National Certificate in Maritime (Level 2) with strands in Certificated Deckhand, and Deck Rating
Level / 2Credits / 44
This qualification has been reviewed. The last date to meet the requirements is 31 December 2017.
Transition Arrangements
This qualification has been reviewed and, along with the National Certificate in Maritime (Merchant Navy Deck and Engine Room Watch Rating) (Level 3) [Ref: 0259]; the National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Vessel Hospitality Crew Member) (Level 2) [Ref:0524]; and the National Certificate in Maritime (On-board Passenger Services) (Level3) [Ref: 1628], has been replaced by the New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level3) with strands in Deck Crewing, Engineering, Passenger Services, and Superyacht Crewing [Ref: 2506].
People currently working towards this national qualification should complete its requirements by 31 December 2017.
New enrolments into programmes leading to this qualification will not be accepted after 31December 2015.
For detailed information see Review Summaries on the NZQA website.
It is not intended that any existing candidate be disadvantaged by these arrangements. However, any candidate who considers they have been disadvantaged may appeal to Competenz at the address below.
NZQF National Qualification Registration Information
Process / Version / Date / Last Date for Assessment /Registration / 1 / August 1998 / December 2009
Review / 2 / August 2006 / December 2012
Review / 3 / March 2011 / December 2017
Review / 4 / May 2015 / December 2017
Standard Setting Body
PO Box 9005
Auckland 1149
Telephone 0800 526 1800
Fax 09 539 9899
National Certificate in Maritime (Level 2) with strands in Certificated Deckhand, and Deck Rating
Level / 2Credits / 44
This qualification is for people employed or seeking to be employed, as deckhands or deck rating staff on commercial vessels. The qualification can be achieved on-job and recognises the skills and knowledge such as health and safety, first aid, navigation and survival at sea required by a wide range of employers as being important to commercial and tourist operators.
The compulsory section of the qualification covers the basic skills and knowledge related to first aid, workplace health and safety and sea survival and sea safety which are common to both strands of the qualification.
The qualification must be completed with at least one of the following strands:
The Certificated Deckhand strand is for people employed, or seeking to be employed, as Deckhands on commercial vessels operating in inshore and coastal waters. The qualification is intended to enable people to progress towards higher level Maritime qualifications and/or the Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand.
The Deck Rating strand is for people employed or seeking to be employed within the large ship sector of the maritime industry. It is intended to enable people to work in a supervised capacity on a commercial ocean going vessel, and may lead to higher level Maritime qualifications.
An optional standard has been included in the qualification that entitles candidates to a reduction in the sea service component required for the Maritime New Zealand Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand, as noted below.
Other National Certificates in Maritime that candidates can progress towards are:
· National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial In-shore Vessel Operations) with an optional strand in Business Operations (Level 3) [Ref:1136]
· National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Vessel Hospitality Crew Member) (Level2) [Ref:0524]
· National Certificate in Maritime (On-board Passenger Services) (Level 3) [Ref: 1628]
· National Certificate in Maritime (Master of Commercial Coastal Vessel) with an optional strand in Ocean Navigation (Level 4 or 5) [Ref:0258]
· National Certificate in Maritime (Merchant Navy Deck and Engine Room Watch Rating) (Level 3) [Ref:0259]
· National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Coastal Watchkeeping) (Level 4) [Ref:0522].
Special Notes
1 Achievement of the Certificated Deckhand strand of this qualification meets the approved training programme requirements for the Maritime New Zealand Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand.
2 Achievement of optional standard 26541, Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of pleasure craft in sight of land, does not count towards the overall credit total of the Certificated Deckhand strand but will enable the candidate to get a 15 day reduction in the sea service component for the Maritime New Zealand Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand in accordance with the Maritime Rule Part 32.3A.
Credit Range
Compulsory / Certificated Deckhand Strand / Deck Rating Strand / Optional StandardElective
1 / Elective 2
Level 1 credits / 3 / - / - / - / -
Level 2 credits / 5 / 22 / 0-4 / 0-15 / -
Level 3 or above credits / 5 / 9 / 0-16 / 0-15 / 16
Minimum totals / 13 / 31 / 16 / 15 / 16
Requirements for Award of Qualification
Award of NZQF National QualificationsCredit gained for a standard may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.
Unit standards and achievement standards that are equivalent in outcome are mutually exclusive for the purpose of award. The table of mutually exclusive standards is provided on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website:
Reviewed standards that continue to recognise the same overall outcome are registered as new versions and retain their identification number (ID). Any version of a standard with the same ID may be used to meet qualification requirements that list the ID and/or that specify the past or current classification of the standard.
