PhD Monica Quirico
Personal Data
Surname: Quirico
Given Names: Monica
Place of Birth: Turin, Italy.
Citizenship: Italian
Mailing Address: c/o FIERI
Via Ponza, 3 - 10121 Torino
Telephone: +39-011-5160044
Italian (native language), English (reading, writing and speaking – fluent), Swedish (reading, writing and speaking – fluent), Spanish (reading, writing and speaking – good), French (reading – good)
University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
Degree: PhD in History of Political Ideas and Institutions and Political Philosophy
Date: 04 July 2000
Thesis Title: Liberal Polemics against Collectivism in England, Between Second World War and Reconstruction. In Italian
Supervisor: Prof. Gaetano Calabrò.
Final Grade: (there was no mark at that time)
Umeå University (Summer School), Sweden
Date: August 1995, Course in Swedish Social and Economic geography
University of Turin, Italy
Degree: M.A. in Political Science
Date: 7 July 1992
Thesis Title: Moral Panic and Repression. In Italian
Supervisor: Amedeo Cottino (University of Turin).
Final Grade: 110 cum lauda/110
Academic Posts
Post: Visiting Researcher, Södertörn University, CBEES (Centre for Baltic and East European Studies), Sweden
Dates: December 2010 – March 2011
Duties: Working out of an application for a Research Project on Chile in our hearts. Creating “solidarity cultures” on the opposite sides of the Iron Curtain (Sweden and Soviet Russia) (together with PhD Yulia Gradskova)
Position: Honorary Research Fellow, Södertörn University, SHI (Institute of Contemporary History), Sweden
Dates: 2008-
Duties: Participation as a speaker in seminars and international conferences as well as in research groups aiming at working out applications; participation in the “development week” arranged by the SHI in Venice (October 2011), in order to discuss SHI’s future activities and approach; article on “The Meidner Plan in Italy” (see Publications below), granted by the SHI
Post: Visiting Researcher, Södertörn University, SHI (Institute of Contemporary History), Sweden
Dates: 2007-2008 (total: 3 months)
Duties: Research project The Debate on Economic Democracy in Swedish Social Democracy (1920-1944): Ernst Wigforss’ contribution, granted by the Svenska Institutet
Post: Post-doctoral researcher, University of Turin, Department of Economics, Italy
Dates: January - September 2007
Duties: Research project The Turin School of Economics, granted by the “Compagnia di S. Paolo”, Turin; supervisor: prof. Roberto Marchionatti
Post: Post-doctoral researcher, University of Turin, Department of Political Studies (nowadays Department of Politics, Culture and Society), Italy
Dates: August 2004 – July 2006
Duties: Research project Swedish Model: Social Democracy, Welfare State and Market (1917-2003), granted by the “Compagnia di S. Paolo”, Turin; supervisor: prof. Gian Mario Bravo
Post: Post-doctoral researcher, University of Turin, Department of Political Studies (nowadays Department of Politics, Culture and Society), Italy
Dates: April 2002 – March 2004
Duties: Research project Criticism of Science and Problems Related to Scientism in English Antiutopic Literature Between XIX e XX Century, granted by the “Compagnia di S. Paolo”, Turin; supervisor: prof. Gian Mario Bravo
Post: Post-doctoral researcher, University of Turin, Department of Political Studies (nowadays Department of Politics, Culture and Society), Italy
Dates: October 2001 – March 2002
Duties: Research project Conservative Utopia in USA during the XIX Century, granted by the “Compagnia di S. Paolo”, Turin; supervisor: prof. Gian Mario Bravo
Position: Post-doctoral researcher, University of Turin, Department of Political Studies (nowadays Department of Politics, Culture and Society), Italy
Dates: 2001
Duties: Research project Hayek and Michael Polanyi critics of totalitarianisms, granted by the Filippo Burzio Foundation, Turin; supervisor: prof. Gian Mario Bravo
Post: Visiting Researcher, Umeå University, Institute for History, Sweden
Dates: September – November 1994 (2 months)
Duties: Research Project on Swedish penal politics on drugs, granted by the HSFR (Humanistisk Samhällsvetenskapliga ForskningsRådet, nowadays Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish Research Council)
Post: Teaching Assistant (on a voluntary basis), University of Turin, Department of Politics, Culture and Society, Italy
Dates: September 2012- July 2013
Duties: Exam Committee Member, Course in History of Contemporary Political Thought, lecturer in charge for the course: assistant professor Gianfranco Ragona
Position: Guest Lecturer, University of Aosta, Faculty of Psychology, Italy
Dates: May 2010 and May 2011
Duties: Lecturing 1 lessons (3 hours): Swedish Model. History and Current Debate, within the courses in Sociology and Economic Sociology (BA, 1st year), held by assistant professor Massimo Zanetti
