Sharing Jesus Course Leader’s Guide

The Sharing Jesus course consists of four sessions and these can be adapted to suit your context. For example, the course could be held one evening a week over four weeks or you might prefer to run it in one day.

The Power Points accompanying the course form the basis of the teaching. All Power Points have basic teaching notes attached. Naturally these can be added to (e.g. your own illustrations etc.) as desired.

How to host the Sharing Jesus Course

  1. You will need to order copies of the Sharing Jesus resource for each participant coming. Its normal RRP is £3 but if you by in packs of 20, it will cost £1.50 per resource (+ P&P). You can order the resource here:
  1. You might also like to order the excellent ‘Winsome’ prayer tool referred to in Session One. Details can be found at:
  1. You might like to consider starting with a time of prayer and sung worship. Having refreshments as people arrive is always well received!
  1. You might like to consider other churches getting involved to make the most of the training
  1. If you would like a guest speaker to come and lead your sessions locally, then K180, who have overseen the training in London, have trainers available. K180 can also train leaders across a city to train their local congregations. You can book a trainer here:

The venue

It is recommended that you choose a venue that is easily accessible and one that is conducive for teaching. Access to a projector and audio facilities will be needed, as the course is largely Power Point based

General Guidelines for Presentation

The following are some top tips to remember when presenting the Sharing Jesus course.

1 Creating space for prayer

During each session, endeavour to make space to pray at the end for a few minutes. This is vital in communicating the importance of prayer in sharing our faith.

2 Be conversational

It is not intended to be a lecture series! Be conversational in how you present the information, make eye contact, ask and respond to questions.

3 Remember your audience

You may be speaking to a variety of different denominations or perspectives, some of which may differ from your own views. It might even be worth mentioning early on that this course suggests different styles and approaches for people to pick and choose those most appropriate to their theological position and personality type.

4 Challenges and questions

There is a challenge at the end of each presentation; this is for the attendees to try out some of the material in-between sessions. Our hope is that these courses will become learning communities.

Throughout the sessions there are various group discussion questions. Depending on the size of your group you could either split people into smaller groups of 4/5 to discuss or encourage them to discuss with their neighbours and then ask for feedback to the main group.

The ‘Challenge’ and ‘Q’ are written in red as a reminder toengage the trainees in these sections.

5 Feedback

Stories and testimonies following on from the challenges each week are key to encouraging and empowering people in their journey of Sharing Jesus. At the beginning of each session try to put aside 5 minutes to allow people to share what experiences they’ve had of sharing their faith that week.

6 Make the teaching your own

There are basic notes accompanying the Power Points. We encourage you to use these as desired, adding your own illustrations and anecdotes where appropriate.

7Prepare in good time

Each session includes references to additional literature and websites. It is recommended that you read through each session in good time to familarise yourself with the links and to order any additional materials should you want them.

8 Time

Each session should last no longer than 75 minutes. Please feel free to allocate this time as appropriate.

PROMO videos

Below are the links to two promotional videos we have created for the Sharing Jesus training courses. Please have a look, and feel free to share them and show them at your church.

How Sharing Jesus Works

Why do the Course