID number

Eastern Region, Ghana

Post-Campaign/Baseline Survey and Follow-up Survey for LLIN Continuous Distribution Activities –Questionnaire

District / ______(11,14)
Subdistrict / ______(15,18) / (22,24)
Cluster Number / (19,21) / Household Number
(2030,2036) /
ID Number / Cluster number followed by
Household number (26,31) / / Enter this number at the top of each page


B1 / Household visit details / Visit 1 / Visit 2 / Visit 3
0 = recipient not home
1 = recipient home and consented to interview
2 = recipient home but refuse / (32) / (33) / (34)
B2 / Date of interview / dd/mm/yyyy (35,42) / / / /
B3 / Interviewer Name / Code / (43,44)
B4 / Supervisor / Questionnaire checked after completion / (45)


Go with the respondent through the oral consent form


Respondent agrees to be interviewed...... / 1 / Go to Q01
Respondent does not agree to be interviewed………………. / 0 / End

SECTION 1: People living in the household

Line No. / Usual residents and visitors / Relationship to head of household / Sex / Residence / Age / Pregnant women
Please give me the names of the persons who usually live in your household and guests of the household who
stayed here last night, starting with the head of the
household. / What is the relationship of (NAME) to the head of the household?* / Is (NAME) male or female? / Does (NAME) usually live here? / Did (NAME) stay here last night? / How old is (NAME)?
If less than 1 year write 0 in the box and give number of months in next column. If don’t know write ‘NK’ / Is (NAME) currently pregnant?
Skip if male
(1700) / M / F / Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
01 / (101) / (201)
1 2 / (231)
1 0 / (261)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(301,304) / 1
(421) / 0
02 / (103) / (202)
1 2 / (232)
1 0 / (262)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(305, 308) / 1
(422) / 0
03 / (105) / (203)
1 2 / (233)
1 0 / (263)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(309, 312) / 1
(423) / 0
04 / (107) / (204)
1 2 / (234)
1 0 / (264)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(313, 316) / 1
(424) / 0
05 / (109) / (205)
1 2 / (235)
1 0 / (265)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(317,320) / 1
(425) / 0
06 / (111) / (206)
1 2 / (236)
1 0 / (266)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(321, 324) / 1
(426) / 0
07 / (113) / (207)
1 2 / (237)
1 0 / (267)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(325, 328) / 1
(427) / 0
08 / (115) / (208)
1 2 / (238)
1 0 / (268)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(329, 332) / 1
(428) / 0
09 / (117) / (209)
1 2 / (239)
1 0 / (269)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(333, 336) / 1
(429) / 0
10 / (119) / (210)
1 2 / (240)
1 0 / (270)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(337,340) / 1
(430) / 0
11 / (121) / (211)
1 2 / (241)
1 0 / (271)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(341, 344) / 1
(431) / 0
12 / (123) / (212)
1 2 / (242)
1 0 / (272)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(345, 348) / 1
(432) / 0
13 / (125) / (213)
1 2 / (243)
1 0 / (273)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(349,352) / 1
(433) / 0
14 / (127) / (214)
1 2 / (244)
1 0 / (274)
1 0 / Years
/ Months

(353,356) / 1
(434) / 0

Codes for Q3: Relationship to household head

01=head04=son/daughter in law07=parent in law10=adopted/foster/stepchild

02=wife/husband/partner05=grandchild08=brother/sister/in law11=not related

03=son/daughter06=parent09=other relative98=don’t know

In households of the second, third and fourth wife, she is the head of the household.

SECTION 1: People living in the household (CONTINUED)

Line No. / Usual residents and visitors / Relationship to head of household / Sex / Residence / Age / Pregnant women
Please give me the first names of the persons who usually live in your household and guests of the household who
stayed here last night, starting with the head of the
household. / What is the relationship of (NAME) to the head of the household?* / Is (NAME) male or female? / Does (NAME) usually live here? / Did (NAME) stay here last night? / How old is (NAME)?
If less than 1 year write 0 in the box and give number of months in next column. If don’t know write ‘NK’ / Is (NAME) currently pregnant?
Skip if male
Q01 / Q02 / Q03 / Q04 / Q05 / Q06 / Q07 / Q08
(1730) / M / F / Yes / No / Yes / No / Yes / No
15 / (129) / (215)
1 2 / (245)
1 0 / (275)
1 0 / Years
(357,358) / Months

(359,360) / 1
(435) / 0
16 / (131) / (216)
1 2 / (246)
1 0 / (276)
1 0 / Years
(361,362) / Months

