Lesson 5: Moses: The LORD’s Unlikely Leader

Moses’ Time: Moses lived from about 1526BC to about 1406BC. Add him on your timeline.

What Do You Know About Moses?

For your family devotions this week, read each of these accounts from the life of Moses.

Account 1: Moses’ birth and flight (Exodus 2)

Account 2: God calls Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3)

Account 3: Israel crosses the sea (Exodus 13:17-15:21)

Account 4: Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20: 21)

Account 5: The Golden Calf (Exodus 32)

Account 6: Moses intercedes for Israel – again (Numbers 14)

Bible Study: Learn More About Moses and the LORD

Now read Exodus 33:12-34:7. Let’s see what more we can learn about Moses and the Lord from these verses.

1.  At the beginning of these verses, Moses seems discouraged. Why do you think that was (review what happened in Exodus 32)?

2.  In verse 13, what blessing did Moses ask God for first ? What does this teach us about proper priorities for God’s people?

3.  What did Moses ask God for in verse 15? Why?

4.  Moses was still not done making requests. He requested another blessing in verse 18. What was it? Why would Moses request such a thing? How did the LORD answer Moses’ request?

5.  Sometimes Christians today start to think like Moses, “I wish God would show me his glory. If only God would show me his glory, then I would believe his promises and be satisfied.” What does this story teach us about that attitude?

6.  Exodus 34: 6-7 is often called “The Sermon on the Name of the LORD.” This “mini-sermon” teaches us what God means when he refers to himself as “The LORD”(or “Yahweh” in Hebrew). What does God emphasize about himself when he calls himself LORD (“Yahweh”) in the Old Testament? (Note: whenever you see the word “Lord” as “LORD” in the Old Testament, it is the name “Yahweh”)