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Ref No: HMBP/P&A/CLM/WC/ZI/27/2014-27 Date:01.07.2014






Sub: Tender documents.

Dear Sirs,

Please find enclosed our tender documents to carry out the following contract job:

Tender No. / HMBP/P&A/CC/CLM/WC/ZI/2014-27
Name of the Contract / Contract for performing specified intermittent works arising in Work Zone-I
Last date for submission of Bids / upto 12.00 Noon on date 30-07-2014
Due date for opening of tender Bids / at 15.00 hrs on date 31-07-2014

On submission of cost of the Tender Documents vide Demand Draft No. ……..…… dated …… …… ……… for Rs. ……… …… it is sold to the above tenderer today on ……………..

The tenderer will submit Rate Analysis alongwith his Price Bid at the time of submission of tender documents.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Satesh Kumar Mohini)

Jr. Manager (P)

Contract Cell/P&A/HMBP

Ref No: HMBP/P&A/CLM/WC/ZI/27/2014- Date:






Sub:Open Tender Inquiry for awarding contract in respect of “Specified intermittent nature of works arising in Work Zone-I”

Dear Sirs,

Sealed tender is invited from the eligible tenderers for the specified contract as per Price Bid at Annexure-G for HMBP, HEC Ltd. Ranchi.

The details of the tender are given below:

(I)Eligibility and Qualifying criteria :

Pre-qualification criteria:

  1. Average annual financial turnover during the last three years, ending 31st March of the previous financial year, should be atleast 68.16 lakhs rupees.
  2. Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last seven years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tender is invited should be one of the following (such works must had commenced within the aforesaid period of seven years):

a)three similar completed works costing not less than 90.88 lakhs rupees, or

b)two similar completed works costing not less than 113.60 lakhs rupees, or

c)one similar completed work costing not less than 181.75 lakhs rupees.

“Similar work” means those minor works of intermittent natured short-lived-duration appearing in engineering / manufacturing / structural / civil industries which consist of performing such work assignment as specified in price-bid mentioned hereinafter in this tender through unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, highly skilled and super-skilled personnel having adequate in line training and or experience.

Evaluation criteria of Bids :

  1. Technical Bids shall be evaluated on the basis of the following documents :

a)Tenderer’s profile (refer Annexure-A given hereinafter).

b)Declaration of relationship(refer Annexure-E given hereinafter)

c)Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

d)Cost of Tender Documents (if tender documents downloaded from website).

e)Pre-qualification criteria as mentioned at (I)(A)(1) and (2) above i.e. (i) Annual Income Tax Returns and/or certificate from any Nationalized Bank pertaining to the required financial years, (ii) Certified copy of work-orders and their completion certificates, (iii) Certified copy of work-orders and their completion certificates issued by Contract Cell-HMBP/respective Principal Employer.

f)TIN/GRN, PAN, Service Tax Registration No., etc.

g)PF code number allotted by RPFC, if any.

h)Valid Labour License issued by the office of Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), issued under Section 12 of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 in respect of existing running Contractors only.

i)A copy of Partnership Deed / Memorandum of Association in respect of a Partnership firm and a Company, as the case may be.

j)List of Work-orders executed, their title, contract value and number of workmen trade-wise deployed enclosing therewith the copies of work-orders where the tenderer is/was rendering similar services.

  1. Corporation reserve the right to ask for any document which may be required for evaluation / Clarification / Verification of the technical bid.
  2. Submission of any document after opening of bids shall not be allowed except asked for as per Para 2 above.
  3. Conditional offer of Technical Bid will be liable for rejection.
  4. Conditional offer of Price Bid shall be straight way rejected.

