Department: Art

Course:ART 152 Intro-Ceramics

Semester: Fall – Spring 2014

Faculty Patrick Crabb

Semester: Fall Year: 2013 / Semester: Spring Year:2014
Institutional SLO
“Core Competencies” / Course SLO / Method of Assessment / Outcomes
assessment / Plan for Implementation / Reassessment / Outcome / Plan for Implementation
1. Communication Skills
a. Listening and Speaking
Students will listen actively and respectfully to analyze the substance of others’ comments. Students will speak in an understandable and organized fashion to explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion.
b. Reading and Writing
Students will read effectively and analytically and will comprehend at a college level. Students will write in an organized and grammatically correct fashion to explain their feelings and support a conclusion.
2. Thinking and Reasoning
Student will identify and analyze real or potential “problems” and develop, evaluate, and test possible solutions using creative thinking, analysis and synthesis, quantitative reasoning, and/or transfer of knowledge and skills to a new context as appropriate.
a. Creative Thinking
Students will develop the skills to formulate original ideas and concepts in addition to integrating those of others in the creative process.
b. Critical Thinking
Students will think logically in solving problems; explaining their conclusions; and evaluating, supporting, or critiquing the thinking of others.
  1. Ethical Reasoning
Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues that will enhance their capacity for making sound judgments and decisions.
  1. Quantitative Reasoning
Students will use college-level mathematical concepts and methods to understand, analyze and explain issues in quantitative terms.
3. Information Management
a. Information Competency
Students will do research at a level that is necessary to achieve personal, professional and educational success. They will use print material and technology to identify research needs, seek, access, evaluate and apply information effectively and responsibly.
b. Technology Competency
Students will use technology learning tools and technology applications at a level appropriate to achieve discipline-specific course requirements and standards. Demonstrated skills might include, but are not limited to: word processing and file management; use or development of simulations, web pages, databases; graphic calculators; etc.
4. Diversity
Students will develop individual responsibility personal integrity, and respect for diverse peoples and cultures of the world.
a. Cultural
Students will respect and work with diverse people including those with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and different abilities.
b. Social
Students will interact with individuals and within groups with integrity and awareness of others’ opinions, feelings and values.
c. Environmental
Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues that will enhance their capacity for making decisions and sound judgments about the environment.
5. Civic Responsibility
Students will take personal responsibility for becoming informed, ethical and active citizens of their community, their nation and their world.
6. Life Skills
a. Creative Expression
Students will produce artistic and creative expression.
b. Aesthetic Appreciation
Students will respond to artistic and creative expressions.
c. Personal Growth
Students will demonstrate habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility, and practical and physical well-being.
d. Interpersonal Skills
Students will participate effectively in teams, committees, task forces, and in other group efforts to make decisions and seek consensus.
7. Careers
Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to select and develop careers. / Day 1:
Students will learn vital vocabulary and specific concepts that are established to facilitate communication or “shop talk repoire”;
Students will learn linear/sequential thinking as part of the reasoning process(ie. step 1 then onto step 2, etc)
Students should be listening & following instructions accurately
Written reports from a gallery or museum visits as extra credit; oral presentations to support the reading and research
Provide extra demos to show variety of techniques which could lead to more creative thinking with each assignment
Expand technical competancy
“Aesthetic development” is highly encouraged(technical competency is not enough); always use the technical steps as only a foundation that will lead to a higher, creative thinking level; illustrate verbally what is logical to solve problems
To learn the aesthetics of “form and function”
To learn visual-tactile communication
To learn of “oneself” / weekly verbal quizzes on vocabulary & concepts to accompany the wheel projects
An end-of-semester written evaluation is reviewed for content in terms of level of comprehension/analytical thinking when viewing gallery objects
oral crit presentations on analytically thinking
Daily/on-going comments on the creative process; make adjustments as necessary; one-on-one evaluation on each project for each student…”structured guidance”
Look for “form and function” and emphasize craftstmanship
Frequent discussions on the issues of functional wares
A close weekly monitoring and viewing the repetition of works
to gain a higher wheelwork competancy level by standardize all specific projects in size and shape / Students do comprehend the techniques as demonstrated…sequential-linear thinking
the grammar suffers; the simple expressions in reports reveals a mediocre level of sophistication
Many are shy and unable to express themselves verbally;
few are able to express very well with the material…natural artists with great hand-eye coordination(gifted in a performance-based orientation)
Better quality pieces(cups/plates/ bowls/pitchers) in terms of craftsmanship
Raise confidence level on throwing at the wheel
To create with precision / I will continue the process of giving out instructions to test their listening and comprehension skills
Continue the same process but with suggestions on improving grammar and expressions on concepts; Establish a logical-linear-in depth thinking pattern; use proper terminology daily in class
To view more art objects in galleries/museums for a deeper understanding of form and function relationships; tune “inward towards oneself” for the creative –critical thinking
Encourage discussion on specific attributes of functional vessels / By increasing the time on verbal quizzes to reinforce learning/retention
the results have been much better; students feel more comfortable/confident/forward progress
Need to instill more research during non-class times to gain a wider perspective on creativity; have students openly present a brief commentary on what they have learned
Continually encourage to see museum/gallery objects for ideas/techniques; look at library book images; recommend viewing the Internet U-tube videos on ceramic arts; subscribe to the online Ceramic Arts Daily News(free)for additional creative thinking
When possible bring in outside artists to lecture/demo
Same as above / Reinforced learning and retention at a higher level; more confidence/comfort level with materials/better creative progress;
More usage of Open Lab time
Increased interests for extra credit with visits to gallery shows; higher confidence and a more dedicated interest in the class projects
Encouraging positive outcomes with added class interests
Wider perception of the ceramic art world after a gallery/museum visit…added inspiration
Expands perception and appreciation beyond just class projects
Same as above / Continue present format
Continue present format
Continue existing format
Continue existing format