Tuesday, October 2, 2007

6:00 p.m. – 7:30p.m.

Los Angeles Southwest College, President’s Conference Room, Cox Building


I.  Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Webber at 615p. Attending:

James Webber, Samuel Bingham, Ambassador Sidney Williams, Jack Daniels (ex-officio).

II.  Approval of Minutes of July 24, 2007 meeting.

Accepted and Approved.

III.  Public Comment


IV.  Treasurer’s Report

None. Chair/Dr. Daniels will contact Mr. Costello and ascertain his continued service on the board. Additionally, a financial report will be presented at the next meeting.

V.  Old Business

a.  Foundation Plan Review of Activities

1.  Objective 2 (Improving the role and function of the Foundation Board)

2.  Objective 4 ( Maximizing Fund Development Capacity)

Discussion was led by Chairman Webber on these two items. There was follow-up to the items as it related to the timeline. It was agreed that the objectives would continue to be monitored.

b.  40th Anniversary Celebration

Dr. Daniels gave an update on the 40th Anniversary Celebration scheduled for November 13, 2007. The celebration will be held in conjunction with the official opening of the Child Development Center. Further information will be provided at the next meeting.

c.  Board Members Marketing Materials

Business cards were distributed and a request for a LASC fact sheet and folder were made. Dr. Daniels indicated that he would bring a prototype folder at the next meeting.

VI.  New Business

a.  Hiring of Marketing Consultant

Dr. Daniels reviewed the non-hiring of the marketing firm, Saad and Shaw. The need for someone to assist with an event planning was indicated. Dr. Daniels agreed to bring back further information on this item.

b.  Scholarship Funding

Dr. Daniels indicated that there are two new scholarships that will be funneled through the Foundation for distribution.

c.  Bank Signatory

Dr. Daniels indicated the desire to be a bank signatory so as to deposit funds in a timely manner. [Subsequent to the meeting and after a conversation with legal counsel, Dr. Daniels withdrew his request.]

d.  Spring Event

Professor Weber asked the members to think about ideas for a fundraiser in the Spring The next meeting will be agendized to include a discussion.

e.  “Africa by Legacy, Mexican by Birth”

Dr. Daniels announced that this art exhibit, a national exhibit, will be hosted by LASC in November. To bring this important exhibit to campus, donations have been solicited and received from businesses and Supervisor Burke. Dr. Daniels requested $600 from the Foundation to help in defraying the costs. Motion was made by Ambassador Williams and seconded by Mr. Bingham. Motion carried by acclamation.

VII.  Announcements


VIII.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 715p.