(II)Date, time and place of submission of offer :

(A.)Tenders documents will be received from the office of Contract Cell/P&A-HMBP, Room No. 12, Ground Floor, Administrative Bldg., HMBP on or before 12.00 Noon of 30-07-2014 .or may be downloaded from website of the Company

(B.)Submission of Tender Bids :

  1. The tender bids shall be submitted in two parts, each in a separate sealed cover prominently super-scribed as COVER – I and COVER – II and also indicating on each of the covers the bid title and date of opening. These two covers shall contain details of bids as under :


Technical Bid : It will contain following documents :

a)Application Fee : Certified copy of receipt of application fee paid by the tenderer depositing the Demand Draft when he purchased tender documents or a Demand Draft of requisite value issued by State Bank of India if the tender documents have been downloaded from website.

b)Earnest Money Deposit : Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft (DD)/Cash receipt/Bank Guarantee (BG) of Rs. 3,00,000.00 (Rupees Three lakh only) shall be required to be submitted. The DD should be drawn on any schedule bank in favour of “Heavy Machine Building Plant” for the payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).

c)Technical Bid documents : Technical bids including all documents listed at (I)(B)(1) above except the price bid.


Price Bid : It will contain only Price Bid and Rate Analysis.

  1. Separate sealed Cover – I and Cover – II with the above details shall be submitted in a sealed envelope containing these two covers and the sealed envelope shall be superscripted as under :

"Bid for contract for Work Zone-I"

and addressed to:

The Jr. Manager (P) P&A/HMBP

Heavy Machine Building Plant

Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited,

Plant Plaza Road, Dhurwa, Ranchi - 834004

  1. The cover of the envelope should also indicate clearly the name of bidder and his address. In addition the left hand corner of the envelope the tenderer should indicate the bid opening date and time. Any bid with no indication given on the cover of the envelope to indicate that it is a bid and which if gets opened before the due date and time set for opening of Cover-I, shall be liable to be opened and read out. Bidders' authorized representatives may attend the bid opening.
  2. The Bidder has the option of sending the bid by the registered post or submits the bid in person so as to reach by the date and time indicated in the "Notice Inviting Tender”.
  3. Tender bids shall be submitted/handed over in the office of the Contract Cell/P&A-HMBP, Room No. 12, HMBP Administrative Building, P.O.-Dhurwa, Ranchi.
  4. Tenders received by post / courier shall be considered as valid if these are received before due date and time specified for submission. In case of courier service, date and time of received may be mentioned on the envelope and got certified by the delivery agency. Late tenders are not to be considered and opened.

(III)Date, time and Place of opening of bids :

Bids will be opened on 31-07-2014in the office of the Jr. Manager (P) P&A-HMBP at 15.00 hrs. in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representative willing to be present at the time of opening of tender.

(IV)Description of works including scope of work and responsibility :

(A.)Specifications: Quantity and quality requirement of the work :

  1. Description of work: Daily completing the prescribed assignments as mentioned in the price-bid within the given time-schedule at the allocated locations with the help of required nos. of manpower, materials and equipments.
  2. Such works and other allied works will be performed daily. The complete volume of work assignments will be performed through unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, highly-skilled and super-skilled personnel having adequate qualifications and experience corresponding to the aforesaid work assignments so that they accomplish the work satisfactorily. For the purpose tenderer will have to deploy required number of manpower to accomplish the assigned volume of work.
  3. Tender quantities may increase or decrease as per requirements. However the Unit Rates will remain firm till the execution of the order exceptescalation as per Clause XIII.
  4. The workmen will be deployed in all four shifts, namely A, B, C and General shifts.
  5. The works will be performed at any location of HMBP / HEC or any place as directed by the Shop In-charge / Departmental In-charge commonly known as Executing Officer / Controlling Officer.
  6. Complaint, if any, received from respective Executing Officer / Controlling Officer for non-performance of daily work assigned to an individual worker, a suitable penalty will be deducted from the work bill.
  7. Tenderer will be responsible for the safety of his workers at the work site. He will arrange protective items for his workers such as dust mask, rubber hand gloves, helmet, eye goggles, safety shoes, harness items and other safety items at his own cost Personal.
  8. The tenderer shall comply with the instructions, which may be issued to him by the Executing Officer / Controlling Officer from time to time.

