Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association

7th Biennial Educator’s Conference

Atlanta, GA

March 9, 2018

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the 2018 Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association Educator’s Conference. We welcome your submission! The conference theme is “Transformation in Athletic Training Education" and will feature plenary presentations, interactive breakout sessions, model practice presentations, and peer-to-peer discussions.

Format & Programming

Proposals are requested for the following programming areas:

·  Plenary sessions are typically 30-45 minutes in length with one or two speakers and are presented to the entire audience in lecture format.

·  Breakout sessions are 45 minute sessions with one or two speakers and are designed to foster participant engagement with the content either through activities, discussions, and/or application. Participants should leave a break out session with a concrete tool or idea that they can utilize within their program, if appropriate for their needs.

·  Peer-to-peer discussions are 45 minutes in length with two facilitators and are to generate discussion and dissemination of information regarding a topic in athletic training.

·  The model practice showcase is to share innovative and model practices from all aspects of athletic training education in a short and focused presentation format. Participants in the model practice showcase will present short focused presentations that are no more than 10 minutes in length.

·  Attendance is determined by room capacity.

Important Guidelines

·  Workshops should fall within the domains of practice for athletic training.

·  Speakers should avoid actively promoting equipment brand and/or provider.

·  Speakers must be available for scheduling on the day of programming.

·  Proposal selection is contingent upon approval by the SEATA Educator’s Conference Committee.

·  Topics will be selected based on the organization of the program, quality of content and speakers, and significance of the material to the SEATA educator’s membership.

Equipment Acquisition

·  With the exception of treatment tables and AV equipment, the submitter is responsible for securing and coordinating delivery of any equipment necessary for the specific programming.

·  Vendors providing equipment may be acknowledged during the workshop, however, it is important that the session remain non-commercial.


·  Proposals must be submitted no later than October 1, 2017.

·  Incomplete (e.g., missing speaker CV) and/or late proposals will NOT be accepted.

Compensation Policy for Programming

·  $175 for each hour of speaking (pro-rata for educational programming), in addition;

·  Complimentary symposia registration

·  Up to 2 nights lodging at host hotel

·  Reimbursement for travel to conference