SNC 1P- Grade 9 Applied Science Course Expectations

Each day students are expected to:

1)Be respectful to other students, the teacher, and the classroom

2)Bring to class:

  • Binder with lined paper (binder should only be used for science)
  • Agenda
  • Pens, pencils, erasers
  • Ruler and calculator

3)Be in full uniform (proper shoes, uniform, shirt tucked in, ties on properly...)

4)Be on time (before the bell)


  • Disrespectful behaviour is unacceptable in this class and will not be tolerated- expected consequences will include lunch detention, study hall, and contact of a parent/guardian
  • Refer to the code of conduct in the student agenda for details regarding other behaviour at school (eg. cell phone use) and the consequences applied to these behaviours.

Homework/Assignments/Lab Reports

  • Students can expect to have class work to complete as homework in this class. While there may not be homework every night, when homework is assigned it is the expectation that it will be completed by the set deadline. Homework will be posted on the course website calendar.
  • Lab reports and assignments will be given on a regular basis, and time will be provided in class to work on them. Completion of these assignments may be assigned as homework. Respect the set deadline by handing them in when they are due.
  • Course completion is dependent on meeting course expectations. Assignments and Lab reports are linked to the course expectations. Failure to meet these expectations by not handing in major assignments or lab reports will seriously jeopardize course completion.
  • Plagiarism will result in an incomplete mark as well as a call to a parent or guardian.


  • The class website is the first place to look to determine what material has been missed and to get copies of missed notes, worksheets and assignments- arrange to meet with the teacher for help with understanding missed material.
  • If a student is absent on a day a test/quiz is given, the student must be prepared to write it the day he or she returns.
  • Absences will be checked on a daily basis and parents/guardians will be contacted for unexplained absences.

Course Website

  • The course website should be used as the first resource for:

1)Missed class work- class notes, homework etc.

2)Misplaced handouts or assignments

3)Test and assignment due dates

  • The website can be accessed from select “teacher’s pages” on the left side of the screen select M. Gervais
  • On the website the calendar for our course will feature important announcements and a schedule for that class
  • The handouts folder will contain class notes, worksheets, lab assignments and test reviews
  • If you are having difficulty accessing the course website, please notify your teacher as soon as possible

Course Breakdown

  • A course outline can be found on the course website in the “handouts” folder- if you would like a paper copy please notify your teacher.
  • The course will consist of 4 units- Electricity, Chemistry, Space and Ecology
  • Students will be evaluated through a wide variety of assessment methods including assignments, lab reports, tests, and presentations
  • There will be a culminating assignment towards the end of the semester as well as a final exam at the end of the semester

Have Fun Learning Science!