CurriculumChecklist /
Element 1.1.5 / Every child is supported toparticipate in the program.
Educators ’s Name: / Date:
Educators ’s Signature:

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yes / no / N/A / Are the painting, drawing and other creative activitiesconnected to children's families and community?i.e. drawing a scene or representation of their familyor family life at the beach, pool, picnic etc.
yes / no / N/A / Are the co-ordination, balance, strength and flexibilityactivities connected to children's families and community?i.e. cricket, soccer, tennis and other games the familyplays outside the service etc.
yes / no / N/A / Do educators encourage free creative movement activitiesand games with elements of surprise?
yes / no / N/A / Are the language/reading, writing, spelling/letters and literacy/numbers activities connected tochildren's families and community? i.e. at a restaurant,coffee shop, setting the table for dinner etc.
yes / no / N/A / Are there natural elements in children’s imaginative play ie paper bark from a nearby tree,gum nuts from the outside tree?
yes / no / N/A / Have negotiating and co-operative activities and decisionmaking been explored in a way that represents real life?i.e. waiting in a line to see a movie.
yes / no / N/A / Has everyday functional language been explored to extend upon vocabulary, mathematics, science and concepts?i.e. "We are wiping the tables, look how the soap disappears – how does soap work?"
yes / no / N/A / If reading books to children do educators identify theillustrator, author, title, cover, first page, date the bookwas published?
yes / no / N/A / Do educators ask children questions to see what they thinkthe book could be about from the front cover and title?
yes / no / N/A / Does the educator's voice change in tone and expressionwhile reading stories?