Position: Guest lecturer, University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Sciences, Italy
Dates: May 2010
Duties: Lecturing 1 lessons (2 hours): Olof Palme and Swedish Social Democracy, for doctoral students
Position: Guest lecturer, Södertörn University, Institute of Contemporary History, Sweden
Dates: December 2010
Duties: 2-hour seminar (in Swedish language) for scholars and PhD students The Chile Movement in Sweden (1973-1989)
Position: Guest lecturer, Södertörn University, Institute of Contemporary History, Sweden
Dates: November 2009
Duties: 2-hour seminar for scholars and PhD students The Italian Communist Party between planning and market (1945-1989)
Position: Guest lecturer, Södertörn University, Institute of Contemporary History, Sweden
Dates: December 2008
Duties: 2-hour seminar for scholars and PhD students From “backwarded” to ”the most advanced in the world”: Swedish labour movement and the Meidner Plan in the political and union confrontation in Italy (1976-1984)
Position: Lecturer, University of Turin, Faculty of Political Sciences, Italy
Dates: 2007-2008
Duties: Lecturing 1 module (30 hours): History of European Political Thought (MA, 1st Year), Course Content: Swedish Social democracy. Examination, supervising M.A. dissertations
Position: Lecturer, University of Turin, Faculty of Political Sciences, Italy
Dates: 2006-2007
Duties: Lecturing 1 module (30 hours): History of European Political Thought (MA, 1st Year), Course Content: Totalitarianism. Examination, supervising M.A. dissertations
Position: Assistant professor, Turin University, Department of Political Studies, Doctorate in Political Studies – History and Theory (“Studi Politici – Storia e Teoria”), Italy
Dates: 2003-2008
Duties: Supervising doctoral students’ dissertations
Position: Assistant professor, Turin University, Department of Political Studies, Italy
Dates: 2000-2006
Duties: Lessons, examination and supervising BA dissertations within the courses of History of Political Thought A and B (BA, 1st year), held by professor Gian Mario Bravo and by professor Maria Teresa Pichetto
Position: Lecturer, Turin University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Division of Administration and Organization Sciences, Italy
Dates: 2003-2004
Duties: Lecturing 1 module (30 hours): History of Institutions and of Contemporary Political Ideas (BA, 1st years), Course Content: Totalitarianism
Non Academic Positions
Position: International Activities and Contacts Manager at the “Primo Levi International Studies Centre”, Italy (
Dates: January 2013-
Duties: Networking with foreign scholars, translators, publishers, journalists, in order to improve the knowledge of Primo Levi’s life and works abroad
Position: Research Fellow, FIERI (International and European Forum of Migration Research,
Dates: 2010-
Duties: Research projects on Immigration Studies (History of Migration and of Integration Policies): Science-Society Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe (DIAMINT), granted by the VolkswagenStiftung (Germany) and coordinated by the Erasmus University in Rotterdam; Which labour migration governance for a more dynamic and inclusive Europe? (LAB-MIG-GOV), financed by the Compagnia di S. Paolo (Turin), RiksbankensJubileumsfond (Stockholm) and Volkswagenstiftung (Berlin); Promoting Sustainable Policies for Integration (PROSINT), financed by Eurofund, coordinated by the ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Development)
Position: Translator and Editor on behalf of the Olof Palme Memorial Fund, Stockholm, Sweden
Dates: 2009
Duties: Editing (i.e. selection of Palme’s writings; apparatus criticus) and translation (from Swedish language) for the first (and up to now the only existing) Olof Palme’s anthology in Italian language
Position: Post-doctoral researcher, “Unione Culturale” in Turin, Italy
Dates: 2007-2009
Duties: Research project on The “Unione Culturale” in Turin: a Sixty-years history, granted by the Compagnia di S. Paolo (Turin)
Position: Research Fellow, ICER (International Center for Economic Research), Turin, Italy
Dates: September 1995- June 1996
Duties: Research project The Mont Pelérin Society
Position: Consultant, Ministry of Social Solidarity, Rome, Italy
Dates: April 2007 – January 2008
Duties: In-depth analysis, with working out of papers, on EU social policy against poverty and social exclusion
Editorial positions
Peer reviewer for the Polish journal Studia Historyczne (Historical Studies) (Mars 2012-)
§ (2010) L’”Unione Culturale” di Torino: antifascismo, utopia e avanguardie nella città laboratorio (1945-2005) (The “Unione Culturale” in Turin: Anti-fascism, Utopia and Avant-garde in the laboratory town 1945-2005) , Roma, Donzelli.
