Unified English Braille Update

Issue 5: September 2013

Welcome to the fifth edition of UEB Update from UKAAF (the UK Association for Accessible Formats), issued at the beginning of each school term. In this update we have information on training courses in UEB, updated braille reading schemes, new reference material in UEB and lots more. Please click on the links that are underlined in each paragraph for further information.

Exam boards

Members of UKAAF have been talking to exam boards about UEB to make sure that they are aware of the changes to the braille code and the implications it will have on the production of exam papers. We have agreed a timetable for the introduction of the new code which is available from the UKAAF website. We are still waiting to hear from the Scottish and Welsh boards

Children's braille reading schemes

RNIB has begun updating it's braille reading schemes to UEB, the first of which has been completed and is available for purchase from the RNIB shop. 'Hands on' is a comprehensive reading scheme aimed at children aged 4 to 6.

UEB upgrade course

A one day practical course for braille teachers and transcribers will be delivered at various locations across the UK in the Spring term, next year. The course is being subsidised by the Department of Education so only a nominal charge will be levied. Further information will be emailed once all the details have been finalised.

UEB - What's it all about?

Our friends at Clear Vision who have an excellent library for young children and have been producing all their new books in UEB for sometime now have produced a very clear and simple guide to UEB. Suitable for teachers to give to parents and support staff, it is available for free download from their website

UEB Australian Training Manual

Our colleagues from the International Council on English Braille (ICEB) in Australia have recently published their UEB training manual. It is based on the braille primer produced by RNIB and is available for free download. The British version of the Braille Primer in UEB will be available for purchase in the new year.

Foreign Languages

Many thanks to those of you who responded to my recent request regarding the treatment of foreign languages in UEB text. UKAAF is currently preparing some guidelines with examples on the various methods of transcribing foreign languages. We still need to take some important decisions on what method should be used for exams and school text books. If you are involved with school age children learning foreign languages then please do get in touch as soon as possible. ( )

RNIB certificate in contracted English braille

This distance learning course is aimed at any sighted learner who supports someone using braille, such as parents, teachers, teaching assistants and support workers. Those people joining the course in October will initially be taught the basics of Standard English Braille (SEB) whilst being made aware of the differences and impact that Unified English Braille (UEB) will make. The second half of the course will then be taught exclusively in UEB. Those students joining the course from May 2014 onwards will follow a course in UEB from the outset. For further information

The Rules of Unified English Braille

The rules of Unified English Braille are available from the ICEB wesbsite for free download. For people who require hard copy these are now available for purchase from the RNIB shop in braille or print. Please note we are expecting a new updated edition of the rulebook to be available at the end of the year.

Samples of UEB

There are a number of samples of UEB available to download from the UKAAF website. We have just recently added a new sample demonstrating how some intermediate level maths might be presented in UEB.

British Braille Addendum

Although we are looking very much to the future with regards braille and the implementation of UEB, standard English braille (SEB) is still a supported code within the UK and UKAAF recently agreed some modifications and clarifications to British Braille 2004 edition which can be found on the website in the standards section

Other news

Job Opportunity

New College Worcester is looking for a new Head of Braille and Tactile Learning. Please visit their website for further information

National Braille Week

It is National braille week from the 7th to the 13th October for more details visit the Royal Blind Website

Read For RNIB Day

Read for RNIB Day is on the 11th October and is RNIB's major annual fundraising event. This year as part of their fundraising kit they are offering a schools pack which includes a host of reading- themed activity ideas for Key Stages 1-3. Register now at

www.readforrnib.org.uk or call 0845 345 0054

Get in touch

We'd love to hear your views on UEB and what you want from these email updates. Get in touch with Mandy White, UKAAF Braille Subject Lead by emailing .

Mailing preferences

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