Wednesday, April 8th:

·  No journal

·  Classwork: Moviemaker project (most of class was spent working on this)

·  Passed back Paradise Lost tests (we will go over these after break)

·  Passed back underclass literary analysis rough draft- final draft due Wednesday, April 22nd

·  Homework: No direct homework over break! Movies due at the end of class on Monday, April 20th. You will have most of the block on Monday to work.


Monday, April 6th:

·  No journal

·  Collected homework: Rough draft of underclass literary analysis paper and its original

·  Class work: Moviemaker Project- due date- end of class on 4/20...please be working on this all week

·  Passed back portfolio shell grades

·  Homework: Moviemaker project only- no written work or reading

Thursday, April 2nd:

·  No journal

·  Final journal checks for everyone

·  Handout: Movie Maker Project Literature Circle Project.doc. Meet with your group to decide on topics. If you are absent, before you pick a topic, you need to be sure that nobody else in your group has that same topic.

·  Lab time: Final Essay Assignment for novels. 30-minute writing assignment.

·  The rest of your lab time is to be used to work on movies (find quotes, etc...)

·  Homework: Rough draft of portfolio assignment (either revision or reflection of underclass literary analysis)...2-3 pages total.

Tuesday, March 31st:

·  No journal

·  Checked for original underclass literary analyses

·  Literature Circles- check journal for remaining students

·  Group work: Make a movie telling your novel's story chronologically. No need to make up as long as you can use Movie Maker.

·  Homework: Finish your novel. Last journal: Tell me what you thought of your novel, why you liked it or didn't like it. One full page- Finish wiki postings.Rough draft ofunderclass literary analysis due on Monday (either a reflection or a rewrite).

Friday, March 27th:

·  Paradise Lost Test- if you have an excused absence, be ready to make up next week- see me for a time

·  Turn in your literature circle sheet

·  Homework:Your reading assignment- Tuesday is the last day for literature circles. Also bring in a literary analysis essay fromgrade 9,10, or 11 forTuesday's class.

Wednesday, March 25th:

·  No journal

·  Collected final values statements- completion grade

·  Handouts for portfolio and portfolio folder: Checklist for Senior Portfolio Honors.doc *This is the most important one. Check the make-up folder for two others, a pink one and one labeled "Talk the Talk." Very important handouts! Keep the checklist in the front of your portfolio folder and label all of your pieces accordingly. Read it carefully!

·  Checked Paradise Lost handout for completion. Discussed the poem and answered questions from students. Took a short quiz to review (no make-up needed- not graded).

·  Literature Circles: 25 minutes of discussion time, collected today's handouts, graded journals of some students

·  Parallel Structure Practice and Review

·  Paradise Lost handout: A summary of the remaining books (see make-up folder andREAD)

·  Homework: Paradise Lost and parallel structure test on Friday; no book needed; for Tuesday,bring in a copy of an underclass literary analysis to begin working on for your portfolio; your group's assigned novel work

Monday, March 23rd:

·  Journal #4: Describe your idea of Paradise.

·  Took notes on do's and don'ts of values essays

·  Handout:Parallel Structure- see make-up folder. Parallel structure practice.

·  Paradise Lost: Finish reading in the text, fill out handout to #15

·  Submit literature circlesheets for today

·  Homework:Finalvalues statement due Wednesday; Finish readingParadise Lost and have worksheet #1-15 done; Novel project work. Test onParadise Lost and parallel structure on Friday.

Thursday, March 19th:

·  Work in the computer lab to get wiki blogs up and working

·  Paradise Lost- begin answering questions #1-7 on Tuesday's handout- read the next 2 sections aloud (if you were absent, read to yourself and take notes)

·  Literature Circles: 30 minutes to meet in circles.

·  Checked journals for some groups: If absent, show me your journal

·  All groups submitted role sheets in their groups' folder- submit if absent


·  Homework: Do your literature circle work: handout (can be found on Important Documents Page), journal, and reading. Bring your textbook next week.

Tuesday, March 17th:

·  Journal #3: Discuss your thoughts on the book so far. What do you think your literature circle will be like?

·  Sign-up sheet for after school/ 4th block help on metaphor poems (for Wednesday and Thursday)

·  Optional: Turn in your values statement for feedback

·  Paradise Lost notes: Classic Epic Conventions of Paradise Lost.doc

·  Handout: See make-up folder upon return. Reading guide for the epic.

