Draft Version

Highland Environmental Forum

Highland Climate Change Declaration Working Group


11am, Wednesday2nd April2014. Highland Council Headquarters, Inverness

Present:Stephen Carr (SC), The Highland Council (THC)(Joint-Chair); Alison Craig (AC), Home Energy Scotland/Changeworks & Highland Environmental Network (HEN)(Joint-Chair); Daniel Greig (DG), Highland Council; Daniel Johns (DJ), Resource Efficient Scotland (RES)/Changeworks; Rob Snaith (RS), RES/Changeworks;Stephen Varwell (SV), Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH);Jo Ellen, HEN (minutes)

Apologies: / Vanessa Halhead (VH), HEN; Caireen Ros (CR), Home Energy Scotland /Changeworks
2.0. / Actions from previous meeting
SC welcomed all present and began by going through the actions from the previous meeting:
Revised Objectives
SC advised that the wording of the revised Declaration objectives had been emailed round the Working Group and following that been put to HEF on the 18th March. They had been well received and were now agreed.
Contact with Ben MacCorquodale (BM)
DJ confirmed he has spoken with BM at RES who is happy to help distributing information on the CCD by Social Networks and other appropriate means.
Contact with CARERS
AC advised she has made contact with Rob Lees at CARERS and he is supportive of co-branding with the CCD.
New Working Group Members
SC advised he had spoken to Mike Smith at Inverness Business Improvement District (BID) about the CCD. It was felt that speaking to BID and other network organisations (such as the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Business Gateway, Cairngorms National Park, etc) would be beneficial to the Declaration. If any individuals associated with these groups wish to join the Working Group they would be made welcome.
Launch Event
See item 5.0
Invitations to Current Signatories
SC advised that this has not yet been done but will now be as a matter of urgency with the launch event coming up.
RES Pledge Ambassador
SC advised that it has been agreed that THC will sign up to be a RES Pledge Ambassador. Stuart Black, Director of Development and Infrastructurewill make the announcement.
Declaration Reporting Template
See item 7.0.
Web Portal
SC advised that THC is currently working on a new website which is due to become live at the end of May. It is anticipated that by June or July this year a microsite for the CCD could be up and running.
Wording to promote the Declaration
See item 4.0
Discussions with HEN
AC confirmed that this will be discussed at the next HEN Business Planning Meeting, so there is no update at present.
CCD Logo & Branding
DJ confirmed this has been forwarded to Stephen Boyle at RES.
HEF meeting on 18th March
See item 2.0
Terms of Reference
SC advised that a draft Terms of Reference had been distributed round the Working Group members and no amendments had been received back. All present agreed that they wereacceptable.
Feedback from HEF
SC advised he had been unable to attend the HEF meeting on 18th March so asked AC for an update on how it went. AC stated that it had gone well and HEF had been supportive the new objectives and the reduced emphasis on reporting. HEFhowever had made a couple of suggestions for additional points to be considered within the CCD:
  • Firstly they felt that there should information on how businesses involved in land-use can reduce carbon emissions.
  • Secondly they felt that signatories should need to address the issue of fuel povertyaffecting their employees and others associated with their business.
A discussion followed on the comments with the suggestion that travel fuel costs are also a significant factor for businesses and their employees in the Highlands. Bringing in Housing Associations and community groups could be a way of tackling both types of fuel poverty. The CCD could promote community led solutions (e.g community buses or car sharing schemes) through the various local networks and perhaps provide case studies to illustrate the benefits. It was also felt that Community Energy Scotland could possibly have a role to play.
AC advised that she spoke to George Hoggfrom SNH who represents HEF on the CPPfollowing the HEF meeting about representatives from organisations such as RES being invited to future meetings. He had agreed that this sector should be better represented at future meetings.
The next HEF meeting is in September and this group will need to provide a further update then.
3.0. / Revised Objectives
As discussed earlier all the HCCD Working Group and HEF agreed the following objectives:
  • Reduce! Take action to reduce the carbon emissions of your organisation and contribute to the Carbon CLEVER vision of a carbon neutral Inverness in a low carbon Highlands.
  • Share! Work with signatories in Highland and share information to promote good practice.
  • Encourage! Motivate and work with businesses, organisations, communities and individuals to take action to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to the potential impacts of climate change.
  • Provide! Produce a short annual update of the actions taken and progress achieved towards reducing carbon emissions, so that this good practice can be shared.

