The Shehadeh Medical Centre



Meeting 16 March 2016, 2:00pm at Tilbury


Dr E Shehadeh GP(ES)

Carol Shehadeh ANP(CS)

Rachael Donnelly Grays Practice Manager(RD)

John Thomas Tilbury Practice Manager(JT)

Steven Felstead HCA(SF)

Clyde Baker PRG(CB)


Ray Bennett PRG(RB)

Simon White PRG(SW)

Welcome,apologies, introductions

Apologies from SW and RB.

Thelma and Denis Parker now retired.

No new members but members asked to encourage friends family and acquaintances

Minutesof last meeting

Commented on and agreed.

Doctor and Carol retirement update

ES said current situation was Assura not interested in latest NHS draft of lease, now looking for partnership takeover again – so retirement not now possible until end of May earliest.

Patient satisfaction survey results

JT presented results of survey, response rate had been much higher than previous years with many more opting to respond online and fewer doing the paper version. The report showed bar graphs for responses to each question and a selection of the free text responses.

Responses were mostly positive with patients very happy with their experience with the reception and clinical staff, which was very encouraging. CB pointed out that over 80 percent of feedback (including free text comments) was positive regarding receptionist courtesy.

About 90 percent of pts waited less than 20 minutes for their appointment and 67 percent waited less than 10 minutes which was considered very good.

Over 86 percent of pts said clinicians explained things and listened well too.

The negative responses mainly were about lack of appointments, time for more than one problem and that some reception and clinical staff were perceived as surly and unhelpful and sometimes rude.

The responses showed that about 30 percent found it often or always difficult to get appointments to suit them. ES said that even if we offered double the number it would not be enough. Also, because some patients DNAd many of the slots were wasted.

CB asked how many this was typically, JT said about 100 or more a month for each branch, about 6-7 sessions worth. CB was surprised it was that many. It was suggested that we put poster up regarding this, JT said we already had one displaying the number of DNAs in a previous month and the hours wasted.

It was suggested a campaign be launched using larger posters, website, sms and script messages. (maybe use the whiteboard at Tilbury?)At Grays RD said the call screen could be used for a message but Tilbury screens still not working.

JT explained the issues with IT. SF volunteered to follow up with IT and get screens operational, which would benefit patientsand ease pressure on receptionists and help resolve call speaker sound complaints too.

RD said that regarding rude and surly attitude of some staff members another Customer Service training session should be arranged for all admin and clinical staff, which could be presented in house by ES. RD will arrange this.

One problem per appointment issue was discussed and ES said rule applied only to emergency and walk in clinics. Pt could always book more slots if multiple issues in regular clinic. Patients needed to be educated. JT would simplify rules and make new posters and hand outs.

These objectives would be included on our action plan.


CBraised problem he had with electronic repeats that was probably relevant generally. Repeat template had not been updated with new meds and chemist had supplied wrong meds a number of times despite him having requested the surgery verbally and by email that the repeat be amended. RD asked him to resend emails so she could investigate.

Another issue CB raised was synchronising repeats so number of script and trips to chemist was reduced. ES said it was very difficult and time consuming for surgery to calculate such things as there were so many things that could affect quantity changes, from hospital and surgery clinicians reducing or increasing dose over time to patient deciding not to take meds for a while. Also some meds only prescribable for one month whereas others on same script might be prescribed for up to three.

It was for pt to take responsibility and work out for themselves. (note on repeat scripts regarding this?)

Next meeting 18 May at Grays

Meeting closedat 3:00 pm