(B.)Duration of contract :

  1. The contract will be for a period of one year i.e. 26-09-2014 to 25-09-2015. The initial Work Order will be issued for a period of three months i.e. from 26-09-2014 to 25-12-2014 which will be extended for the balance period of nine months subject to satisfactory performance during the initial period of three months. Thus, this contract will be for a period of 12-months w.e.f. 26-09-2014.
  2. The contract may be extended for further periods at the discretion of the management subject to satisfactory performance of work and acceptance of the contractor.

(C.)Method of quality and quantity measurement :

  1. The Controlling Officer will keep a record of accomplished assignment, on the basis of which the work bill of the tenderer will be verified. If the tenderer fails to get the allotted assignments completed, due to non-availability of his workers or any other reason, the payment will be made on pro-rata basis. (expressed as man days lost due to absence).
  2. The Controlling Officer will organize the quality and quantity measurement of the performance.

(V)Instructions to tenderer for quoting price :

  1. The tenderer should apply his mind to financial aspect, whether expressed or implied, of every clause mentioned in this tender in order to arrive at workable rates. Submission of the breakup of quoted rate in shape of Rate Analysis will give better understanding of different financial aspects involved therein.
  2. The rates are inclusive of Minimum Wages and other statutory payments and benefits/elements like Wages, Rest Days wages, National/Festival Holidays wages, PF contributions, Insurance and Safety appliances etc. except payment of Bonus.
  3. The quoted rates should be inclusive of all taxes, royalties and other statutory levies applicable, if any except Service Tax. During the tenure of contract the Corporation will not take any liability for increase or variation in the prices, etc.
  4. All statutory Taxes will be deducted from the bills of the contractor as per prevailing rates.
  5. The quoted rates shall remain firm and fix till the execution of the contract. Unit rate of work components will remain firm till the execution of order except where escalation Clause XIII is applicable.
  6. The tenderer may inspect the places of work in the Shops / Offices at HMBP/HEC, Ranchi with permission of the Jr. Manager (P) P&A-HMBP before quoting the rates.
  7. The rates are required to be quoted both in words and figures and in case of difference between rates, the rates quoted in words will be considered.
  8. The tenderer should quote a workable rate. If a tenderer quotes unworkable rates and is considered for placement of order, the said tenderer will be asked to justify the rate quoted and will have to furnish Performance Guarantee Bond, in addition to the Security Deposit, in the form of Bank Draft / Bank Guarantee. The amount of Performance Guarantee Bond will be 10 % of contract value for ensuring proper execution of work. If the tenderer refuses to furnish Performance Guarantee Bond his bid shall be treated as withdrawn and EMD shall be forfeited.
  9. For evaluation of Technical and Price Bid and for execution of contract, Corporation shall be guided by the GCC.

(VI)Taxes and duties applicable :

  1. The rate should be quoted inclusive of all applicable taxes except Service Tax. The tenderer has to produce TIN/GRN No. as applicable. Regarding Service Tax, the Contractors will have to get themselves registered under the Head – “Business Auxiliary”. On their request the same will be advanced to them to enable them to pay service tax as applicable from time to time to the Tax Authorities every month, which should be confirmed by them by submitting the payment challan within next seven working days failing which the amount will be adjusted against their EMD/Security Deposit.
  2. All statutory Taxes and Duties except Service Tax as per prevailing rates are to be borne by the tenderer, however, if any new Tax or Duty is levied after issue of Letter of Acceptance / Work Order, the same may be considered for reimbursement on request and submission of evidence.
  3. HEC shall deduct from the bills any amount deductible on account of taxes under the provisions of law and deposit the same with the respective Tax Authorities with the intimation to the tenderer/contractor.

(VII)Schedule of deviations :

  1. Deviation, if any may be furnished by the tenderer in Annexure-B. The deviations projected by the tenderer should be related to the system laid down for smooth performance of the contract. The Management reserves the right to accept or reject the deviations of any tenderer wholly or in part without affecting the Tender Bids.