Summary of Requirements
0· Compulsory standards
One of the following strands is required
0· Certificated Deckhand Strand
0· Deck Rating Strand
Detailed Requirements
The following standards are required
Health > Health Studies > First Aid
ID / Title / Level / Credit /26551 / Provide first aid for life threatening conditions / 2 / 1
26552 / Demonstrate knowledge of common first aid conditions and how to respond to them / 2 / 1
Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Occupational Health and Safety Practice
ID / Title / Level / Credit /497 / Demonstrate knowledge of workplace health and safety requirements / 1 / 3
Service Sector > Maritime > Sea Survival and Sea Safety
ID / Title / Level / Credit /12306 / Identify common parts, fittings and equipment on a vessel / 2 / 3
12310 / Demonstrate knowledge of fire prevention, limiting of fires onboard a vessel, and extinguish small controlled fires / 3 / 5
Certificated Deckhand Strand
The following standards are required
Service Sector > Maritime > Navigation and Seamanship
ID / Title / Level / Credit /12301 / Maintain cleanliness of passage ways, and passenger and crew accommodation areas on a vessel / 2 / 2
12302 / Assist with berthing and letting go, and describe anchoring a vessel / 2 / 3
12304 / Demonstrate knowledge of stowage and handling of ropes, and use of knots and lashings on a vessel / 2 / 10
19489 / Steer a commercial vessel and keep watch / 3 / 6
19491 / Demonstrate knowledge in using a VHF marine radio and an EPIRB / 3 / 3
Service Sector > Maritime > Sea Survival and Sea Safety
ID / Title / Level / Credit /12307 / Provide assistance to passengers with special needs, and support seasick passengers and crew / 2 / 1
26236 / Demonstrate knowledge of sea safety equipment and procedures and assist the master in emergency situations at sea / 2 / 6
Deck Rating Strand
Meet the requirements of all of the following sets
0· Deck Rating Strand Elective 1
0· Deck Rating Strand Elective 2
Deck Rating Strand Elective 1
A minimum of 16 credits at Level 2 or above
Health > Occupational Health and Safety > Occupational Health and Safety Practice
ID / Title / Level / Credit /17593 / Apply safe work practices in the workplace / 2 / 4
17599 / Plan a confined space entry / 4 / 5
17600 / Explain safe work practices for working at heights / 3 / 3
17602 / Apply hazard identification and risk assessment procedures in the workplace / 3 / 4
18426 / Demonstrate knowledge of hazards associated with confined space / 3 / 4
25045 / Employ height safety equipment in the workplace / 3 / 4
Deck Rating Strand Elective 2
A minimum of 15 credits at Level 2 or above
Field / Subfield / Domain /Service Sector / Maritime / Sea Survival and Sea Safety
Optional standard
The following standard is optional
Service Sector > Maritime > Sea Survival and Sea Safety
ID / Title / Level / Credit /26541 / Demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of pleasure craft in sight of land / 3 / 16
Previous versions of the qualification
Version 3 was issued following review to ensure alignment with current industry requirements and Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand. Changes to structure and content included: structure of the qualification changed to include two strands - Certificated Deckhand and Deck Rating; title changed to take account of the structure changes; qualification credit total decreased from 59 to 44; First aid standards 6400-6402 replaced with new standards 26551 and 26552; these were placed in the Compulsory section along with other standards from the previous version of the qualification that were common to both strands; standard 19491 substituted for standard 19492 and specified in the Certificated Deckhand strand.; standard 6914 has been replaced by standard 26541, which is an optional standard for Certificated Deckhand strand; a new standard, 26236, was included in the Certificated Deckhand strand; standard 20029 removed from the qualification.
This qualification contains standards that replace earlier standards. For the purposes of this qualification, people who have gained credit for the expiring standards are exempt from the requirement to gain credit for the replacement standards – see table below.
Credit for / Exempt from /6400, 6401, 6402 / 26551, 26552
6914 / 26541
All versions of this qualification are recognised by Competenz.
Version 2 of this qualification was issued for consistency with the Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) Certificate of Competency in Certificated Deckhand.
Other standard setting bodies whose standards are included in the qualification
This certificate will display the logos of NZQA, Competenz and the organisation that has been granted consent to assess against standards that meet the requirements of the qualification (accredited).
This qualification is classified according to the classification system listed on the Directory of Assessment Standards (DAS) and the New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED) system as specified below.
DAS Classification / NZSCED /Code / Description / Code / Description /
281 / Service Sector > Maritime / 031705 / Engineering and Related Technologies > Maritime Engineering and Technology > Marine Craft Operation
Quality Management Systems
Providers and Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess by a recognised Quality Assurance Body before they can register credits from assessment against standards. Organisation with consent to assess and Industry Training Organisations assessing against standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Consent to assess requirements and the moderation system are outlined in the associated Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) for each standard.
SSB Code 101571
MoE Code 8104 / Ó New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015