June 10,2015

PRESENT: Msgr. Greg Higley, Pastor; Deanna Haslag, Staff; Jim Brune, Duane Evers, Margie Hagenhoff, David Hall, Tim Hronick, Richard McMichael, Debbie Mehmert, Vickie Pabst, Connie Schepers,Craig Schnieders, Roberta Schulte, BrendaTighe, Phillip Verslues, Larry Winkelman

ABSENT: Keith Kempker, Eric Volmer

CALL TO ORDER: Parish Council President, David Hall


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Call made by President Hall for approval of April 16, 2015, Parish Council Minutes. Motion made by Brenda Tighe and seconded by Connie Schepers. Motion approved by Council members.

ADMINISTRATION – Reported by Msgr. Higley

Air Conditioning – At present, two (2) bids out of four (4) companies contacted, have been received for replacement of the heating and air conditioning units in the parish gymnasium, Veit Hall. A committee comprised of Msgr. Higley, Larry Hartman, Steve Hartman, Dennis and Margie Hagenhoff, and Steve McMichael will meet to review specifications and bid proposals. The replacement of old units is projected for late August or September and will continue to be monitored until new units are installed. Payment of this project will be made through the generosity of the Knights of Columbus and special savings. One more meeting will be held for a final vote before Msgr. Higley leaves for his new assignment.

Finance – Copies of “Current Budget “ 7/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 using July 2014 – June 2015 was distributed for review. Overall budget looks good. Income categories remain good providing the means of keeping up with the expenses.

Pictorial Directory – No date has been set for completion, due to health issues of those involved in the final stage before directory can be sent to printer. Msgr. is seeking a resolution for the tasks remaining to be done before his departure.

Savings Account - Deanna Haslag reported there is a total of $151,293.00 in the parish savings account. The money is distributed as follows: Short-term - $71,293.00, Mid-term - $30,000.00, Long-term $50.000.00. Msgr. expressed gratefulness for the contributions the parish members’ have given and conveyed his appreciation.

Outside Pillars – The painting of the outside pillars was completed in April and the structure above was cleaned with chemicals.

Murals– Msgr. Higley asked Margie Hagenhoff to present report from meeting with Autenrieb Murals and Statue Restoration, Inc. regarding Worship and Education mural project. Her report includedmural information, drawings and bid. The bidis for two (2) murals: one (1)large mural over archway of sanctuary with two options, and one (1) smaller mural with lettering on wall in Gathering Space. Cost for each mural is $3,900. The cost for the large archway mural is the same regardless of which option is chosen.

Installation and travel expenses include delivering and installing both murals,as well as to haul, load, construct, and break down scaffold system, which include two employees certified in scaffold safety for use of three levels of scaffolding for larger mural anduse of rolling scaffold system for proper installation of smaller mural. Projected work will likely require one very full day. Installation and travel cost is $2,600.

The total bid for both murals, installation work and travel would be $9,000.00

Parish Council Discussionre: Murals

After the presentation, discussion was opened to address questions by Council members. Discussions includedwarranty information, getting bid from company regarding preparation and painting of wall for repair ofa small crack before proper installation of large mural, in addition to having a parish-at-large vote, by ballot, regarding funding on mural information options 1 A , 1 B of design displays or neither. Altar Sodality, Knights of Columbus, and individual donations were discussed as sources for funding the project. Msgr. stated Immaculate Conception in Jefferson City used Autenrieb Murals and Statue Restoration, Inc., for restoration work. Their work can be seen on company website:

President Hall called for a motion to present a display of mural information and designs to parish-at-large. A vote, by ballot, will be takenfor both large mural over archway,options 1 A, 1 B/smaller mural with lettering/or neither. Motion made by Jim Brune; motion seconded by Margie Hagenhoff. Motion unanimously passed.

Msgr. will present information on mural project and vote to parishioners during week-end Masses and talk to Altar Sodality and Knights of Columbus for possible funding.

Margie closed her report by informing Council that the Altar Sodality voted to do away with inside plants used for decorating. The plants were sold at the annual Altar Sodality rummage sale and will be replaced with silk plants.




Remodeling of Restrooms/Kitchen – Dennis Hagenhoffpresented a report of his research and opinions for the remodeling of restrooms and upstairs kitchen. A quotation from Hillyard, a cleaning resource company, for products needed for first phase of upgradingupstairs/downstairs restroomsand upstairs kitchen was provided. There was a discussion on theprices of a variety of soaps, liners, paperproducts, and dispensers and what is needed for the initial upgrade, as well as the benefits of ordering through Hillyard, the quality, pricing, installation and delivery of products,. Since Dennis is familiar with the parish needs for custodial/maintenance inside, it was discussed that he would be best to decide what items and products and quantityare needed forthe parish. President Hall called for a motion for Dennis Hagenhoff to order from Hillyard and purchase the necessary towel, tissue, and soap dispensers, along with products discussed on Quotation for the first phase ofupgrading or replacement items discussed in the upstairs/downstairs restrooms and upstairs kitchen. Motion made by Roberta Schulte; seconded by Margie Hagenhoff. Motion unanimously carried.


A call was made for any new business. The following items were brought up for discussion by Margie Hagenhoff:

New Year’s Eve Dance – St. Andrew parish use to have New Year’s Eve dances in the past. Last year a dance was organized for the first time in many years. It was well attended, fellowship was good and would like to make the New Year’s Eve Dance an annual event. If interested, planning needs to start early to get discounts, booking availability, and additional help to prepare for event. Call made for a motion by President Hall to book a New Year’s Eve Dance at St Andrew’s and continue as an annual event for the parish. A motion made by Margie; seconded by Brenda Tighe. Motion carried.

Present Portraits in Gathering Space - Two (2) new pictures are needed for the Gathering Space: One of Msgr. Higley before he leaves in June, and one of Pope Francis. No action taken, but parish members attending agreed.

Gymnasium Double Doors in Back Parking Lot – Need for Administration Commission to discuss replacement of the gymnasium double doors in the back parking lot. No action taken.

The following parish office items were reported by Deanna Haslag:

Deanna discussed the need to update bank information before the transition of Msgr. Higley leaving at the end of June and Fr. Joe Corel’s arrival in July:

All Parish Bank Accounts - As our new pastor starting in July, Fr. Joe Corel should be added as a signer for all bank accounts.

Youth Bank Account – Shannon and Erin Cerneka have resigned as Youth Camp Director and should be removed as authorized signers for the Youth Camp Bank Account. Chris and Mary Scott are the new camp Directors and should be authorized as signers for the Youth Camp account.

In closing, President Hall expressed farewell remarks and best wishes to Msgr. Higley for his pastoral leadership to the parish.

Msgr. Greg’s Comments: Msgr. Higley, spoke of his new assignment and Fr. Corel’s past assignments up to present. Msgr. expressed his appreciation of his time spent at St. Andrew’s and the unique spirit of volunteerism within the parish. He encouraged parish members to continue to convey the same spirit he appreciated to Fr. Corel and will miss everyone.


Next Parish Council will meet to discuss new Budget Year 2015-2016, Wednesday, June 24, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.

Next Scheduled Parish Council meeting will meet Wednesday,August 5, 2015, at 6:30 p.m.
Motion made for adjournment of meeting. Motion made by Margie Hagenhoff, seconded by Connie Schepers. Meeting adjourned with prayer led by Msgr. Higley

Respectfully submitted by: Vickie Pabst, Parish Council Secretary