(VIII)Requirement and mode of depositing Application fee and Earnest Money

(A.)Non-refundable Application fee for tender documents :

The cost of tender document is Rs 7,500.00 (Rupees Seven thousand five hundred only), which will be deposited along with Technical Bid in the form of Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Hatia, Ranchi-4 in favour of “Heavy Machine Building Plant, Ranchi”. In case of Tender Documents down loaded from our website the Application fee will have to be deposited along with tender documents in the manner as stated in Part –I of Clause (II) (B) (1) above.

(B.)Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) :

  1. Earnest Money for the tender is Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakh only). The Earnest Money will be deposited in the form of Demand Draft (DD)/Cash receipt/Bank Guarantee (BG). The DD should be drawn on any schedule bank in favour of “Heavy Machine Building Plant” for the payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
  2. No interest shall be payable on Earnest Money Deposit.
  3. Earnest Money of the unsuccessful bidders will be refunded immediately after finalization of the contract on receiving a written request from the bidders.
  4. If the successful bidder fails to enter into contract in the form prescribed within 30 days after date of issue of Letter of Acceptance / work order, then the Earnest Money amount will be forfeited.
  5. Any bid not accompanied by the EMD shall be rejected.

(IX)Payment terms :

  1. Payment will be made once in month on satisfactory completion of work in a particular month after verifying the claims submitted by the contractor for the said month. The claims should be supported by all requisite documents pertaining to payment of wages, CPF, Group Insurance, statutory taxes, etc. in respect of the preceding month.
  2. Contractor has to submit his monthly running bills to Executing Authority in quadruplicate supported by certified quantity of work assignments accomplished, monthly inspection-cum-measurement report, wage-payment-sheets duly certified by the authorized representative of the Shop / Department who had witnessed the payments made to the workers for the said month or has satisfied himself that wages of the workers have reached to their individual bank account. The Executing Authority will verify the performance and recommend the payable amount as well as recovery against penalties and other amount, if any to Finance / HMBP for making payment accordingly.
  3. The payments will be made to the contractor through Account Payee Cheques only, which will be received by the Contractor himself or his duly authorized representative.

(X)Inspection :

  1. Inspection of work will be done by the Executing Authority. .

(XI)Security Deposit :

  1. Security Deposit will be 10 % of the Contract Value. Earnest Money of the successful tenderer will be converted into Security Deposit. The remaining amount of security deposit will be deducted from the monthly running bill of the contractor @ 10 % of the Supervision and Additional Cost (S&AC) payable to the contractor.
  1. The security deposit will be refunded after successful completion of work order and after issuance of No-claim Certificate by the Controlling Officer.
  2. No interest shall be payable on Security Deposit.

(XII)Liquidated Damage and Risk and Cost and compensation for damages :

  1. Liquidated Damages : If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated period the Contractor shall be liable to pay Liquidated Damages @ 0.5% of the value of unfinished part of work per week of delay or part thereof maximum to 10% of the total contract value.
  2. Cancellation of order and getting the work done on Risk and Cost of the Contractor : If the order is terminated due to breach of contract on part of the contractor, the balance quantity of work will be got done from the alternative sources at the risk and cost of the contractor work after serving a 15 days notice to contractor. The differential amount, if any, shall be recovered from Security Deposit and / or from any other bills of the contractor. The Company reserves its right to debar the contractor from participating into future tenders at any or all the Plants of the Company.
  3. Contractor will be required to compensate in case any damage is caused in any form to the Corporation because of any acts attributable to the contractor or his agent or workmen.

(XIII)Escalation :

  1. The Corporation does not take any liability for increase except Sl No. 2 mentioned hereunder.
  2. In case of enhancement of the Minimum Wages or Variable Dearness Allowance made by Appropriate Government during the contractual period, the same may be considered for compensation to the contractor on written request and submission of bills for differential amount.

(XIV)Additional terms and conditions :