(363,364) / 1
(436) / 0
17 / (133) / (217)
1 2 / (247)
1 0 / (277)
1 0 / Years
(365,366) / Months

(367,368) / 1
(437) / 0
18 / (135) / (218)
1 2 / (248)
1 0 / (278)
1 0 / Years
(369,370) / Months

(371,372) / 1
(438) / 0
19 / (137) / (219)
1 2 / (249)
1 0 / (279)
1 0 / Years
(373,374) / Months

(375,376) / 1
(439) / 0
20 / (139) / (220)
1 2 / (250)
1 0 / (280)
1 0 / Years
(377, 378) / Months

(379,380) / 1
(440) / 0
21 / (141) / (221)
1 2 / (251)
1 0 / (281)
1 0 / Years

(381,382) / Months

(383,384) / 1
(441) / 0
22 / (143) / (222)
1 2 / (252)
1 0 / (282)
1 0 / Years

(385,386) / Months

(387,388) / 1
(442) / 0
23 / (145) / (223)
1 2 / (253)
1 0 / (283)
1 0 / Years

(389,390) / Months

(391,392) / 1
(443) / 0
24 / (147) / (224)
1 2 / (254)
1 0 / (284)
1 0 / Years

(393,394) / Months

(395,396) / 1
(444) / 0
25 / (149) / (225)
1 2 / (255)
1 0 / (285)
1 0 / Years

(397,398) / Months

(399,400) / 1
(445) / 0
26 / (151) / (226)
1 2 / (256)
1 0 / (286)
1 0 / Years

(401,402) / Months

(403, 404) / 1
(446) / 0
27 / (153) / (227)
1 2 / (257)
1 0 / (287)
1 0 / Years

(405,406) / Months

(407,408) / 1
(447) / 0
28 / (155) / (228)
1 2 / (258)
1 0 / (288)
1 0 / Years

(409,410) / Months

(411,412) / 1
(448) / 0
Only to make sure that I have a complete list:
Are there any other persons such as small children or infants that we have not listed? / IF YES, INTRODUCE EACH ONE IN THE TABLE
Are there any other people such as domestic servants, lodgers or friends who usually live here? / IF YES, INTRODUCE EACH ONE IN THE TABLE

