SAC Meeting
I. Call to Order: (3:00PM)
II. Roll Call: All present
III. Prayer: Given by Katie, LeeAnn to give prayer at next meeting.
IV. Approval of minutes: 9/28/2011 minutes were approved without change
V. Public Forum
Jayson Lerman: Senator - introduction, Relay for Life - $5 to make relay team this weekend, relay is April 20th.
Greg Rose for Ricky Narsinghani: Cupcakes with SGA, would like SACer to participate.
Kristen Sanfilippo: SGA Walks, You Talk. Sign up to walk along.
VI. Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
Report at my desk
VII. Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
A few points that I would like to draw your attention too:
1.) On Friday I had a meeting with Mr. Robert Clay (Director of OMA) to discuss the launch of MOSAIC and the SDoD position. Our conversation was extremely beneficial as he provided some good insight into both topics as well as provided some direction for the near future. Having said that, Mr. Clay and Nia Williams (SDoD) are hoping to launch MOSAIC by the first week of November.
2.) Along the same lines, this past Wednesday I had a chance to sit down with Nia Williams (SDoD) to discuss the future of the SDoD position. After preliminary conversations with Leah, Dustin, and the Execs, Nia and I will be taking a look at conducting a job duty and responsibilities analysis. We want to make sure all of our appointed positions are fulfilling areas of need, so I may be asking for a Senator and SACer in the coming weeks to assist in this process.
3.) I hate to keep bringing up paper usage, but I have a visual for you- three reams of paper. Last week I reported that total usage on the SGA printer (since we purchased it) was roughly 96,500. Today, one week later, we have printed 99,359! That’s more than 2,000 pages in one week or about 220 pages/day. We really need to watch this guys…
4.) Lastly, I am finally ready to have the Ad Hoc committee targeted to assisting Dr. Chadwick’s office meet. Sarah and Ryan- please be on the lookout for a WhenisGood in the next few days so that we can start meeting ASAP.
Printing in the last two days could be from our evaluation; maybe it was not necessary to print it. I have noticed a lot of people outside SGA printing; we could put a sign up explaining that we need to cut down printing.
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
Just a few things that I wanted to talk with you about today. First, the SGA website. As you’ll recall from Crystal and Dustin’s last few reports, we are currently exploring ways to better utilize the SGA website. With respect to SAC, it would be great to place more information about SAC events on the website and remember to keep updating the OrgSync calendar! If this is something that would be of interest to you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Crystal or Dustin who can help work through what the SAC page should look like.
If you have had a chance to check your email today, hopefully you have seen my email about the ISN Conference. This year, SGA is able to sponsor two members to attend the Ignatian Family Teach-In in Washington D.C. This year the conference is from November 12-14th. If you are interested in attending please let me know by Wednesday night. For more information you can see the link which I included in the e-mail last night.
One quick note about short-term car rental: I have a meeting set with Jon Beres tomorrow, the new Associate Director for Auxiliary Services to discuss potential RFI options. I’ll be sure to share more information following my meeting with Jon.
For those of you who are interested in Dining Services, Auxiliary Services has also informed me that Chartwells will be on campus next week to interview different members of the campus community. Chartwells Corporate Director of Strategic Solutions has set aside some time on November 1st at 1:30pm to come into the SGA Office and interview student leaders about Dining Services. If you are interested in participating, I think this would be a great opportunity to provide some critical feedback on your experiences with dining at Xavier.
Finally, one possible option for next year; the Theology Department has reached out to me about possibly sponsoring a lecture during Sustainability Day next week. Because this falls under the next year, I think ultimately those of you who will be here should decide if it is something that you would like to support. I will continue to follow-up with the Theology Department, but I wanted to be sure to put it on your radar screen.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Please thank Ryan for the snacks! Next week Matt and Megan are bringing “something boss.”
For my project update:
1. Study Abroad Paperless program, scholarships, ASL, international risk policy, AB
Ricardo previously spearheaded this project, but Ryan, Brock and I decided that I would take it on. I talked to Ismael Betancourt today about several great resources and projects that the Center for International Education (CIE) is working on including a paperless program that allows students to apply for study abroad online, more scholarship opportunity for study abroad, Academic Service Learning, an international risk policy, and the CIE’s role in Alternative Breaks. If anyone is more curious about what any of these things are or how they work, please don’t hesitate to talk to me about it.
One thing in particular that Ismael and I discussed that I want to brief you on was about SGA’s study abroad scholarship. In years past, SGA has had an application process for students studying abroad to be awarded scholarship (two $500). Ismael and I will take a look at the criteria used to assess these students, and even offered to be a part of our SGA panel when choosing scholarship recipients. I’m really looking forward to working with him.
2. LGBTQ Position: LGBTQ Training and Support Intern (LTSI)
As you all know, I sent out an email out that explains more about the LGBTQ Training and Support Intern position that I’ve been working so hard on. As you all know from my previous reports, after much research and analysis, it was clear to me that it was in Xavier's best interest and theLGBTQ community's best interest to move forward with the position the previous executives suggested, but in a very different way.