·  Read the epic, pages 403-405, lines 1-83. Write the first complete sentence in your own words in order to help learn Milton's form and syntax. Take notes on the remainder of the reading as you go.

·  Literature Circle Time: Meet with your groups. Each group has a background assignment to read and take notes on. Get notes from a classmate. Discuss in groups your homework, beginning with the Discussion Director. Turn in your role sheets at the end of the block for a grade.

·  Homework: Your group's reading assignment. If you need a role sheet, look on the "Important Documents" page of this website. Values statement "final draft"due Monday. Bring literature books.


Friday, March13th:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on vocabulary list #1

·  Powerpoint presentation onParadise Lost:Took notesin class. If you were absent, view the slideshow and takenotes. Paradise Lost.ppt

·  Meetin "Book club"groups-1A:Received handout that can be found under Wednesday's date below. Groups decided on due dates and jobs for next block. See me next block for make-up handouts for specific jobs assigned by the group.

·  Homework check: Final draft of metaphor poems.

·  Homework: Read assigned pages of your novel. Complete your "job." Work on journals based on the assignment described on the handout. Wikis should be up and running by Tuesday's class. Bring literature books on Tuesday. **Literature Circle handouts can be found on the "Important Documents"Page!

Wednesday, March 11th:

·  Went to the library to present websites. Students met in groups to show their websites and get feedback from their classmates. Students will be presented with this feedback when they receive their grades from me.

·  Collected CDs.

·  Metaphor poems were passed back.

·  Students told me what book they wanted to read for the next unit. If you weren't here, please e-mail me with your selection ASAP!

·  2A only: Handout Literature circles.doc. Students met in their assigned groups to decide on a reading schedule and to start making a wiki so they can blog. Students are also responsible for getting a journal (doesn't matter what it looks like...big, small, a folder w/ paper, etc...)to use for the reading project. One member of the group must complete the wiki by checking his or her email and clicking on the link.

·  Homework: Final draft of your metaphor poem. Bring in your folder that you're using for your portfolio drafts. This will be coming to class each day! Bring your literature books on Friday (and next week). *1A- you will be meeting with your groups and completing the above work on Friday and over the weekend.

Monday, March 9th:

·  Passed back numerous papers and handed out progress reports to all classes

·  Values statement peer revision: Handout Values Statement.doc. Students should keep rough drafts and handouts in their new "rough draft" folders. Please purchase a folder with pockets to use to keep all drafts that will be turned in with your portfolio in May. *Folders needed no later than Friday.

·  Vocabulary Handout: See make-up folder. Terms: endowment, resilient, manifest, subsidies, and negligible. Quiz on vocabulary terms on Friday (terms 1-21).

·  Next book: On Wednesday, come to class with a decision on which of the following books you'd like to read next: Pride and Prejudice, Life of Pi, or Count of Monte Cristo.

·  Bring your literature book to class starting Friday.

·  Homework: Website shell due Wednesday on 1 CD. 2A- meet in the library 1A- meet in class

Thursday, March 5th:

·  In lab 167 working on webpages

·  Collected Values Statement rough drafts

·  Collected Cuckoo's Nest books

·  Classwork on homepages: Homepage.doc

·  Rubric for porfolio shell due next Wednesday: Senior Portfolio Shell Rubric.doc

·  Homework: Shell due on one CD next Wednesday. No excuses! Even if you are absent, you need to get your CD to me by the start of your class time.

Tuesday, March 3rd:

·  No journal

·  Fishbowl paideias...students spent one half of the block talking and the other half writing comments. If you were not here, you are going to have to choose four questions to write essays on...each essay should be 1.5-2 pages, double-spaced in MLA format with Works Cited pages. Do each paper separately. You should have a separate outside source for each.

·  Handout: Values Statement.doc

·  Homework: Rough draft of values statement due, typed, double-spaced 2-3 pages. Meet in lab 167 on Thursday. Portfolio shell due next Wednesday, March 11th.

Friday, February 27th:

·  No journal

·  Met in lab

·  Time to work on portfolio shell

·  Handout: paideia.doc

·  Homework: Paideia on prepared with at least one question and at least one outside source.