SECTION2: Household characteristics

No / Question / Categories / Skip
We would first like to ask some questions about the head of household, characteristics of the house and possessions of the household
Q09 / Who is responding to this questionnaire? / Line number of respondent / / (501,502)
Q10 / Which wife’s household is this?
This question should only be asked for polygamous households. / (503)
First wife (with husband) / 1
Second wife / 2
Third wife / 3
Fourth wife / 4
Fifths wife or more / 5
Q11 / Has the head of the household ever attended school? / (504)
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9
Q12 / What was the highest level of school the head of the household attended? (Primary, Secondary, Higher) / Primary / 1 / (505)
Secondary / 2
Higher / 3
Don’t know / 9
Q13 / How many rooms in this compound are used by this wife’s family? / / (507,508)
Q14 / How many of these rooms are used by this wife’s family for sleeping? / / (509,510)
Q15 / How many sleeping places are used by this wife’s family (beds, mattresses, mats or rugs, etc)?
>Ask for both inside the hut and outside / / (511,512)
Questions Q16 to Q25 refer to the compound, not only the wife’s household
Q16 / What is the main material of the roof? / (513)
Grass/Papyrus/Banana leaves / 1
Thatch / 2
Zinc/Iron sheets / 3
Tiles / 4
Q17 / What is the main material of the walls? / (514)
Grass / 1
Mud / 2
Plastered / 3
Brick/Concrete / 4
Q18 / What is the main material of the floor? / (515)
Earth or sand / 1
Clay / 2
Wood, bamboo or palm / 3
Vinyl or parquet / 4
Tiles or cement / 5
Q19 / What is the main source of drinking water? / (516)
Surface water (stream, river, lake, pond, irrigation channel etc) / 1
Rain water, gutter pipe / 2
Protected well (public or private) / 3
Public tube well or borehole / 4
Public tap or standpipe / 5
Piped into dwelling / 6
Other, specify:______/ 7
Q20 / What type of toilet facility is available to the household? / (518)
No facility, bush or field / 1
Shared pit latrine / 2
Own pit latrine / 3
Shared improved pit latrine / 4
Own improved pit latrine / 5
Shared flush toilet / 6
Own flush toilet / 7
Q21 / What is the main energy source for cooking? / (521)
Firewood / 1
Charcoal / 2
Kerosene / 3
Gas / 4
Electricity / 5
Q22 / Does the household (any member) have any of the following / (522)
Yes / No
Radio / 1 / 0
Television / 1 / 0
Refrigerator / 1 / 0
Electric fan / 1 / 0
Electric iron / 1 / 0
Telephone (fix) / 1 / 0
Mobile phone / 1 / 0
Q23 / Does the household (any member) have any means of transport? / (529)
Yes / No
Bicycle / 1 / 0
Motorbike / 1 / 0
Car or truck / 1 / 0
Animal or animal cart / 1 / 0
Canoe, boat or ship / 1 / 0
Q24 / Number of livestock animals the household owns?
> write 000 if none
> do not read out list / Chicken / / (534,536)
Ducks and turkeys /
Goats and sheep /
Camel /
Cows /
Donkeys /
Other ______/
Q25 / Does the household own land used for agriculture or farming? / (556) / AllQ27
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q26 / If yes, indicate approximate size in acres
Q27 / Does the household own any mosquito nets for sleeping under? / (557) / NO or DNK
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9
Q28 / If yes, how many mosquito nets does the household have?
> probe for any nets currently not in use / / (558,559)
Q29 / Was the household visited during the recentLLIN campaign in (December 2010/ April 2011)? / (560) / YesQ31
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9
Q30 / If not, what was the reason? / (561,562)
Hang Up team did not come / 1
We were not at home at that time / 2
We refused / 3
We moved here after the campaign / 4
Other / 5
Q31 / Did the household receive any nets from the Hang Up team? / (570,571)
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9
Q32 / If no, why not? / (572,573)
No nets available at the time / 1
All sleeping spaces were covered / 2
They refused to give nets / 3
Don’t know / 4
Other / 5
Q33 / How many nets did the household receive from the campaign?
> enter 0 if no nets received
> crosscheck the response with Q35 / / (574)
Don’t know / 9
Please make sure that all questions Q27 – Q33 are filled
Check Q31  if No (0) or DNK (9)  go to Q38
 if Yes (1)  continue with Q34 below
Q34 / After receiving the nets from the campaign when were the nets hung in your house?
> if different for nets, refer to first net / (575)
Volunteer hanged net for me / 1
Same day / 2
Next day / 3
Within the first week / 4
Within the first month / 5
Have not hung the net yet / 6
Q35 / How many nets from the campaign did the Hang Up team hang for you? / / (576)
Q36 / Were there any problems in hanging the nets in your house? / (577)
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q37 / If yes, what was the main problem? / (578, 579)
No place to hang / 1
No materials to hang / 2
Did not know how to hang / 3
Shape did not fit / 4
Size did not fit / 5
Hang Up team did not have enough materials / 6
We did not want the team to hang the nets / 7
Other / 8
Q38 / During the time of the net campaign, did you receive any information on hanging or use of the nets from any source? / (580) / NoQ41
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q39 / What were the sources of that information?
> multiple answers possible / (581,673)
Leaflet from campaign / 1
Radio message / 2
Song on the radio / 3
Drama performance / 4
Health worker / 5
Community leader / 6
Town announcer / 7
Home visit of Hang Up team / 8
Family or friends / 9
Mosque or church / 10
Newspaper / 11
Television message / 12
Information Van / 13
Other / 14
Q40 / What was the content of the messages you heard/saw?
> multiple answers possible / (674,773)
Use your net / 1
Value your net / 2
Hang up your net / 3
Sleep under your net every night / 4
Nets prevent malaria / 5
Don’t remember / 6
Proper ways to wash and hang net / 7
Repair holes and tears / 8
Other / 9
Q41 / Did you discuss sleeping under the net with your family? / (774)
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q42 / Do you intend to make sure your family sleeps under the nets every night, most nights, some nights? / (775)
Every night / 1
Most nights / 2
Some nights / 3
No, I don’t intend to / 4
Don’t know / 5
Q43 / Generally, do you think your neighbors use their net(s) every night, most nights, some nights, or not at all? / (776)
Every night / 1
Most nights / 2
Some nights / 3
Not at all / 4
Don’t know / 5
I am going to ask you about a series of actions you could take and I would like you to tell me how confident you are that you could actually do that action successfully. For each action, please tell me if you think you definitely could, probably could, probably could not or definitely could not do each action successfully
. / Definitely could / Probably could / Probably could not / Definitely could not
Q44 / Obtain enough bed nets for all your children. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (777)
Q45 / Hang a bed net above your children’s sleeping spaces. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (778)
Q46 / Protect yourself and your children from getting malaria. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (779)
Q47 / Save enough money to obtain bed nets for all your children. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (780)
Q48 / Sleep under a bed net every night of the year. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (781)
Q49 / Get all of your children to sleep under a bed net every night of the year. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (782)
Q50 / Generally, during which months of the year do you use mosquito nets?
> multiple answers possible / January / 1 / (776)
February / 2
March / 3
April / 4
May / 5
June / 6
July / 7
August / 8
September / 9
October / 10
November / 11
December / 12
Q51 / In your opinion, which people are most affected by malaria in your community?
Anything else? / Children / 1
Adults / 2
Pregnant women / 3
Older adults / 4
Everyone / 5
other / 9
Q52 / In general, how often do your children sleep under a mosquito net? / No children / 0
Always / 1
Sometimes / 2
Never / 3
Q53 / Why do the children who sleep in this household sometimes or never sleep under a mosquito net?
Anything else? / Too hot
Too cold / 1
Child cries / 2
Child afraid / 3
Not enough nets / 4
Net not hung up / 5
Net used by adults / 6
Net not used when travelling / 7
Net worn out/in poor condition / 8
Nets are bad for children’s health / 9
Don’t know / 10
Other / 11
Q54 / Do you think you should sleep under a mosquito net? / No
Don’t know
Q55 / Do you think sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net reduces your risk of malaria / No
Don’t know
Q56 / Do you think you can still get malaria even if you sleep under an insecticide –treated net? / No
Don’t know
I am going to read a series of statements to you and I would like you to tell me how much you agree with them. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with it.
Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree
Q57 / Some people who sleep under a bed net still get malaria. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (785)
Q58 / Sleeping under a bed net is the best protection from malaria / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (786)
Q59 / New bed nets protect a person from malaria for several years. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (787)
Q60 / Dead mosquitoes on the ground are a good way to tell that your bed net is still effective. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (788)
Q61 / Sleeping under a bed net is the best protection from mosquitoes. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (789)
Q62 / It only takes a few months for a bed net to get too many holes to stop mosquitoes. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (790)
Q63 / Bed nets only prevent mosquito bites when used with certain types of beds. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (791)
Q64 / More expensive bed nets are more effective than less expensive or free bed nets. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (792)
I am going to read a series of statements to you and I would like you to tell me how much you agree with them. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with it.
Strongly agree / Somewhat agree / Somewhat disagree / Strongly disagree
Q65 / The insecticide on bed nets can be dangerous to the people who sleep under them / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (793)
Q66 / It is difficult to sleep well under a bed net when the weather is warm / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (794)
Q67 / Sleeping under a bed net is a good way to get privacy in a crowded house / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (795)
Q68 / The insecticide on bed nets cannot harm children. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (796)
Q69 / Many people in this area would prefer not to sleep under a bed net / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (797)
Q70 / Many people will choose not to sleep under a bed net if they don’t like its color / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (798)
Q71 / The insecticide on bed nets can not harm pregnant women. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / (799)
Q72 / Does the household ever use any of the following against mosquitoes / to protect against malaria?
> read out options / (800)
Yes / No
Mosquito repellent spray ( Raid etc) / 1 / 0
Coils / 1 / 0
Herbs or plants (burnt or not) / 1 / 0