TheLGBTQ position that I have designed is similar to the appointed positions that are included in the constitution. However, this position, theLGBTQ Training and Support Intern (LTSI), is a temporary, 16 weekposition. It is very different than the part time grad student the previous executives suggested at the end of their term. This position focuses primarily on reintroducing a training, similar to safezone, back to Xavier's campus. Roughly 60% of theLTSI's work will be focused on this. However, the other, 40% will be spentproducing aneeds-assessment for Xavier and doingfurther research on how other universities bring quality support to their campuses. Then theLTSI willdetermine andrecommend how Xavier can best supportLGBTQcommunities here.
The description/application I sent out has been reviewed by several key administrators. While they were displeased with the previous executives' plan for theLGBTQ position, they are extremely happy with and approve of this position. TheLTSI position is currently with senior administration for consideration.
Next week, Seth and Morgan will call for an open executive session to further explain the position. Please come with questions andcomments to the 10/31 Senate meeting and the 11/2 SAC meeting. However, if you major concerns, pleasespeakwith me before the meetings.
I have one request for everyone here: please keep this description/application within SGA-- do not give anyone who is thinking about applyingunfair advantagebyproviding them with this document before it officially goes out.
Do let me know me know if you have any questions.
If we come to Senate meeting, what time will it be discussed? 3:15-3:30. Is the study abroad shorter than a quarter.
VIII. Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
Workshop: Don’t forget workshop is coming up! November 18th and 19th!
Evaluations: As you all know evaluations have been turned in and one-on-ones have started! I was really impressed by all of the comments that were made on the evaluations and I want to thank the majority of you for taking the time to fill them out. Some of you haven’t signed up for our one-on-ones yet so I am sending around a sign up sheet for tomorrow and Friday. Although you all have been receiving a paper copy of your evaluations I will also be sending you all an e-mail for your records. Pass around goals for spring and overall SAC evaluations.
Facebook: Just to let you know our facebook likes are now 66 new members have liked SAC since last week! 500 likes – cookie cake 1000 likes – something substantial like pizza by Nov. 9th. 3 weeks.
Proposals due Sunday October 30th:
§ Stress Relief – Next Wednesday
Portal Comments:
§ We should have a black and white movie on the greenspace, or an old movie for more variety
§ Bring in Frank Warren for a PostSecret event at Xavier.
· It will fulfill the mission in various aspects. This notion and this even brings people together, entertainment, and is worthwhile. People can learn that they are not alone. It'll bring various groups together. What more could you want?
§ I have some upcoming Late Night Movie suggestions. Here are a few that would definitely get the attention of students: "Drive" "50/50" "Moneyball" "The Ides of March" "Contagion" "30 Minutes or Less" ...and here are a few other good ideas, too: "Our Idiot Brother" "Crazy Stupid Love" "Fright Night" "Straw Dogs" Thank You!
· So far so good.
§ Swing dancing on campus. I have gone to the Latin Dancing night for two years now but I think there would be a great outcome with swing dancing if it was on campus rather than off-campus.
What time does workshop start? Be in office by 4:30.
IX. Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
For your Senate Minute today, I’ll be brief in my updates:
· Xavier Students Against Sexual Assault (XSASA) is up for discussion to become an SGA-recognized club. They previously have served loosely on this campus as a Student Working Group, although they are a high-functioning and organized group.
· Cupcakes with SGA will be held on November 7th in Kuhlman Hall. Ricky is looking for any SAC volunteers who would like to participate.
Family Weekend went really well last weekend. We had 1,433 participants, which adds up to 426 families altogether. This number is up from last year where we had 400 families and 1,227 participants. Thanks to those of you who participated and I hope your families enjoyed being on campus with you for the weekend!
I would like to schedule to meet with committee chairs over the next week to touch base and check in on the committees. Please sign up with your time on my door.
I’d like to open some discussion to start now in my report and to go back to the various committees for further discussion, regarding Pre and Post-Event meetings. In the past, the SAC Chair has conducted Pre-Event meetings with each set of event chairs and the advisor has conducted Post-Event meetings following every event. What are your thoughts and would you like to re-institute either of these programs in the future?
Sign up on your Door to meet? Yes. Post event and Pre event meetings, what do you think? I like both, can fix problems before and useful feed back. If we are going to do it, should be organized. Worksheet is great; I’ve looked at old ones when planning. Put post event eval on OrgSync. Should bring back check list of planning for an event, should have to be mandatory. When we have blast for the past, maybe talk more detail about event.
X. Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
When you are filling out a Cash Receipt, please bring the half that reads “your copy” to me. That way I can keep track of who I will keep a binder at my desk with them in it.
I’ll be going on an AB trip this year to Chicago (finding justice in the Chicago prison system. Eat at Currito Friday, bring this card and 20% of your purchase will go to AB. If you write “Chicago” on the paper the whole 20% will go directly to my trip! Check your email, I’ll be sending you a copy!
XI. Opinion Entries
XII. Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Breaking Dawn Midnight Premier
Committee: Late Night Programming
Co-Chairs: Abby and Whitney
Event Date and Time: Thursday/Friday November 18th at 12:00
Location: AMC Theater
Est. Attendance: 194
We will be taking students to see the midnight premier of Twilight, Breaking Dawn Part 1. We will load the busses at 10:30pm to ensure that there will be enough time to get to the theater and find seats for everyone. We will sell each ticket for $5 on Monday, November 14th at 1:30pm.
Cost Breakdown:
5 Busses: $1200
200 Tickets: $1500
Promo: $200
Contingency: $75
Total: $2,975
(Initial Questions)
Did you know a suggestion is you should give people in line a ticket to save place in line?