§ (2009) Tra utopia e realtà. Olof Palme e il socialismo democratico. Antologia di scritti e discorsi (Between Utopia and Reality: Olof Palme and Democratic Socialism. Anthology of Speeches and Works), translated and edited by M. Quirico, with an introduction on Olof Palme, un politico per vocazione (Olof Palme, a politician by vocation, pp. 9-46), Roma, Editori Riuniti.
§ (2007) Il socialismo davanti alla realtà. Il modello svedese (1990-2006) (Socialism in the Face of Reality. Swedish Model 1990-2006), Roma, Editori Riuniti, pp. 274.
§ (2004) Collettivismo e totalitarismo. Hayek e Michael Polanyi (1930-1950) (Collectivism and totalitarianism. Hayek and Michael Polanyi 1930-1950), Milano, FrancoAngeli, pp. 285.
Contributions to books
¨ (2009) La popolarità di Garibaldi in Svezia: fra scandinavismo e riforma costituzionale (Garibaldi’s popularity in Sweden: between Scandinavism and constitutional reform), in Giuseppe Garibaldi nel pensiero politico europeo, ed. by A.M. Lazzarino Del Grosso, Firenze, CET, 2010, pp. 229-237.
¨ (2009) Genere, etnia e classe: un femminismo imperialista? Il dibattito in Svezia (Gender, Ethnos and Class: An Imperialistic Feminism?), in Imperi e imperialismo, ed. by G.M. Bravo, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma, pp. 189-197.
¨ (2009) La socialdemocrazia svedese tra democrazia sociale e democrazia economica (Swedish Social Democracy between social democracy and economic democracy), in Libertà e democrazia nella storia del pensiero politico (Freedom and Democracy in History of Political Thought), ed. by F. Raschi, M. Truffelli, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Rubbettino, pp. 97-103.
¨ (2007) La mutazione genetica del linguaggio e del pensiero nel totalitarismo: la denuncia liberale (The genetic alteration of thought and language under totalitarianism. The liberal charge), in George Orwell. Antistalinismo e critica del totalitarismo. L’utopia negativa (George Orwell. Antistalinism and criticism of totalitarianism. The counter-utopia), ed. by M. Ceretta, Firenze, Olshki, pp. 199-217.
¨ (2003) Nicos Poulantzas: il bonapartismo come paradigma dello Stato capitalistico (Nicos Poulantzas: Bonapartism as a paradigm of the capitalistic State), in Bonapartismo cesarismo e crisi della società. Luigi Napoleone e il colpo di Stato del 1851 (Bonapartism Caesarism and society crisis. Louis Napoleon and the 1851 coup d’état), ed. by M. Ceretta, Firenze, Olschki, pp. 143-152.
