MUNSS Meeting Minutes

7 pm, September 24, 2013

Health Sciences 2J13

Call of the Role

Present Yuna Jang (President), Grant Macneil (Mohawk Vice President), Taissa Pavliuc (Secretary), Kevin Kim (McMaster Education Chairperson), Chris Wituik (Mohawk Education Chairperson), Victoria Dejong (Conestoga Education Chairperson), Chantel Barry (Social Chairperson), Erin Nieweglowski (Social Chairperson), Taylar Divenanzo (Communications Chairperson), Joshua Carvalho (CNSA OD), Alexandra Morra (CNSA McMaster AD), Michell Cook (CNSA Conestoga AD), Holly Fisher (McMaster Level II Representative), Marika Watson (McMaster Level II Representative), Sara Rico (McMaster Level III Representative), Jessica Voortman (McMaster Level III Representative), Jessica Gauthier (Conestoga Level IV Representative), Emma Kruis (Conestoga Level III Representative), Chris Kilbourne (Level II Conestoga Representative), Carleen Shipley (RPN-BScN Representative), Tharshika Sugumaran (Accelerated Stream Representative), Kornelia Palczewski (SRA Representative), Boey Chak (McMaster Level 1 Representative), Raymond Baglole (Mohawk Level 1 Representative), Justine Brown (Mohawk Level 1 Representative), Lori Lopez (Conestoga Level I Representative), Tyler Schlosser (Conestoga Level 1 Representative)

Faculty Ola Lunyk Child (McMaster)

Excused Absent Maja Bugarski (Conestoga VP), Sadia Aden (Treasurer)

Absent Ayaan Mohamed (McMaster Vice President), Beth Fitzgerald (Conestoga Level III Representative), Matthiew Payette (Uniform Chairperson), Jessica Beatty (McMaster Level 1 Representative), Matt Nusselder (Conestoga Level III Representative)

Start of the Meeting

Motion / To start the meeting
Motioned By / Taylar Divenanzo (Communications Representative)
Seconded By / Joshua Carvalho (CNSA)
Motion Conclusion / Passed by General Consensus


Motion / Amend agenda to include level 4 pinning ceremony and homecoming expo
Motioned By / Grant Macneil (Mohawk Vice President)
Seconded By / Boey Chak (McMaster Level 1 Representative)
Motion Conclusion / Passed by General Consensus

House Keeping + Updates + Clarification from last meeting

·  Monthly/annual report

·  Boey: What is a monthly report?

·  Yuna: Explains what a monthly and annual report is to answer Boey’s question

·  Yuna: First anatomy midterm for level 1 – level 1 reps hold a study session with Dr. Heli

Group Norms

Yuna: General group norm to eliminate side chatter and do not go on social media

·  General consensus yes

Regional vs. National Conference Prices Comparison

·  Alex: Move all funding from regionals to nationals

·  Josh: Majority of funding went to nationals 80-90% of funding

·  Last year $200/person were covered for nationals

·  Starting fundraising in October, need a fundraising committee

·  Alex: Making and selling Dr. Culver approved Q-cards, OSCE study handbook?

o  Need faculty approval

o  Need to include references/footnotes

Motion / Propose to move all regional funding to nationals
Motioned By / Joshua Carvalho (CNSA)
Seconded By / Chantel Barry (Social Chairperson)
Motion Conclusion / Passed by General Consensus
10 for, CNSA abstained

·  Josh: Need the room for fundraising committee 5:30-9:00 pm

o  For next MUNSS meeting at Conestoga

Position filled + Vote of Confidence

·  Chris: Introduces Mac level 1 representatives and Chris level 2 Conestoga representative

·  Vote of confidence for Alyssa Urciuoli for the position of Level 4 Mohawk: Wants a memorable grad and has collaborated with Marisa, knows Mohawk faculty, volunteered with pinning ceremony in level 3, and very organized

·  Jessica: What are your time commitments for the year?

·  Alyssa: Other than work and clinical I am free for every MUNSS meeting on Tuesdays

·  Josh: How would you make the pinning smoother?

·  Alyssa: Keeping track of who got tickets and stamping

·  Kevin: What previous experience do you have with event planning?

