2015 Community Playing League (CPL) … for Recreational U16 and U19 Teams
Mandatory CPL Coaches Meeting … Orangevale Community Ctr, 6826 Hazel Ave
For U16s and U19s ... 7:00 pm ... Friday, August 14th, 2015
2015 CPL Administration:
o Scheduler: Bill Norris (916) 381-4166 e-mail:
o District PAD: Larry Svetich (916) 761-7248 e-mail:
o U16 Girls Rep (2014): Rod Hart (916) 718-3638 e-mail:
o U16 Boys Rep (2014): April Hoppis (916) 284-1930 e-mail:
o U19 Girls Rep (2014): Paul Sanchez (916) 524-6390 e-mail:
o U19 Boys Rep (2014): Jen & Ed Green (916) 681-0868 e-mail:
Rules and Responsibilities:
o Rules of Play and PAD Procedures shall be as specified by USSF, CYSA, District VI policy, and any CPL specific rules. CPL Rules Policies and District VI PAD procedures are available under ‘Downloads’ on the TeamSideline CPL website (www.teamsideline.com/CPL) and the District VI website (www.d6soccer.org). The CPL Rules & Policies are revised for 2015 to clarify the notification deadline for schedule changes (1:02), limit player registration to a single CPL team (2:01), and note the new CYSA concussion policy (2:04).
o Coaches are to select a Division Coordinator, then review the divisional seeding at the August CPL meeting. Schedules will be created and posted on Team Sideline (www.teamsideline.com/CPL). All head coaches must have a valid CYSA Coach’s pass; a pass for each assistant coach is recommended. At least one coach with a valid Coach’s pass must be present throughout the entirety of each scheduled match.
o Division Coordinators are to give the Scheduler any seeding revisions requested at the August meeting, and shall assist with distribution of initial team info (before the teams are entered into TeamSideline).
o Home Team Coach must:
1) Call the visiting coach by the prior Wednesday evening to confirm game time and provide directions.
2) Ensure that the field is properly set up for play and provide (and also pay if required) all Referees for the match (usually three, subject to the policy of the League of the home team).
3) Provide, and properly fill out the game card. The home team coach shall handle the game card as per instructions from his/her club manager, or as specified by his/her League of residence.
o All Coaches are to respond to the TeamSideline scoring email to report the results of their match. After both teams have submitted results (or two days after one score is received) division standings will be updated.
o Re-scheduled games shall retain their original home and away assignment unless both coaches agree to a change. If a match cannot be played as originally scheduled and/or as re-scheduled, it will be recorded as an un-played game. There are NO forfeit matches. Standings are kept only for seeding purposes; they will be maintained on the TeamSideline CPL website (www.teamsideline.com/CPL).
o Send-offs (Red Cards) that occur in CPL play shall be heard by the District PAD committee. The home team coach must ensure that the Referee knows that he/she is to forward the 24-hour report, game card, player or coach pass, and all other pertinent documentation to the District PAD Chairman. The District PAD committee will normally hear and rule on the send-off(s) the following week. The CPL Scheduler is to be notified of any send-off(s) no later than the day following the match at which they occurred.
o Appeals and Incident Reports are to be forwarded (by Coaches and/or Referees) to the League President of either the home or visiting team, or to the District PAD Chairman. They will be heard by the District Board or by a District delegated committee. The CPL Scheduler is to be notified of any incident (non-send-off issue or problem) no later than the day following the match at which the incident occurred.
CPL Info < over > 6/10/15
Team Sideline for CPL: www.teamsideline.com/CPL
As in the previous four years, schedules and standings will be maintained on the CPL Team Sideline website. To view schedules and standings, link to the “www.teamsideline.com/CPL” site address. Age groups are listed on the left sidebar. Click on the “+” symbol to list the playing divisions within an age group, and then click on the division to view the standings and schedule for the first or second half of the season.
After each game, you will be prompted via email to enter your match results and submit them. (Some coaches do so from their phone immediately following the game.) After both teams have submitted the score (or two days after only one score has been submitted), the playing division standings will be updated. If necessary, the Age Group Reps will adjudicate any disputed scores.
This CPL Info document, the CPL Rules and Policies, CPL PAD Procedures, the District Cup application package, and other documents of general interest are on the CPL Team Sideline website. Click on “Downloads” in the menu line to see the list of available files (all are Adobe pdf). They are also available on the District VI website (click on “Community Playing League” under the “District Programs/Leagues” tabs).
2015 CYSA Tournaments for Recreational Teams
No Recreational CYSA tournaments are currently listed on the CalNorth website (www.calnorth.org)
2015 Mid-Season (Oct 17-18) District Events for Recreational Teams
(Contact and descriptive information below is from 2014 and will be updated when available)
CVYSL (Cit Hts) 2014: Kendra DiNardo 916-410-8050
Entry: $300 80 teams Recreational U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 Girls & Boys
EGYSL … 2014: Patsy Cosenza 916-686-3690
Entry: $350 80 teams Recreational U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 Girls & Boys
PYSL … 2014: Darren Kaff 916-705-1445
Entry: $300 80 teams Recreational U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 Girls & Boys
SYSL (Land Park) 2014: Cliff Brown 916-531-2273
Entry: $325 90 teams Recreational U08, U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 Girls & Boys
2015 District VI Cup (Dec 5/6 Dec 12/13) for Recreational Teams
District VI Cup: Bill Norris 916-381-4166
Entry: $120 no team maximum Recreational U10, U12, U14, U16, U19 Girls & Boys