Journal Articles
o (2012) "Model or Utopia? The Meidner Plan and Sweden in Italy’s Political and Trade Unionist Debate (1975-1984)", Scandinavian Journal of History, XXXVII, 2012, 5, pp. 646-666 (peer-reviewed article).
o (2011) Il “modello svedese” tra identità, utopie e storiografia, “Ricerche di storia politica”, 3, pp. 349-360 (peer-reviewed article).
o (2011) Olof Palme, venticinque anni dopo (Olof Palme, twenty-five years later), “Passato & Presente”, XXIX, 2011, n. 84, pp. 101-116 (peer-reviewed article).
o (2011) Olof Palme: One Life, Many Readings, “Nordicum Mediterraneum”, VI, 1 (, ISSN
o (2010) Past, Present and Future of Social Democracy: the debate (?) in Italy and the Nordic Experience, “Nordicum Mediterraneum”, V, 1 (, ISSN 1670-6242)
o (2008) Giuseppe Garibaldi and Sweden: Between Solidarity and Scandinavism, “Nordicum Mediterraneum”, III, 1 (, ISSN 1670-6242).
o (2006) Il tramonto del modello svedese? (Swedish model: the decline?), “Teoria politica”, XXII, 1, pp. 173-184.
o (2006) La socialdemocrazia svedese nell’Unione Europea: il dibattito su piena occupazione e Welfare (Swedish Social Democracy and EU: the debate on full employment and Welfare State), “Meridiana”, 55, pp. 215-240 (peer-reviewed article).
o (2003) “Collettivismo” e “totalitarismo” nel pensiero di Friedrich A. von Hayek (1930-1950) (“Collectivism” and “totalitarianism” in Friedrich A. von Hayek’s thought 1930-1950), Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento Studi politici, “Working Papers”, n. 2.
o (2002) La crisi del liberalismo britannico (1930-1950) (The crisis of British liberalism 1930-1950), “Il Politico”, LXVII, 3, pp. 473-522.
o (2001) Il liberalismo di Michael Polanyi nell’età dei totalitarismi (Michael Polanyi’s liberalism in the age of totalitarianisms), “Teoria politica”, XVII, 1, pp. 165-186.
o (2000) Michael Polanyi: la critica della pianificazione (1935-1951) (Michael Polanyi: criticism of planning 1935-1951), “Il Politico”, LXV, 4, pp. 597-624.
o (1997) Una lettera inedita di Luigi Einaudi a Bruno Leoni sulla fisiocrazia (An unpublished letter from Luigi Einaudi to Bruno Leoni on physiocracy), “Il Politico”, LXII, 4, pp. 673-677.
o (1996) Hayek e Bruno Leoni: due lettere inedite su diritto e libertà (Hayek and Bruno Leoni: two unpublished letters on law and freedom), “Il Politico”, LXI, 2, pp. 183-196.
o (1995) Easy target and moral panic: the Law on Drug Addiction N° 162 of 1990, “Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare”, 4, pp. 108-113 (together with A. COTTINO).
o (1993) Capro espiatorio, politiche penali, egemonia (Scapegoat, penal policies, egemony), “Dei delitti e delle pene”, III, 1993, 1, pp. 115-130.
Ø (2012) M. Quirico (with T. Caponio and F. Pastore), Dall’ammissione all’inclusione: verso un approccio integrato? Un percorso di approfondimento comparativo a partire da alcune recenti esperienze europee, Roma, CNEL, 27/11/2012
Ø (2012) M. Quirico, Labour migration governance in contemporary Europe. The case of Sweden
Ø (2011) M. Quirico, T. Caponio, WP3. Study on the local implementation of integration / introduction courses for newcomers. Overview-report,
Book reviews
ü Nobody escapes Olof Palme, rev. av G. Greider, Ingen kommer undan Olof Palme, “Nordicum Mediterraneum”, 2012, VII, 1.
ü Olof Palme e i venti della storia, revy av.K. Östberg, I takt med tiden. Olof Palme 1927-1969 (Stockholm, Leopard, 2008), e Id., När vinden vände. Olof Palme 1969-1986 (Stockholm, Leopard, 2009), “Meridiana”, 2008, 62, pp. 233-243
ü Rec. di K. Östberg, I takt med tiden. Olof Palme 1927-1969 (Stockholm, Leopard, 2008), “Nordicum Mediterraneum”, IV, 2009, 1 (http//