Wednesday, February 25th:

·  Ms. Burkhart was absent

·  No journal

·  Collected homework: Blue index card and McMurphy characterization worksheet

·  Classwork: With your partner, respond to the following questions: 1- What is the combine according to Chief and what becomes of it? 2- Why does Mack start to fight in the shower room? Why does chief join him? 3- Discuss where the title of the book comes from. Who is "the one"? 4- Is Mack responsible for Billy's death? Does he feel responsible? What do others say about it? 5- So who wins the fight? Nurse Ratched or Mack? Why?

·  If you were absent, submit these questions next block.

·  1A- Almost finished watching the movie 2A- finished watching the movie

·  Homework: Paideia next week- meet in the lab on Friday

Monday, February 23rd:

·  No journal

·  Collected homework: Metaphor Poems 2nd draft

·  Handout: Characterization of McMurphy (see make-up folder)

·  Class work: Finish imagery chart from Friday- turn in today

·  Watch part of the movie in class

·  Academy presentations: 2 per class

·  Homework: 1) Finish the book 2) Characterization handout 3) Write out questions/ concerns that you want to address before the paideia (blue index card)

Thursday, February 19th:

·  Journal #2: Discuss reputations and their impact in high school.

·  Quiz: Parts 2 and 3

·  Discussed metaphor poem and rewrites.

·  Vocabulary handout: See make-up folder. Terms: imminent, gregarious, portly, insular, harbinger, lampoon

·  Imagery handout: See make-up folder. Do a minimum of 2 examples.

·  Homework: #1- Second draft of metaphor poem due Monday, #2- Read pages 219-241

·  ***Optional Questions: Questions 218-241.doc

Tuesday, February 17th:

·  No journal

·  Collected research-based homework assignment and worksconsulted page

·  Lab time for portfolio shells- due March 11th

·  Homework: Read part 3 of the novel....***Optional questions: Questions part 3- 174-218.doc


Monday, February 16th:

·  No journal

·  Partner Work- Handout #1. Make a chart where you come up with your own title for each of the segments in Part Iand Part 2 of the book. Part 1 should have 15 titles and Part 2 should have 8 titles. Submit to me.

·  Partner Work- Handout #2: Think back to Part 2 where McMurphy and others are waiting to be x-rayed right by the "shock shop." Imagine yourself in that place and answer the following questions to submit to me: Part II Activity Questions- Interpretation.doc. Submit to me.

·  Individual Activity: Handout #3. Research assignment. Do one of the following assignments: #1-Research the criteria by which one'ssanity may be judged. Checkseveral sources including the dictionary, psychological sources, etc...Form your own definition of sanity andrelate these definitionsto the onesused in the novel.OR #2- Research methods of treatment, commitment policies, and goals of therapy at a local mental health hospital. Compare what you have learned to policies in the book. Make a Works Consulted page to go with your research (list all websites you used). Due on Tuesday, February 17th.

·  Homework: All three activities should be finished. Due on Thursday: Read part 3 (pages 174-218). We will be in the lab most of tomorrow working on portfolios. Bring any media that you can use.

Thursday, February 12th:

·  Journal #1: Discuss your reactions to the novel so far.

·  Test: Part I.

·  Discussion of part I- participation grades, take notes on specific topics

·  Begin watching the film, part I.

·  Homework: Read part IIof the on your media folder for your website...bring your flash drive on Monday and Tuesday for some portfolio work time

·  ****Questions for Part II questions 129-173.doc

Tuesday, February 10th:

·  No journal

·  Quiz on pages 1-82 of Cuckoo's Nest

·  Homework Check: Character Chart

·  Discussion of pages and questions from homework

·  Attended a Founder's Day Assembly in each class

·  Homework: Read pages 83-128 (finish Part I)...test Thursday on Part I (very character intensive)...continue character chart

·  *****Questions for pages 83-128 if you want them! Questions 83-128.doc

Friday, February 6th:

·  No journal

·  Homework check: Questions pages 1-41

·  Collected metaphor poems

·  COMPUTERLAB: Introduction to Publisher and websites...began working on portfolio websites. Please get a copy of the powerpoint (pink sheet) and get the notes from a classmate. IMPORTANT INFORMATION!