Safety Exam.

1. From NSTA - “Safety and School Science Information”. Which of the following statements is false?

a. Teachers share the sole responsibility of establishing and maintaining safety standards.

b. All science teachers must be involved in an established and ongoing safety training program.

c. School authorities are responsible for providing safety equipment and MSDS sheets.

d. School districts must adopt written safety standards, hazardous material management and disposal procedures.

2. From NSTA - “Liability of Teachers for Laboratory Safety and Field Trips”. Which of the following statements is false?

a. School districts should provide liability and tort insurance for their teachers.

b.Teachers should learn safe procedures for laboratory activities and follow them as a matter of policy.

c. Teachers should exercise reasonable judgment and supervision during laboratories and field trips.

d. Teachers are not liable if they have not strictly followed district policies.

3. From “Legal Aspects of Laboratory Safety”. Which of the following is false relating to the basic responsibilities of the legal concept of negligence?

a. Exercise good judgment in planning, conducting, and supervising instruction.

b. A student’s injuries were the result of the student’s own action.

c. Maintain laboratory and safety equipment necessary to carry out instruction safely.

d. Document that appropriate safety instruction has taken place.

4. From “Legal Aspects of Laboratory Safety”. Which statement on what constitutes a negligent act is false?

a. The teacher is the expert and has the responsibility to ensure that exercises are carried out in a prudent manner.

b. The teacher is not negligent if injury occurs from an unforeseen event.

c. A teacher is negligent if he/she is is careless in performing a demonstration.

d. A teacher is negligent if he/she neglect to warn of any safety hazards associated with an exercise.

5. From “Legal Aspects of Laboratory Safety”. Which of the following is NOT included in a negligent liability?

a. It is a legal duty for the teacher to protect students under his/her supervision.

b. The legal breach of responsibility is judged to be the proximate cause of the injury.

c. Provides sufficient instruction to make the activity and its risks understandable.

d. Nonfeasance - the teacher did not act at all when he/she had a duty to act.

6. From “Legal Aspects of Laboratory Safety”. Which of the following Federal Laws is related to the use of MSDS sheets?

a. Americans with Disabilities Act

b. Blood borne Pathogens

c. Department of Transportation - 49CFR

d. Hazard Communication Standard

7. From “Science and Safety - Making the Connection”. Which duty relating to negligence is covered by the following statement? “Follow all safety guidelines concerning proper labeling, storage, and disposal of chemicals.”

a. Duty of Instruction

b. Duty of Supervision

c. Duty of Maintenance

8. From “Science and Safety - Making the Connection”. Which of the following is not on a generic science safety checklist?

a. Keep records on safety training and laboratory incidents.

b. Know policies for using live animals and animal and plant specimens.

c. Label equipment and chemicals adequately with respect to hazards.

d. A laboratory may be left unlocked and unattended.

9. From “Science and Safety - Making the Connection”. Which of the following is not a best practice for the storage of chemicals?

a. Arrange the chemicals in alphabetical order.

b. Separate inorganic from organic chemicals.

c. The storage of chemical should be separate from the classroom area.

d. Store flammables and corrosive chemical separately in appropriate cabinets.

10. From “Science and Safety - Making the Connection”. Which is not a good practice in the case of student accidents?

a. Notify school authorities, call 911 or other predetermined emergency procedure.

b. In the case of acid in the eyes, flushing with water is first prescribed, followed by attempted neutralization with sodium bicarbonate.

c. In the case of a student clothing fire, use the emergency shower if available or wrap in a fire blanket.

d. For the clean up of body fluids, it is imperative that gloves be worn and a diluted disinfectant be used in the clean up.

11. From “Flinn Scientific’s Student Safety Contract”. Which of the following is not a safe practice?

a. Food or beverages may not be used in laboratories under any conditions.

b. Students are not permitted in chemical storage areas.

c. Unused chemical should be returned to their original containers,

d. Broken glass should be cleaned up with a brush and dustpan and disposed in a designated broken glass container.

12. From “Field Investigation and Activities “. Which is not part of the planning for a field investigation activity?

a. Is there an educational objective that can only be met by a field investigation?

b. Safety precautions include the availability of a First Aid kit.

c. Parental permission forms are required.

d. Approval by administrators is not required.

13. From “Health Concerns”. True or False? A common allergy that might be of concern in a laboratory setting involves latex from gloves.

a. True

b. False

14. From “Health Concerns”. True or False? The best method to evaporate a liquid is to use a Bunsen burner.

a. True

b. False

15. From “Health Concerns”. True or False? Chemical burns are best treated by immediate flushing with water for 15 minutes.

a. True

b. False

16. From “Health Concerns”. True or False? The cleaning of blood spills should best be handled by persons trained for the task using gloves.

a. True

b. False

17. From “Chemical Safety”. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) contain a variety of data about a chemical. Which type of data is not present?

a. Physical Data

b. Fire and Explosion Hazards

c. Health Hazards

d. Spill and Disposal Procedures

e. Spectral Data

18. From “Chemical Safety”. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) contain a variety of data about a chemical. Which type of data is not present relating to health hazards?

a. fire hazard

b. carcinogens

c. corrosiveness

d. lethal dose

19. From “Chemical Safety”. Chemical spills are treated in all of the following ways except.

a. Evacuation of students from the exit furthest from the spill.

b. Chemical fumes are not usually that important.

c. Contain the spill and absorbed with material from the chemical spill kit.

d. Spill materials should be packaged in a plastic bag for disposal after notifying the custodial staff.

20. From “Safety Symbols”. In any of the hazard ratings, a rating of 4 means that the hazard is minimal. True or False?

a. True

b. False

21. From “Biology Laboratory Safety“. Which of the following is not an aseptic technique?

a. Sterilization of glassware and other implements,

b. Work areas should be thoroughly washed down with water after use.

c. Autoclave materials after use.

d. Use disposable equipment where possible.

22. From “Biology Laboratory Safety“. Which of the following is not a sound practice in the use of living things in the laboratory?

a. Invertebrates feel no pain and therefore no special techniques are needed.

b. Live animals must convey a substantive knowledge before consideration for use.

c. Alternatives to animal dissection are now acceptable.

d. Eye protection should be used during a dissection process.\

23. From “Physics - Balancing Creativity and Safety”. Which of the following is not usually considered a hazard in the physics laboratory?

a. Mechanical hazards such as falling masses, high speed rotation, and springs.

b. Electrical hazards such as batteries, current, voltage,capacitors.

c. Vacuum and pressure hazards such as vacuum pumps, tubes, gas cylinders.

d. Cryogenic hazards include dry ice and liquid nitrogen burns.

e. Chemical hazards such as concentrated acids and bases.

24. From “Flinn Scientific Chemical Hygiene Policy Statement”. The Chemical Hygiene Plan is mandated by OSHA in response to the “Right to Know” laws and the “Laboratory Standard” for all schools and facilities with laboratories. True or False.

a. True

b. False

25. From “Flinn Scientific Chemical Hygiene Policy Statement”. Which statement is not part of the Chemical Hygiene Plan?

a. Train employees to understand the hazards of chemicals and their use in the laboratories.

b. Provide access of all employees to MSDS sheets.

c. The school district should evaluate the effectiveness of the plan every five years.

d. The plan should have a set of operating procedures to provide guidelines for the safe use and handling of chemicals.