Expression of Interest
South West Regional Landcare Facilitator Programme
CommunityMember Subsidy, Round 1- 2016/17
(funding forindividual community members from the South Westto attend a training event with a Sustainable Agricultureoutcomeduring the 2016-17 financial year)
Note: The closing date for Round 1is Monday November 28th 2016
Please submit your EOI to SW Regional Landcare Facilitator, Monica Durcan, before
Monday November 28th 2016to:
Please tick the National Landcare Programme (NLP) outcome(s)your project is addressing.Maintain and improve ecosystem services through sustainable management of local and regional landscapes.
Increase in the number of farmers and fishers adopting practices that improve the quality of the natural resource base, and the area of land over which those practices are applied.
Increase engagement and participation of the community, including landcare, farmers and Indigenous people, in sustainable natural resource management.
Increase restoration and rehabilitation of the natural environment, including protecting and conserving nationally and internationally significant species, ecosystems, ecological communities, places and values.
Your Contact Details
Phone / Mobile
ABN (if applicable)*
Are you registered for GST?* / Yes No
Do you have access to a Smartphone?** / Yes No
*Note that you do not have to have an ABN or be registered for GST to be eligible to apply.
**Note that it is not essential to have access to a Smartphone to be eligible to apply.
Please provide details of the conference, event or training activity you would like to attend. Please also provide a copy of the event agenda/outline and any other supporting information you feel will help us to understand the training opportunity.
Activity InformationTitle:
Date: Location:
Copy of agenda attached: Yes No
Link to website for more information:
How does the activity meet the above National Landcare Programme outcome(s) (minimum 100 words)
Please provide an itemised outline of the total costs associated and subsidy requested (do not include GST) (double click in the table below to fill in)
Please describe your current involvement with Landcare and NRM in your community? (minimum 100 words)
What are the benefits and key learnings you hope to get from the training activity, and how will this (a) increase your capacity, knowledge, skills and confidence as a regional community leader, AND (b) improve the knowledge and skills of land managers in your community? (minimum 100 words each)
How will you report back and share these learnings with your community? (minimum 100 words)
South West Regional Landcare Facilitator Programme
Community Member Subsidy Funding, Round 1- 2016/17
(funding forindividual community members from the South Westto attend a training event with a Sustainable Agricultureoutcome during the 2016-17 financial year)
The South West Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) Programme, hosted by the South West Catchments Council (SWCC), has funding available through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme to support Landcare and Sustainable Agriculture activities within the South West NRM Region between July 2015 to June 2018 that address Australian Government strategic objectives:
- Communities are managing landscapes to sustain long-term economic and social benefits from their environment.
- Farmers and fishers are increasing their long-term returns through better management of the natural resource base.
- Communities are involved in caring for their environment.
- Communities are protecting species and natural assets.
With the following Outcomes
- Maintain and improve ecosystem services through sustainable management of local and regional landscapes.
- Increase in the number of farmers and fishers adopting practices that improve the quality of the natural resource base, and the area of land over which those practices are applied.
- Increase engagement and participation of the community, including landcare, farmers and Indigenous people, in sustainable natural resource management.
- Increase restoration and rehabilitation of the natural environment, including protecting and conserving nationally and internationally significant species, ecosystems, ecological communities, places and values.
The subsidy is to contribute to the costs involved in attending aconference, event or training activity, or hold an activity with a Sustainable Agriculture outcome. This subsidy may be used to where:
- The activity directly contributes to (a) increasing the capacity and confidence of regional community leaders and (b) improving the knowledge and skills of land managers.
- This is a rolling process, with Expressions of Interest (EOIs) assessed as they are received, until funds are fully allocated.
Eligible activities may include attendance at:
- Conferences – such as a large coordinated events
- Events – Smaller, more localised events or information
- Training –Focused on building skills in a particular area i.e. Small Business Management Short Courses, Chemical Certification Course etc.
Your EOI will be assessed against the following criteria, based on the information submitted:
- How the activity meets the Australian government objective above
- How the activity will build capacity, knowledge and skills for yourself in Landcare/Sustainable Agriculture
- How the activity will benefit and build knowledge and skills knowledge for the NRM / Landcare community in your area
- Value for money
- Relevance to NRM/Landcare sector in the South West Region
You will be notified as soon as possible if your EOI is successful or not. NOTE: please do not register for/commit to attending/holding an activity before receiving notification from the RLF, unless you are planning on doing so anyway, to avoid disappointment.
You must address all of the questions on the application form. / Submission of an application does not guarantee funding, so don’t leave your application until the last minute.You must live in the SW NRM Region (see map
The conference, event or training activitymust occur prior to June 30th 2017. / You must not be employed within the NRM/Landcare Industry or by a Grower Group.
The subsidy can be allocated to subsidise expenses associated with the cost of attending the activity; such as the cost of registration, flights, accommodation and travel expenses. / Attendance at past events or activities cannot be funded, the activity must take place in the future (we cannot fund retrospectively).
Make sure the costing in your EOI is based upon the real costs of activity. You may be asked to provide evidence to support your EOI including information on the cost of the activity or expenses associated with it (i.e. registration costs, flights, accommodation etc.). / Please be aware that your anticipated costs may change. The subsidy is based on costings provided within the EOI and is designed to contribute towards the cost of an activity, not to cover 100% of the costs. As such it cannot be adjusted after submission.
You are required to contribute significantly to your attendance in addition to funds allocated. / Only one EOI can be lodged per person per year.
The RLF Programmewill use your participation and photos in promotional and/or case study materials. / You do not have to have access to a Smartphone to be eligible to apply.
You will be required to submit a report on completion of the activity. Information, including quotes and photos, will be used in future SWCC promotions. / Do not distribute any media without clearing the content with the SW RLF prior.
You may be asked to present at a future event in the south west to share your learnings.
If successful you will be required to submit ashort report on your experiences and benefits to yourself and your community. Guidance will be provided for successful applicants. You will be encouraged to report using a mix of alternative media, including YouTube, Video, Surveys, photos as well as a short written report.The information submitted will be used in future media and promotions.
Successful applicants will receive funds by reimbursement from SWCC on provision of receipts/proof of expenditure and a short report on the activity – afterand within 4 weeks of attending the event. More information on this component will be provided to successful applicants.
Please submit your EOI to SW Regional Landcare Facilitator, Monica Durcan, at any time before
Monday November 28th 2016to:
Or contact Monica for further information or assistance on (08) 9781 3118, 0427 806 193 oremail
RLF3 Community Member EOI form 2016/17Page 1