This form is to be used by employees who are engaging in other work (outside employment), which includes a second job, conducting a business, trade or profession, or active involvement with other organisations (paid employment or voluntary work). All employees who wish to engage in other work are expected to complete the relevant parts of this Form. The Department’s policy on other work is available at:

Full-time employees must seek the approval of their principal/manager to engage in any other work. Before granting approval, principals/managers must be satisfied that conflicts of interest are appropriately addressed using Sections 3 and 4 of this application form.

Part-time employees who wish to engage in other work must consider whether it could create a conflict of interest. If it could, they must report the risks to their principal/manager and take reasonable steps to address any actual, potential or perceived conflict. Principals/managers must be satisfied that conflicts of interest are appropriately addressed prior to an employee engaging in other work. Sections 3 and 4 of this application form are to be used for this purpose.

Privacy: The information collected on this form is for the purpose set out and is required to process your request. Your information will not be disclosed without your consent or unless authorised or required by law. You are able to request access to the personal information that the Department holds about you and request that it be corrected by contacting your Principal/Manager.Information about contacting Human Resources is available at: Information about the Department’s privacy policy is available at:

Section 1

Employee Details
Family Name: / Given Name(s):
Employee ID: …………………………………
Classification: ………………………………. / School/Workplace:
Part time: 5
Full time: 5

Section 2

DET Conflict of Interest policy:
I declare that I wish to engage in other work.
I am aware of the Department’s COI policy and I believe this other work does not create a conflict of interest for me.
Signed by employee: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Section 3

This section is to be completed by:
·  Full-time employees
·  Part-time employees who consider their other work may create a risk of conflict of interest
Details of proposed other work. [Please include nature of other work, including location and likely hours of work, remuneration (if any), relevant dates and expected duration. Attach any relevant documentation or additional information.]
Period for which application made:
[To ensure periodic review, applications should be for a maximum 12 months and should be resubmitted at the start of each calendar year.] / For calendar year: ______[eg. 2012]
End date: ______[If the other work is not ongoing]
Does this relate to a leave application? / Yes 5 No 5
I declare that the contents of this application are true and correct.
I undertake to submit a new application in the event of any significant changes either to the other work as identified above or to my public duties.
Employee’s signature ______Date: ___/____/___

Section 4

5  Approved
(For full-time employees)
5  Noted
(For part-time employees) / 5  The following conditions apply. [Identify any conditions which are agreed with the employee in relation to their other work, such as a limitation on dates or times, the number of activities, or specific requirements about disclosure.]
5  Not approved (For full-time and part-time employees)
Signed ______Date: ____/____/____
Name and title (principal/manager): ______
A copy of this form should be provided to the employee and the original placed on the employee’s personnel file.