Please Refer to Page 2 for Instructions and Information on the Grants Program

  1. Company Name

  1. Individual to Contact
(Name and Title)
  1. Address

  1. Telephone and Email
/ Telephone #: ______Email: ______
  1. Year Established in Afghanistan

  1. Registration in Afghanistan
Please state your current registration status. (Check all that apply.) Proof of registration will be required before you can receive RADP-E assistance
Current registration status / AISA # ______
ACCI #______
Ministry of Justice #______
Other (specify entity name and #): ______Not registered
Valid registration Expired registration Registration application pending approval
  1. Nationality of Company

  1. # of Employees in Afghanistan (including owner)
/ 1-5 5-10 11-20 Over 20
  1. Woman Owned Business?
/ Yes No
  1. Geographic Area(Tick all that apply)

Provinces / Main Office / Other Facilities / Customers / Purchase of Produce or Raw Materials

1.Nature of Business

/ Food Processor Agricultural Input Supplier Local Trader
Exporter/Importer Cooperative /Association Training Provider
Other (specify) ______
Which Value Chains do you work in? / Apricot Dairy Poultry Tomato
Others (Please specify):______

2.Which categories do your products fit into? (Tick all that apply)

/ Agricultural Inputs: ______
Processed or fresh Apricot products: ______
Processed or fresh Tomato products: ______
Processed or fresh Dairy products: ______
Poultry products: ______
Kinds of trainings: ______
Other (specify) ______

1.TotalMonthly Sales

/ Monthly
Less than $1000$1,001-$10,000 over $10,000

I hereby certify that the information provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge
Name and Title / Stamp and Signature / Date
Date Received: / Date Evaluated: / EOI Application #:




Overview of the Partnership Grants Program

The RADP-E project provides in-kind grants to eligible Afghan agricultural businesses. These grants include goods and services, technical assistance, training and promotional activities provided to enterprises involved in agricultural input supply, agro-processing and agro-production. Eligible businesses must be involved in the DAIRY, POULTRY, TOMATO and/or APRICOT Value Chains as a seller of goods and services or as a purchaserof raw materials in the RADP-E coverage areas ofKabul, Kapisa, Laghman, Logar, Nangarhar, Wardak, Ghazni and Parwan.

Assistance toagricultural input suppliers is to improve business managementand marketing capabilities, and the ability to provide farmers with improved technologies and trainingin good farming practices. Assistanceto agro-processors is to improve their ability to buy quality materials from farmers and sell processed products that can compete successfully in Afghan or international markets. Assistance to agro-producers is to increase production of quality raw materials that meet market demands through the introduction, adaption and use of activities that improve production and quality.

Agro-enterprises will be selected based upon Innovation(how is the activity different from just asking for donor assistance), Shared Risk (RADP-E target is a minimum of 50% of grant activity covered by the recipient) and Broad Based Value Chain Impact (ability of the activity to benefit more than just the grant recipient).

Application Process

Grant awards will be done through a two-phase process. To be shortlisted for consideration, you must fill out and submit the attached Expression of Interest. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to fill out a full application. Being shortlisted after submission of an Expression of Interest does not guarantee that you will receive a grant. Questions on the Expression of Interest can be sent to

Submission Deadlines

The deadline for 2016-2017 is September 30, 2017. RADP-E will evaluate Expressions of Interests periodically throughout the year.

Submission of Your Expression of Interest

Email: Completed Expressions of Interest can be delivered by email

Hand delivery: Completed Expressions of Interest can also be delivered to:

Kabul Office: Darya Village, adjacent to Baron Camp, Hawashinasi road Kabul. 0794868000

Ghazni Office: Kocha-e-Entikhabat, Hese#4, Relief International Offices. 0772879900

Jalalabad Office: Chel-metra road, Nahya#4, next to UNICEF office. 0794614949

Instructions for Completing the Expression of Interest

Part A: Company Information

Item 1: Write the company name as it appears on the business license /registration.

Item 2: Provide name and position of a contact person

Item 3: Main business address with house#, street name and #, town/city, and province

Item 4: Business telephone # and valid email address.

Item 5: Indicate when you first started legal operations / business in Afghanistan

Item 6:Provide information on your registration in Afghanistan

Item 7: Provide information about your company’s nationality [Afghan, international (indicate which country)]

Item 8:Tick the box that matches the number of people employed by your company, including the owner/s

Item 9: Indicate if the business is owned by a woman

Item 10: To indicate how you are operating in RADP-E’s geographic areas, tick all boxes that are applicable:

  • Main Office – tick the relevant box if your main office location is in any of the locations
  • Other facilities – tick the relevant box(es) for provincial offices, facilities, or warehouses
  • Customers - tick the relevant box(es) if you have buyers/customers at any of the listed areas
  • Purchase of produceor raw materials - tick the relevant box(es) if you purchase produce/raw materials from any of the areas listed in the table

Part B: Product Information

Item 1:Nature of business – tick the relevant box(es)

Item 2: Which value chains do you work in – tick all boxes that are applicable. Note: If you are a training provider

or active in support activities that augment the activities of any of the aforesaid value chains, please tick “OTHERS”

Item 3: Tick the relevant categories

Part C: Sales Information

Item 1: Tick the relevant monthly sales of your products or services

Part D: Certification

Include name, title, signature, stamp and date


This section will be filled out by RADP-E.