SoTL Scholars Program Information

Request for Proposals

CELT Scholarship of Teaching and Learning SoTL Scholars Program

Due date: Monday, March 27, 2016

Proposals are now being accepted for ISUfaculty participation in the CELT SoTL Scholars Program. The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) involves faculty framing and systematically investigating questions related to student learning, with the goal of improving their own classroom as well as advancing practice beyond it through peer-reviewed presentations and publications.

Purpose:The purpose of the SoTL Scholars Program is development of a SoTL project. The year-long-experience will focus on writing research questions for classroom-based research, quantitative and qualitative assessment techniques, and the types of evidence that can be used to help answer SoTL research questions.Faculty participants receive guidance from the Associate Director of CELT and fellow SoTL Scholars program participants.

Scheduled Activities: The SoTL Scholars Kick-Off will occur in late April 2016. Institutional Review Board application will occur summer 2016 with a check-in early fall semester 2016. Once a-month participation in a SoTL Teaching and Learning circle is required and will be arranged based upon participants’ schedules. It is expected that participants will share their work at a CELT sponsored event in late spring 2017.

Funding: Participants will conduct their classroom-based research project during the 2016/17 academic year. We anticipate funding up to 8 SoTL Scholars/Scholar teams and 4 Service-Learning-focused Scholars/Scholar teams at $1,850 each. This funding is for professional development opportunities or materials related to teaching, it may not be used for salaries or benefits. Hourly pay for an undergraduate or graduate student assistant is permissible. Half of the $1,850 or $925 will be transferred to the participant’s departmental professional development account mid-project, and after completion and evaluation, the remaining half, $925 will be deposited.

To apply, please complete the form below:

Request for Proposals: CELT SoTL Scholars Program




Course/proposed course involved:

What aspect of student learning and/or your teaching do you want to investigate?

How will you benefit from this experience?

How will your students benefit from this experience?

Check here if your course will involve a service-learning component.

Please attach a condensed 2-page vita (for each investigator) to this application form and return them electronically by March 28, 2016
Dr. Sara Marcketti, Associate Director, CELT