SECTION 3: Distribution of campaign nets

Before you continue:

Check Q31  if No (0)or DNK (9)  go section 5, page 17

 if Yes (1)  continue withQ73 below

No / Question / Categories / Skip
We would now like to talk to the person who was present when the Hang Up team came to deliver the nets.
> If the person is not around, ask when he will be back and come back to interview him.
Q73 / Who received the nets on behalf of the household during the door to door net campaign? / (801)
2, 3, 4
section 4
A member of this household / 1
Somebody else from this compound / 2
Other person not from this compound / 3
Don’t know / 4
Line number of person if from this household /
Q74 / How long did it take for the Hang Up team to deliver and hang the nets? (short time, Medium time, Long Time)
> read out options / (802, 803)
Short time / 1
Medium time / 2
Long time / 3
Don’t remember / 4
Q75 / In some communities during the campaign, households were asked to contribute to the the net distribution.
Did you have to spend any money to receive the nets? / (805)
No or DNK
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t remember / 9
Q76 / If yes, how much did you spend to receive the nets? (Ghana Cedis) / / (806,808)
Q77 / Did you provide anything else to the Hang Up team? / No / 0
Food / 1
In-kind service / 2
Don’t remember / 3
Other / 4
Q78 / When you received the nets, how were they given to you?
> read out options select appropriate option for each net received / Net 1 / Net 2 / Net 3
(810) / (811) / (812)
Without the package (bag) / 1 / 1 / 1
With the package (bag) cut open / 2 / 2 / 2
With the package (bag) still sealed / 3 / 3 / 3
Don’t remember / 4 / 4 / 4
Q79 / What is the main message about mosquito nets you remember from the hang up team’s visit?
> do not probe and record first answer given (if any) / (816)
Hang up the nets / 1
Sleep under net every night / 2
How to wash and dry the net / 3
No messages were given / 4
Don’t remember any / 5
Other / 6
Q80 / Do you think that the volunteer’s help was important to hang your nets?
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9
Q81 / Did you think the volunteer did his/her job well?
Yes / 1
No / 0
Don’t know / 9