4.0. / Benefits to Signatories
SC advised that following his discussions with BID it was clear that businesses need to know the benefits they will get from the CCD before they will be willing to sign up. It was therefore felt that a summary of benefits to give the networks was an urgent priority. As a result of this DG outlined two draft documents he had been working on:
  • The first was a two-sided A4 document which highlights the benefits to joining the CCD and would possibly be sent to members of the different networks such as BID, Visit Scotland and FSB.
  • The second was a more public facing document which sets out what the CCD is about and what businesses are expected to do if they sign up. This could either be a follow up document to the first one or given to businesses who come directly with an interest in joining.
Following the discussions it was agreed that priority should be given to the first document for the Launch, with it simplified and put into a postcard type format. It was felt that of the benefits, money savings through energy efficiency and also recognition need to be very clear. It was agreed that AC should discuss this with Bruce Wares (BW) at Changeworks as his marketing expertise would be very useful. It was emphasised this document will need to be ready prior to theLaunch. THC in-house design team will be able to help ensure the layout and logos match other Carbon CLEVER documents.
With regards to the second document it was felt that ideally this should be available on-line, but some printed versions would also be necessary. Due to the changes with THC web-site as mentioned in item 1.0 the document would not be on-line for the Launch. It was stressed this document needs to make it clear that the CCD is a process for business to go through rather than a one-stop activity. Equally, the ‘light touch’ approach to reporting with lack of duplication should also be explicit.
A discussion followed on other possible benefits that could be made clear to signatories. The RES helpline was highlighted with guidance and support on legislative changes being seen as very important. RS & DJ also highlighted the RES regional cohorts could be of benefit to businesses. It was also suggested that it be clear to signatories that the CCD is a two-way process and businesses can come forward and say what they need.
9.0 / Launch
DJ advised that after the Craigmonie Hotel in Inverness had been booked for Wednesday 30th April in the morning for a two hour event (probably 10am – 12.00 pm). He and DG would be going to the hotel next week to determine the best way to set the room up. Provisionally the booking is for 100 people, although at this stage the numbers attending are very difficult to estimate. Those attending will be offered tea, coffee and pastries.
Discussion took place over the format of the Launch. It was agreed that someone from THC (possibly Steve Barron, Stuart Black or Drew Hendry) would speak about the CCD and also about THC being a RES Pledge Ambassador. RES will also want to promote the Pledge in a short talk. Discussion took place on who else could speak and the need for positive case studies. While it was felt some larger organisations such as SNH and Police Scotland could provide valuable information it was also stressed that smaller businesses would appreciate examples more applicable to them. Some examples of such businesses were discussed. The exact number or format of the case studies was not finalised however it was felt approximately an hour of talking followed by the signing of the signatories would be the correct balance.
Discussion also took place as to whether some organisations could provide stands to give information to those attending (e.g RES, EST, Business Gateway, HIE, SNH, etc). Once the size of the room is established and seating layout agreed this could be looked at in more detail.
Invite List
It was agreed that current signatories will be invited to the event along with notifying the various networks such as BID. RS and DJ advised that they have approximately 140 businesses they work with and they have discussed the CCD with many of them. They agreed to invite organisations they have been working with and keep DG up to date. It was felt that if businesses cannot attend the Launch but still wish to sign up they could be encouraged to do this in advance.
It was agreed that RES would promote the event through there established channels and an online booking system would be set up to restrict the number of attendees.
It was agreed that encouraging businesses from outwith Inverness to attend would be important, although the significant distances to be travelled by some would likely limit the number attending from far away.
It was agreed that having some kind of Billboard with a large sheet that the signatories could sign would be good for the press to use in any publicity surrounding the event. DG to try and source a suitable billboard and associated equipment. It was agreed that this signing should be clearly stated as the CCD rather than including any wording such as Pledge Clever which may cause confusion. Once signed up to the CCD however businesses will be encouraged to sign up to the RES Pledge also.
Co-branding update
There was no update given.
Gaining Signatories
Discussed under item 6.0
Reporting Format
DG referred to a draft reporting template document on the overhead screen which would potentially be issued to signatories a year after signing. It asks for them to complete a simple form with information such as their carbon reduction key achievements and plans for the year ahead. They would also be able to included quantitative data if they wish. A discussion followed with all in agreement that it is vital that the form highlights successes and it is clear to businesses that the quantitative data is not essential. It is also crucial that there is not duplication of reporting with companies able to attach information prepared for other organisations such as RES. A suggestion was made that there could be more than one template available and companies could choose the one most appropriate to them. It was also felt that it needs to be more explicit why the information is being sought so companies are aware of the positive benefits of providing the detail.
There were no items raised.
Date of Next Meeting
No future meeting date was set at this time.


Ref / Who / Action / When
1 / SC/DG / Invitations to current signatories to Launch event / ASAP
2 / AC / To discuss with HEN at their next Business Planning Meeting how they can encourage sign up to the CCD / ASAP
3 / DG/AC / To work on a postcard style document to distribute for the Launch event & liaise with BW over the wording / ASAP
4 / DG & DJ / To organise the Launch event on 30th April and liaise with other Working Group members where necessary / ASAP
5 / DJ, RS & DG / To draw up an invite list for the Launch event / ASAP
6 / DG / To find a suitable billboard and associated equipment for the Launch event / ASAP