TO: All Members

FROM: Janet L. Meeks, Superintendent

RE: Regular Meeting

DATE, TIME, & PLACE: Wednesday, March 14, 2012at 6:00 p.m. local time for the

Regular Meeting at the Breckinridge County Central Office

5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) Standards for Internet Safety


I. Call to order

A.Recognition of Guests

B.Roll Call

C.Agenda Revisions/Additions

II. Routine Consent Actions

A. Approve minutes – Regular Meeting, February 8, 2012 & Special Called Meeting, February 15, 2012

B. Approve treasurer’s orders

C. Approve payment of bills

D.Approve authorization to advertise for bid: copy paper, yearbooks, schoolpictures, concessions, athletic equipment and awards, school supplies, technology supplies, office furnishings, garbage pickup, fire alarms, clocks, extinguishersand janitorial supplies

E. Approve applying for AT&T Aspire Educational Foundation Grant with no cost to the district

F. Approve adding Brenco Document Shredding to the 2011-2012 vendor list

III. Student Presentation and/or Recognition

IV. Discussion and Action Items

A.Instruction and Curriculum

  1. Head Start Report – Mike Simpson
  2. Approve authorization to submit Head Start Refunding Application


  1. Approve Food Service Department Summer Feed Program and utilize food service employees as needed
  2. Discuss/Approve hiring auditor or bid auditor
  3. Approve abatement bids
  4. Approve payment to RBS for Custer Renovation Project in the amount of $40,054.22
  5. Approve payment to RBS for the ATC Renovation Project in the amount of $36,454.23
  6. Approve drawings for CES & ATC Renovation Projects
  7. Approve advertising for construction bids for the CES & ATC Renovation Projects pending KDE final approval
  8. Approve BG-3 for CES & ATC Renovation Projects
  9. Set BCHS graduation date
  10. Approve purchase of 5X7 photo for each BCHS Graduate
  11. Approve bidding fuel
  12. Award contract for mowing board properties
  13. Discuss sports facility/approve taking bids for sports facility


A. Acknowledgment of Personnel Actions (all personnel actions are subject to all completed paperwork, certifications, etc.)

1. employed:

a)Joan “Becky” Brown, Karen Moore as classified substitute

b)Nancy Lucas as DW special education instructional assistant @ BCHS

c)Amy Flood, Jean Langer, Sarah Broadbent, Bradley Hockenberry, Hildegarde Hinton, Tony Cardon and Barbara Ezzo as ESS teachers @ BCHS

d)Cheryl Van De Streek as K-5 teacher @ CES

e)Tina Ford as cook @ CES

2. transfer:

a) Cathryn Barrett as HS/PS instructional assistant to HS/PS lead

teacher at Cloverport

3. retirement (s):

a)Brenda Morgan as food service director effective September 1, 2012

4. resignation (s):

a)Mary Fuqua as teacher @ CES effective February 9, 2012

b)James Chandler as instructional assistant @ BCMS effective February 17, 2012

B. BCEA/BCESP Representatives

C. Superintendent’s Report

VI.Closed Executive Session for discussion which might lead to the appointment, discipline or dismissal of an individual pursuant to KRS 61.810(1) (f)– Superintendent Contract