·  Alyssa: Planned a fashion show and a trip

Motion / To elect Alyssa Urciuoli as the new Level 4 Mohawk Representative
Motioned By / Tharshika Sugumaran (Accelerated Stream Representative)
Seconded By / Marika Watson (McMaster Level II Representative)
Motion Conclusion / In favour: 9
Abstaining: 2
Alyssa Urciuoli is the new Level 4 Mohawk Representative

Vacant Positions - Yuna

Level 2: Mo (2) Con (1)

Level 3: Mo (3)

Level 4: Mac (2)

RPN to BScN (1 from Mo)

Accelerated (1)

Awards/Scholarship (1)

·  Yuna: Move the awards/scholarships responsibilities to the McMaster, Mohawk and Conestoga Vice Presidents?

·  Jessica: give this responsibility to a different position?

·  Lori: What are the responsibilities for this position?

·  Yuna: Reads out responsibilities from constitution

·  Kevin: I think a core member or VP should have this responsibility/position

·  Tyler: It is a lot to take in, in our first year

·  Taylar: Communications already has a large role with advertising the awards, therefore I think Communications can take this role on if VPs cannot

·  Grant: Need to advertise the open positions more

·  Yuna: Open all positions including awards and scholarships?

·  Chris: Yes

Motion / Propose to open all vacant positions
Motioned By / Tharshika Sugumaran (Accelerated Stream Representative)
Seconded By / Marika Watson (McMaster Level II Representative),
Motion Conclusion / Passed by General Consensus

Orientation Budget Presentation – Facilitated by Jessica and Erin

·  $4666.23 saved – budget estimated higher than what it actually was

·  Survival guide misprint, huge discount as a result

·  Cut out some things – used some swag from last year

·  Swag bags were the most expensive

·  Selling bandanas made ~$1000

·  Donated $6000 to Shinerama

·  Some swag bags remaining, and made almost all the money back

·  Some swag being sold in the Drain (Engineering lounge in JHE), will get some more income throughout the school year

·  Decreased swag bag cost to $30, and put extra swag from last year into the bags for this year, also gave “Rep of the Day” a piece of swag

·  Frosh T-shirts: made additional T-shirts for those who did not get a Mohawk or Conestoga Macpass but attended events

·  Faculty Night saved a lot of money – busses, cupcakes

·  Need to make updated contact list

·  Kevin: any parts we went over budget?

·  Erin: shipping and handling, GST, etc. is usually a lot for the swag

·  All the suit companies stopped making yellow jumpsuits, cost increased to $100 each because they were a special order

·  Balance $2098.75 buffer

Meeting Basis + Possible Amendment to Constitution

·  At this time, the Constitution calls for biweekly meetings at McMaster site with the exception of 1 meeting per term to be hosted at Conestoga.

·  Advantage: Stronger bond/unity for three sites

·  Disadvantage: Conestoga execs commute on avg. 1hr (return trip)

o  Proposed change: 1 monthly meeting at McMaster site with the exception of 1 meeting per term to be hosted at Conestoga. 1 monthly SITE SPECIFIC meeting at each site.

o  e.g. Sept 10th – General meeting Sept 24th – Site specific meeting

·  Advantage: Stronger bond for site specific representatives; provide time to document monthly updates from each site; Conestoga execs save time from commuting

·  Disadvantage: May weaken bond between three sites

·  Josh: By having site specific meetings, there will be a lot of repeat ideas and it will not an efficient use of time

·  Grant: Will segregate us, pushing away Conestoga like this

·  Erin: If we have small groups, site specific, would not really be able to pass motions

·  Alex: Once a month to Conestoga? Instead of once a term or twice a term?

·  Yuna: 2 meetings at McMaster, the next at Conestoga. So every third meeting would be at Conestoga?

·  Jessica: Conestoga is to be reimbursed for gas expenses

·  Kevin: For Conestoga meetings, are we going to be reimbursed for driving?

·  Yuna: Money is from students, so it may not be fair

·  Taylar: It is more fair to come to Conestoga more often

·  Jessica: More McMaster students would be reimbursed from the budget, more fair time wise, but more strain on budget if McMaster/Mohawk drivers get reimbursed

·  Ola: Use web conference capabilities? Typing and responding back

·  Yuna: Is there a cap to how many people can be on the screen at once?

·  Ola: Many

·  Kevin: How would voting work for the meetings?

·  Jessica: How would you be able to vote anonymously?

·  Ola: Anonymous votes would not work. Although this would be a good alternative for someone who could not make it to the MUNSS meeting

·  Lori: Conestoga commuters have to pay for parking on campus.

·  Yuna: Parking after 5pm is free on many streets of campus at McMaster

·  Grant: Motion that we do not do this

·  Yuna: Do we have any proposals?

