Australia Pacific Rim REVIEW

Part 1: Multiple Choice Select the best answer for each question from the choices available.

1What is true of the continent of Antarctica?

A / Its population is found mostly in coastal cities.
B / It is colder and higher than any other continent.
C / It is usually warmer than the continent of Australia.
D / Its plants and animals are endangered species.

2What is unusual about New Zealand’s kiwi and cassowary birds?

A / They are not physically able to fly.
B / They have black wings and bodies.
C / They migrated from Australia.
D / They have crossbred with other birds.

3How are invasive species introduced to new regions?

A / They migrate to new places by themselves.
B / People bring them from other places.
C / Mutations cause new plants and animals to evolve.
D / Ocean currents wash them ashore.

4What problem do dingoes cause?

A / They eat too many native plants.
B / They spread from Geelong all over Australia.
C / They attack native animals and livestock.
D / They eat crops and damage grazing lands.

5What are the two kinds of Pacific islands?

A / molten lava and volcanic cones
B / high islands and low islands
C / reef islands and coral islands
D / desert islands and rain forest islands

6What threatens the corals that make up reefs?

A / warmer water temperatures, pollution, overfishing
B / too many new animal and plant species
C / invasive species such as small fish and sharks
D / overgrowth of colonies of corals

7How did the first people probably get to Australia?

A / came from the southern tip of Africa
B / sailed from nearby Pacific islands
C / traveled by sea or land bridge from Asia
D / migrated from inland areas to the coasts

8What caused many immigrants to go to Australia in the 1850s?

A / discovery of gold
B / sheep farming
C / freedom for convicts
D / oil drilling

9Why is language important to the Aborigines?

A / It is always written down.
B / It passes along their history and culture.
C / It is used for legal contracts.
D / It helps them communicate with outsiders.

10How are linguists trying to save native languages?

A / look at pictographs to figure out words
B / translate the written word
C / record and videotape people speaking them
D / try to teach native people new words

Part 2: Interpret Maps Use the map and your knowledge of Australia to answer the questions.

11What is the Great Dividing Range?

A / desert
B / mountains
C / plateau
D / river

12Where is Uluru located?

A / along the coast
B / Great Artesian Basin
C / northern Australia
D / Western Plateau

13Where are the most rivers located?

A / northern Australia
B / eastern Australia
C / southeastern Australia
D / southwestern Australia

Part 3: Interpret Charts Use the chart and your knowledge of New Zealand to answer the questions.

14What age group is the least familiar with the Maori language?

A / females over the age of 65
B / males under age 15
C / females aged 15-64
D / males over age 65

15What percentage of people age 15-64 still know Maori?

A / over 20 percent
B / over 40 percent
C / over 50 percent
D / over 80 percent

16How does the percentage of Maori speakers aged 15-64 compare to Maori speakers over the age of 65?

A / about 20 percent less
B / about 40 percent less
C / about 60 percent less
D / about 80 percent less

Multiple Choice Choose the best answer for each question from the choices available.

17What is one thing unique or different about Australia?

A / It is an island, a continent, and a country.
B / It is the only country located in the Southern Hemisphere.
C / It is home to the coldest climate on Earth.
D / It is made of thousands of islands, coral reefs, and volcanoes.

18Why do most Australians live on the coasts?

A / The inland region is too mountainous.
B / The shoreline is the only volcano-free region.
C / The climate of the inland region is too dry.
D / The people like the beaches and sea life.

19What do marsupials have in common?

A / They are birds that cannot fly.
B / They carry their babies in pouches.
C / They all eat eucalyptus leaves.
D / They are mammals that lay eggs.

20Why are feral rabbits a problem?

A / They battle dingoes for living space.
B / They ruin crops and grazing lands.
C / They spread human diseases.
D / They attack kangaroos and wallabies.

21How are high islands formed?

A / Volcanic cones push up from under water.
B / Coral reefs build up into land.
C / Large chunks of mainland break off.
D / Atolls form circular chains.

22Why is the Great Barrier Reef called “the rain forest of the sea”?

A / Many plant and animal species live there.
B / Plants are thick and tall as in a rain forest.
C / It rains so much over the reefs.
D / The coral form a canopy like treetops.

Multiple Choice Choose the best answer for each question from the choices available.

23What makes Aborigines different from other groups of people?

A / oldest continuous culture in the world
B / strong ties to the land
C / developed their own culture and languages
D / have conflicts with newcomers

24What percentage of Australia’s population do Aborigines represent today?

A / 33 percent
B / 8 percent
C / 3 percent
D / 50 percent

25What did James Cook do in the Pacific Islands?

A / claimed all islands as British territory
B / explored and mapped the islands
C / searched for gold on the islands
D / started a marine reserve for animals

26Who were the first large group of Europeans to go to Australians?

A / Portuguese sailors
B / British convicts
C / Spanish explorers
D / African slaves

27What is Australia today?

A / a country independent of others
B / a group of separate colonies
C / a British Commonwealth country
D / a nation that rules New Zealand

28Why do native languages disappear?

A / People are forbidden to speak them.
B / Translators can’t understand them.
C / New generations stop speaking them.
D / Written records are being destroyed.

Australia Pacific Rim REVIEW

Answer Section

1ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Make a generalization about Antarctica.STA:6.3.C

2ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Explain why New Zealand's kiwi and cassowary birds are unusual.STA:6.21.B

3ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Describe how invasive species are introduced to regions.STA:6.21.B|6.22.A

4ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Describe the problem dingoes cause.STA:6.21.B

5ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Identify two kinds of Pacific islands.STA:6.4.D|6.6.A

6ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Identify the threat to coral reefs.STA:6.6.A|6.21.B

7ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Explain how the first people got to Australia.STA:6.1.A

8ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Explain what caused immigration to Australia in the 1850s.STA:6.4.C|6.21.B

9ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Explain why language is important to Aborigines.STA:6.15.B

10ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Describe how linguists are trying to save the native languages.STA:6.17.C|6.17.D

11ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a physical map of Australia.STA:6.4.D|6.21.C

12ANS:DPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a physical map of Australia.STA:6.4.C|6.21.C

13ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a physical map of Australia.STA:6.3.B|6.4.D|6.21.C

14ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a chart of Maori speakers in New Zealand.STA:6.3.B|6.4.B|6.21.C

15ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a chart of Maori speakers in New Zealand.STA:6.15.B|6.21.C

16ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Chapter Test A

OBJ:Interpret a chart of Maori speakers in New Zealand.STA:6.15.B|6.21.C

17ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Describe something unique about Australia.STA:6.3.B|6.8.C

18ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Explain why most Australians live on the coast.STA:6.4.B

19ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Describe marsupials.STA:6.21.B

20ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Explain why feral rabbits are a problem.STA:6.21.B

21ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Explain how high islands are formed.STA:6.6.A

22ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 1

OBJ:Explain why the Great Barrier Reef is called "the rain forest of the sea."STA:6.6.A

23ANS:APTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Explain why Aborigines are different from other people.STA:6.15.A|6.21.B

24ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Identify what percentage of Australians are Aborigines.STA:6.15.D

25ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Identify James Cook.STA:6.2.A

26ANS:BPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Describe the first large group of Europeans to go to Australia.STA:6.4.C

27ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Describe Australia's political status today.STA:6.1.B

28ANS:CPTS:1REF:Chapter 23 Quiz Section 2

OBJ:Explain why native languages disappear.STA:6.17.B