Unit 6 Review Game

Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Directions: Answer each of the 23 questions as best you can. Decide how much you want each question to count from 1 to 23 points. You may only use each point value once. You will receive however many points you “wager” for each question you get correct. The people with the most points at the end will receive five (5) bonus points on their Unit VI Test.

Question: / Answer / Points
Wagered / Points
1. What caused the first great population boom in the west? / railroads
2. What is another word for empire building? / imperialism
3. Immigrants from what country took “whites” jobs on the railroad? / Chinese
4. The U.S. fought the Spanish American War to free Cuba from what country? / Spain
5. The U.S. backed Panamanian rebels to gain access to land to build what? / Panama Canal
6. What document/speech stated that the U.S. would use force to prevent intervention in the affairs of our neighbors? / Monroe Doctrine
7. What was the name of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy? / Big Stick
8. What effect did the Panama Canal have on the speed & cost of international trade? / Faster;cheaper
9. Writers who overexaggerate or sensationalize information for public attention were called what? / Yellow journalism
10. The Roosevelt Corollary expanded the Monroe Doctrine to include the Pacific Rim & what other area/region of the world? / Latin America
11. The two events that convinced Pres. Wilson to declare war in 1917 was the Zimmerman Note & . . . .? / Lusitana sunk
12. The U.S. position of neutrality was violated by what type of German submarine warfare? / unrestricted
13. What German letter intended to create a German-Mexican alliance against the U.S.? / Zimmerman note
14. When the U.S. joined WWI, the economy had to shift from peacetime to what? / War time
15. In order to make that shift, what did the Federal government do to production of crops & supplies? / Took over
16. What socialist was imprisoned for violating the Sedition Act? / Eugene Debs
17. What act passed by Congress during WWI limited civil liberties like freedom of speech? / Espionage Act
18. What is the name of the mass movement of African Americans from the South to the North during WWI? / Great migration
19. What international peacekeeping organization did the U.S. Congress refuse to join? / League of Nations
20.Which amendment started prohibition? / 18th
21. Which amendment granted women suffrage? / 19th
22. What act passed by Congress started the draft in WWI? / Selective Service Act
23. Whose foreign policy did the U.S. use until WWI? / Neutrality
24. Which peace treaty unfairly punished Germany & forced them to pay $54 billion in reparations? / Treaty of Versailles
25. What was the name of the U.S. Naval ship that was sunk off the coast of Cuba? / Maine
26. What was the Filipino people’s response to U.S. control after the Spanish American War? / Revolt/ insurrection
27. What international peace keeping organization did the U.S. Congress refuse to join after WWI because they were afraid of giving up a large portion of its power? / League of Nations
28. What was the name for President Wilson’s plan for peace after WWI? / 14 Points
29. On which front (eastern or western) in WWI was the fighting stuck in a stalemate? / western
30. The purchase of what piece of property is referred to as “Seward’s Folly?” / Alaska