SECTION 4: Nets received from campaign

Before you continue:

Check Q31  if No (0) or DNK (9)  go to section 5, page 17

 if Yes (1) enter result from Q33 here and continue withQ82 below

Return to the original respondent if not identical with the one for section 3

No / Question / Categories / Skip
We would now like to ask some questions about the mosquito nets the household received from the recent campaign
Q82 / Let me check if I have this correct: the number of nets this household received from the campaign was…
> check with box above and correct Q33 if necessary / / (821)
Q83 / Are all these nets still in the possession of the household? / (822) / YesQ89
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q84 / If not, how many of the nets are still in the possession of the household? / / (823)
Q85 / Calculate the number of missing nets (Q84 minus Q82), record the number and proceed to Q86-Q88 for each net lost / / (824)
Please enter the following information for each net “lost”
No / Question / Categories / Net 1 / Net 2 / Net3
Q86 / How long did you have this net? / > enter 00 for below 1 week
> enter 98 for “do not know” / Weeks
(831,832) / Weeks
(833,834) / Weeks
Q87 / Can you tell me what happened to the net? / (837,838) / (839,840) / (841,842)
Net was stolen / 1 / 1 / 1
Net was destroyed accidentally / 2 / 2 / 2
Net was sold / 3 / 3 / 3
Net was given away to relatives / 4 / 4 / 4
Net was given away to others / 5 / 5 / 5
Net was thrown away / 6 / 6 / 6
Material used for other purpose / 7 / 7 / 7
Other / 8 / 8 / 8
Don’t know / 9 / 9 / 9
Specify other
1 to 2 Q89
3 to 7 Q88 / 1 to 2 Q89
3 to 7 Q88 / 1 to 2 Q89
3 to 7 Q88
Q88 / Why did you not keep this net?
> enter first reason mentioned / (843,844) / (845,844) / (847,848)
Net was too torn, too many holes / 1 / 1 / 1
Net was too dirty / 2 / 2 / 2
Net was not needed at the time / 3 / 3 / 3
We did not like this net / 4 / 4 / 4
Needed the money / 5 / 5 / 5
Other / 6 / 6 / 6
Don’t know / 9 / 9 / 9
Specify other

SECTION5: Net care and repair

No / Question / Categories / Skip
We would now like to ask some questions about the care for your nets
Q89 / Have you ever experienced any holes in the nets you own? / NoQ95
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q90 / How did the hole(s) happen?
> check “1” for all options that apply
Yes / No
Tore when got caught on edge or nail / 1 / 0
Was pulled and tore on corner / 1 / 0
Was burned by a candle or sparks / 1 / 0
Was caused by rats or mice / 1 / 0
In another way / 1 / 0
Don’t know / 1 / 0
Q91 / Have you ever tried to repair any of these holes or get them repaired by someone else? / NoQ94
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q92 / How were the holes repaired?
> check “1” for all options that apply
Yes / No
Stitched / 1 / 0
Knotted or tied / 1 / 0
Used a patch / 1 / 0
In another way / 1 / 0
Q93 / Have you repaired any holes in the last 6 months or have repairs made by someone else? / YesQ95
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q94 / What was the main reason holes were not repaired?
No time for this / 1
It is not necessary / 2
Don’t know how / 3
Other / 4
Don’t know / 9
Q95 / In the past 6 months, did you hear any messages on the care and repair of mosquito nets? / NoQ98
Yes / 1
No / 0
Q96 / Where did you hear these messages?
> check “1” for all options that apply
Yes / No
Radio / 1 / 0
Community volunteer / 1 / 0
Health worker / 1 / 0
Community leader / 1 / 0
Church or mosque / 1 / 0
Family or fried / 1 / 0
Poster / 1 / 0
Other / 1 / 0
Don’t remember / 1 / 0
Q97 / Which messages do you remember?
Yes / No
Handle net carefully / 1 / 0
Keep away from fire/flame / 1 / 0
Repair holes early / 1 / 0
Frequency of washing / 1 / 0
Avoid bleach for washing / 1 / 0

SECTION6: Nets owned by the household