Cedar Rapids Kiwanis Board Meeting

Bradley & Riley Building

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Attendees: President Mark Thomsen, Joe Schmall, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Jeff Hollingsworth, Koleene Herlocker, Dan Breitbach, Joe Blanck, Laurie Worden, Jerry Oakland, Chuck Wehage, Joel Sardzinski, Christina Djerf

The meeting was called to order at 12:02 P.M. Invocation by Joe Schmall.

Secretary’s Report: Jerry Oakland moved to accept the March minutes. Joe Blanck seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan Breitbach moved to approve the March Treasurer’s report. Seconded by Chuck Wehage. Treasurer’s report approved.

New Business:

a)  The Membership Policy prepared by Keith Sutherland was presented. Dan Breitbach moved to approve the Membership Policy. Seconded by Joe Blanck. Membership Policy approved.

b)  Joe Schmall attended the Lt. Governor’s meeting on April 4th & 5th. Division 9 has 7 active clubs. Resources are available for the 100 year Kiwanis anniversary in 2015. We are club 308 and there are 17,681 clubs (internationally). Aims for 2014-2015 include Project Eliminate and membership growth. There is a conference in St Louis in June which includes information on club growth, called “the formula”. The 100th Anniversary celebration will be held in Indianapolis on June 25-28th, 2015. The upcoming District Conference will be held August 8th & 9th. Incoming officer training is coming up soon.

c)  Second Vice President Christina Djerf may not able to serve as President (year after next) due to her work schedule. She is willing to stay on as Second Vice President because her work schedule may change in the future. There is a need for a First Vice President. The nominating committee will be working to find a substitute.

d)  Pam Landon has volunteered to co-chair the Kernel’s wrist-banding. Koleene Herlocker volunteered to coordinate with Pam.

e)  The board discussed the Kids Against Hunger food packaging event that occurred on Sunday, April 6th.

f)  Katie Hiatt-Braasch reports that Bring a Guest day is scheduled for April 30th. Tanager Place Summer Fest is seeking volunteers to set up on Saturday June 7th from 9:00 to 11:30 AM. Katie will start a sign-up sheet.

g)  Laurie Worden submitted a request to help pay for t-shirts for the Xavier and Prairie Key Club members. Dan Breitbach moved to donate $350 to Prairie and $500 to Xavier for shirts. Seconded by Christina Djerf. Motion approved.

h)  Mark Thomsen simplified the note taking processing for Scribe duties at the weekly meetings. We are still seeking 5 members to take notes. Jerry Oakland volunteered, in addition to Dan Breitbach and Chuck Wehage. The list will be passed around again at tomorrow’s meeting.

Committee Reports

·  Membership & Growth: Katie Hiatt-Braasch and Laurie Worden both contacted Kyle Greenleaf, new Manager Perishables at the Oakland Road HyVee.

·  Club Administration: Koleene Herlocker reports we need guest speakers for April 23rd and 30th.

·  Community & Youth Services: Cathy Weber would like to create a calendar of events for volunteer activities. She is seeking input.

·  Finance & Fundraising: Pam Landon, no report

·  Internal & External Communication: Christina Djerf, no report

·  Human & Spiritual Values: Laurie Worden, no report

·  Prairie and Xavier Key Clubs: Dan Breitbach & Laurie Worden: no report

Old/Other Business:

a)  Jerry Oakland submitted a $2,000 request for community gardens for Matthew 25. Tabled for now. Proposal to be revised.

Upcoming Events:

Adjourned: 1:00 PM

Respectfully submitted: Katie Hiatt-Braasch

Podium Meeting

Elmcrest Country Club

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

1:05 PM

Attendees: Mark Thomsen, Joe Blanck, Jeff Hollingsworth, Joe Schmall, Katie Hiatt-Braasch, Pam Landon, Dan Breitbach, Chuck Wehage.

Meeting called to order by President Mark Thomsen. Joe Blanck moved to send a $50.000 memorial donation each to Don Grimm in memory of his mother and also Cathy Weber in memory of her father. Seconded by Joe Schmall. Motion approved.

Meeting adjourned 1:07 PM

Secretary’s Note Regarding Election of Officers:

The following officer and board member nominees for 2014/2015 were presented by President Mark Thomsen to Kiwanis members attending meetings on April 30th and May 7th, 2014. No additional nominees were received. Election of officers and board members will take place on May 14th.

2014-2015 Officers:

President: Koleene Herlocker Secretary: Katie Hiatt-Braasch/Joe Blanck

First VP: Jerry Oakland Second VP: Christina Djerf Treasurer: Keith Sutherland

Past President: Mark Thomsen

Board members:

Ending 2015: Michael Metz Dan Breitbach Joel Sardzinski

Ending 2016: Jeffrey Hollingsworth Pamela Landon Charles Wehage

Ending 2017: Cathy Weber Laurie Worden Janet Blackledge

Incoming Foundation:

Foundation Officers


Secretary Katie Hiatt-Braasch

Treasurer: Gerry Kneeland 10/1/1990 9/30/2014

Board of Directors:

Club President: Koleene Herlocker one year term as a Club Officer

Club Secretary: Katie Hiatt-Braasch one year term as a Club Officer

Club Treasurer: Keith Sutherland one year term as a Club Officer

At-large Directors:

Gerry Kneeland 10/1/2011 9/30/2015

Pam Landon 10/1/2012 9/30/2016

Laurie Worden 10/1/2013 9/30/2017

John Anderson 10/1/2014 9/30/2018