Updated 2/12/16

Emergency Food and Shelter Program Phase 33 (July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: / Why are applications for EFSP funding open months after Phase 33 began and how does this impact the spending of EFSP funds?
A: / Although Phase 33 of the EFSP has been approved for funding, we do not yet know the exact amount of EFSP funds that will be allocated to Los Angeles County. This is due to the delay in the federal appropriations process. Once the local board receives confirmation of the funds available to the County, they will go through an allocation process and make award announcements. Because of this delay, organizations that receive Phase 33 funding will have the option to apply funds retroactively, so long as expenditures occurred during Phase 33 (July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2016).
Q: / What does LRO stand for?
A: / The EFSP Program refers to organizations that receive EFSP funding as Local Recipient Organizations (LROs).
Q: / What does DUNS stand for?
A: / A Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number is a unique nine-character number used to identify your organization. The federal government uses this number to track how federal money is allocated. If you don't already have a DUNS, you can apply for one for free at
Q: / How are applications assessed?
A: / Applicants must meet criteria set forth in the Phase 33 LRO Certification Form that will be provided by EFSP. Each application will be read and scored a minimum of 2 times. Readers include United Way staff and volunteers as well as representatives from organizations that are on the Los Angeles EFSP Board. Scores are provided to the board, which makes final funding determinations.
Q: / Will this power point be available for future reference?
A: / Yes. The most recent PowerPoint presented in the informational webinars will be posted on
Q: / What documentation is needed for expenses incurred for Mass Shelter?
A: / A Per-Diem Shelter Log,provided by EFSP Los Angeles, that reports number of clients sheltered by date must be submitted for payment. The LRO is expected to keep and provide supporting document if requested. This might include sign-in sheets, case records, as well as the supportive documentation for actual expenditures (i.e., proof of payment, vendor invoices)
Q: / Why are new applicants limited to $10,000/category?
A: / The Los Angeles EFSP board determined that first year awards should be limited.
Q: / With available funds of approx. $5-6m, what does an average award look like?
A: / EFSP funding cannot exceed 50% of a program's budget. Since program size widely varies, there is no average, per se, that is universally applicable.
Q: / When you say new applicants are limited to $10k, is that EFSP new applicants or does that include other United Way partnerships an agency already has with United Way (i.e. housing stabilization- rapid rehousing)?
A: / Any funds awarded by United Way are not considered EFSP funds.
Q: / Is the $10K limit for new LROs across the board or per category, so for example-- $10K food and $10k shelter?
A: / A new LRO can receive no more than $10k cumulatively.
Q: / What is the most an agency can apply for if it is not a new agency?
A: / There is no prescribed maximum other than the regulation that EFSP funds cannot exceed 50% of a project's budget.
Q: / Do individual applications have to be submitted for each area of funding?
A: / Yes.
Q: / If we submit a proposal for a higher amount but there are not sufficient funds available, will you fund at a lower amount or will you decline the application?
A: / An application will not be declined based solely on the requested amount. The board can award lower amounts than what is requested.
Q: / For an organization that is applying for funding for more than 10 sites, do I need as many applications as there are sites?
A: / No, you can include several sites in one application.
Q: / Can LROs charge administration costs to EFSP?
A: / No.
Q: / What is the per diem amount for “mass shelter”?
A: / The per diem amount for mass shelter is $12.50 per person per night.
Q: / What is the per meal allowance for “served meals”?
A: / The per meal allowance per meal served is exactly $2 per meal.
Q: / Can a Rapid Rehousing program that operates throughout the County qualify for EFSP funding?
A: / Yes.
Q: / Can agencies apply for mass shelter funds for both an emergency shelter and transitional housing shelter?
A: / Yes.
Q: / Do agencies have access to previous Phase applications?
A: / Applicants that previously created a profile and submitted an EFSP application via CyberGrants should have access to applications submitted prior to Phase 33 via CyberGrants.
Q: / In the budget section of the application it mentions not to include EFSP funds, is this correct?
A: / Yes.
Q: / If your agency received funding in the last Phase, and you would like to apply for an additional category in Phase 33 will there be a funding maximum of $10,000?
A: / If your agency has previously received funding in one category from Los Angeles County EFSP and you apply for an additional or new category, you will not be limited to a $10,000 maximum as you are not considered a “new agency”
Q: / Can agencies that received funding in one specific area for Phase 32, apply for additional areas in Phase 33?
A: / Yes, agencies can apply for funding in all three funding categories, as long as they are providing services in the specific area for which they are applying.
Q: / In the Budget section of the application, it mentions not to include EFSP funds is that correct?
A: / Yes, that is correct do not include EFSP funds.
Q: / Are the funding categories open to any nonprofit providing the services (Food, Shelter, and Rental Assistance) or does the agency need to be a shelter agency?
A: / The EFSP funds are open to all agencies providing the services in the specific areas for which are being applied.
Q: / Can you explain the “equipment” costs that are eligible under EFSP?
A: / Purchase of small equipment not exceeding $300 and essential to the operation of, Food banks, mass feeding and mass shelter.
Q: / Are EFSP funds allocated based on SPA?
A: / Yes, funds are allocated based on SPA
Q: / Does an agency need to provide case management in the area in which they apply for?
A: / No, the agency does not have to provide case management services.