·  Josh: Rotate Mohawk, McMaster, Conestoga

Motion / To make every third meeting at the Conestoga site
Motioned By / Taylar Divenanzo (Communications Chairperson)
Seconded By / Grant Macneil (Mohawk Vice President)
In favour: 7
Abstaining: 4
Motion Conclusion / Motion not passed

·  More discussion and another vote (closed discussion)

Motion / To make every third meeting at the Conestoga site
Motioned By / Taylar Divenanzo (Communications Chairperson)
Seconded By / Grant Macneil (Mohawk Vice President)
In favour: 10
Abstaining: 1
Motion Conclusion / Passed by general consensus

Dates of Future Meetings

Term 1: Tuesday, October 8th (Conestoga), Tuesday, October 22nd (McMaster), Tuesday, November 5th (McMaster), Tuesday, November 19th (Conestoga), last meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd (McMaster)

Term 2: Tuesday, January 7th at (McMaster), Tuesday, January 21st (Conestoga), Tuesday, February 4th (McMaster), Tuesday, February 25th (McMaster), Tuesday, March 11th (Conestoga), Tuesday, March 25th (McMaster) as the last meeting


·  Yuna: Find a copy of the budget at Positions get money to run events and workshops

·  Proposed revenue: Amount you think you will fundraise/think you will make

·  Actual expenditure: Keep track of how much you have spent, add it every time

·  Only for people who have a budget

·  Social, education, CNSA (majority goes to membership fees), RNAO, and communications budget, each level rep gets $50 to spend altogether (each pair from each site gets $50)

·  You must provide Sadia and Yuna a receipt each time to make sure that the money is spent correctly


·  Send Yuna a description of the committee and how many people you want on your committee

·  Every executive member should be in a committee

·  Ola and Yuna: Faculty committees that need student representatives have been filled

Defeat Depression Walk/Run - Alex

·  At McMaster affiliated with COPE and Mood Disorders of Canada, all money that go to mood disorders

·  Walk is on October 6th, 10am-12pm

·  Alex can start a campaign ASAP, talk to Alex if you are interested

Research Recruiting - Noeman Mirza

·  Did his undergraduate studies at McMaster, was on MUNSS for three years during his undergrad

·  New grad initiative that came from CNSA

·  1st and 2nd year students – clinical reasoning and problem based learning

·  Results will only be shared once research is completed to anyone who was participating, once results are published they are available to everyone

McMaster Homecoming Expo

·  Asking for prizes, general information about MUNSS, and volunteers

·  On Friday, October 4th 12pm-5pm

·  Yuna: All those that are interested in volunteering can connect with Grant

Level 4 Pinning Ceremony

·  Level 4s responsibility is to fundraise for the pinning ceremony and nursing gear

·  Has become challenging for level 4s to plan all these events and study for CNRE as well as shift work, is it better to switch the role to another level representative?

·  Jessica: Split responsibilities with level 3 representatives with the level 4s?

·  Ola and Yuna: Explains pinning

·  Sara: What would the level 3s do exactly?

·  Marisa: Level 3s collect tickets, but would they also help plan?

·  Jessica: Yes

·  Marisa: Grad committee also wants to help out

·  Yuna: On the day of the event (June 12, 2014), food, equipment, drafting a program to give out to family members, decorations, distributing and collecting tickets, need to all be planned

·  Holly: Assign extra roles to level 2 or 3 by advertising the committee to others

·  Yuna: Last year, because it was June, it was hard to find volunteers

·  Tharshika: People need to adhere to these commitments, since the last meeting

·  Kevin: Graduate then move back home and to work as an RN, would they still be around?

·  Grant: When you commit, you commit

·  Jessica V: Kevin, should it be for the level 3s?

·  Kevin: For continuity it would be almost respectful when all the level 4s have a lot of shift work for the level 3s to take on this role

·  Yuna: For students in lower levels to contribute back to us it would be respectful, as Kevin touched upon

·  Jessica V: Where do the level 3s step in with helping?

·  Yuna: Table the discussion for two weeks, then discuss and vote on it in two weeks

·  Jessica V: Make a list of responsibilities for the level 3s for the next meeting

End the Meeting

Motion / Motion to end the meeting at 9:17 pm
Motioned By / Erin Nieweglowski (Social Chairperson)
Seconded By / Carleen Shipley (RPN-BScN Representative)
Motion Conclusion / Passed by General Consensus

Meeting Adjourned