Name ______Name ______

Name ______Name ______

Creative or Critical Thinking: Endangered Species

AnEndangeredspeciesand Critically Endangered speciesarespecieswhich has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List as likely to become extinct. In 1998 there were 1102 animal and 1197 plant species were endangered, and in 2012 the numbers have risen to 3079 and 2655 respectively.

In this activity, your group will:

1.Assess the situation of a problem

2.Clarify what needs to be done

3.Explore multiple ideasfor solutions to the problem

4.Discuss multiple solutions to the problem

5.Out of the multiple solutions discussed in the group, all must agree on the best solution

6.Create an actual plan that your group feels would work best

Your Group’s Endangered Species is the ______.

#1. Assess

  • Research the following:
  • How many are left
  • Where they are naturally from
  • Which biome they live in
  • What they eat
  • Are they a predator or prey?
  • Identifycauses for becoming an endangered species
  • Identify at least 3 causes
  • Enter them into the graphic organizer

#2. Clarify and Explore ideas

  • Research and/or develop your own ideasof solutionsthat would help decrease the loss of individuals in the population for each of the 3 causes of endangerment.
  • Enter your ideas into the graphic organizer

#3. Discuss and Choose a Solution

  • The group must discuss all possible solutions you developed
  • Choose as a group which specific solution you feel would be the BEST to help your species’ population survive

#4. Create an actual plan (product)

  • You can express your plan in a varieties of ways. You can choose one of the following OR ask your teacher to approve a way you developed on your own.
  • Diagram
  • Draw a picture and label how your solution would work. On a poster, showing action, use color, provide specific details, and label. Describe in a short paragraph why your group chose this solution over others
  • Write
  • Write and describe how your solution would work. Make sure to be specific, use descriptive words, and help the reader fully understand your idea. Also describe why your group chose this solution over the others
  • Story Book
  • Create a story book that describes how your solution would work. Use color, provide specific details, show action, and use characters. At the end of the story book, include a descriptionof why your group chose this solution over the others
  • Commercial
  • Create a commercial that describes how your solution would work. Pull video of your species from the internet (Youtube), edit, and add voice over. Write a short paragraph that describes why your group chose this solution over the others
  • Brochure
  • Create a brochure that illustrates and describes how your solution would work. Use color, must be foldable like a brochure, label, and use descriptive words to help the reader fully understand your idea. Also include why your group chose this solution over the others
  • If you have an idea of a different product to make, ask your teacher about your idea.

Graphic Organizer

Use this diagram to create your own