of the
1:00 P.M. / (11/30)
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Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

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Roll Call

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Minutes -November 22,2010

5. / Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #10 “Approve - The Greater Syracuse Urban Renewal Plan as recommended by the Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) pursuant to applicable sections of New York General Municipal Law. SURA, applicant, c/o DNBD.” (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.)
Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #32, “Authorize - The Facility Use and Lease Agreement with M&L Trucking Services, Inc. for the use of 539.94 square feet of office space at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, for the period of January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011 at the monthly rental rate of $1,000.” (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.)
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Committee Reports

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9. / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2011- 2012.
10. / Approve - The Greater Syracuse Urban Renewal Plan as recommended by the Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) pursuant to applicable sections of New York General Municipal Law. SURA, applicant, c/o DNBD. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.)
11. / Resolution -Requesting the Corporation Counselto a) review and amend the Living Wage Ordinance and b) apply the Living Wage Ordinance as currently written and as may be amended, to the Airport Authority, if/once it is created.
12. / Amend - The Revised Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 27, entitled The Property Conservation Code of the City of Syracuse, Article 9 entitled Rental Registry, to change the certification from a Card to a Certificate, change the term from 3 to 2 years, change the fee structure and outline qualifications for Preferred Landlords. Also to allow the Division of Code Enforcement to focus their efforts on non-complying property owners who have previously received Rental Registry Cards to affirm that the property remains up to the state and local building codes.
13. / Amend - The Revised Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 27, entitled The Property Conservation Code of the City of Syracuse, to add a new Article 10 entitled Property Management Registry. The purpose of this is to outline the registration process, assign fees, and delineate penalties to ensure investor-owners are protected from abuses of unlicensed property managers under NYS law.
14. / Authorize - The extension of the lease with the Northeast Community Center, Inc., at City owned property, 716 Hawley Avenue, through December 31, 2011 to ensure that programming continues and allows pending financing from other sources.
15. / Contract - With N. Harris Computer Corporation, the parent company of Municipal Software, for a Web-based Application Software Package to replace the window-based system increasing operating efficiency thereby reducing operational costs, this includes maintenance, on behalf of the DNBD. Total cost not to exceed $311,525 funding approved by Ord. #490-10. The Mayor has waived the RFP Process.
16. / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 326 Spring Street and Curtis Street, an apartment house and garage, to Holiday Court of Syracuse LLC for the total sum of $52,650.
17. / Sell - Through the Vacant Structure for Non-Profits Program all right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 710 Otisco Street, (2) wood houses, to Home Headquarters, Inc. for the total sum of $151.
18. / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse, to convey property known as: strip of park land at the north-west corner of Upper Onondaga Park, as detailed in Appendix “A”, to Paul Root for the total sum of $3,175.
19. / Agreement - With Greener Corners to provide and install up to 50 recycling and litter receptacles in the BID and supply public awareness regarding recycling for the period of three years. There is no cost to the City. Greener Corners will establish a revenue stream through advertising and/or sponsorship placed on the receptacles and provide the City with 3% of gross revenue in year one, (estimated at $2,000) 6% in year two (estimated at $6,000) and 9% (estimated at $10,500) in year three. The D.P.W. is responsible for disposal.
20. / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the purchase of 2010/2011 Public Works capital equipment. Total amount not to exceed $1,690,000.
21. / Authorize - The purchase of 2010/2011 capital equipment, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, as detailed in Attachment “A”. Total cost not to exceed $1,690,000 of which $120,000 is reimbursable through a NYSERDA grant. Total net cost to the City not to exceed $1,570,000.
22. / Assign - The professional services contract for the Syracuse Interconnect Expansion Project (PIN #375285) from TVGA Consultants to Bergmann Associates, PC and authorize the City of Syracuse to enter into three-party agreement with TVGA and Bergmann in order to facilitate this assignment.
23. / Authorize - Supplemental Agreement #3 with Bergmann Associates, PC relative to the Syracuse Interconnect Expansion Project for the Lodi Street and North Salina Street Corridor and the Geddes Street and West Genesee Street Corridor to advance this project and increase the total cost not to exceed from $1,545,328 to $2,745,174.
24. / Application & Agreement - To and with (NYSERDA) FlexTECH program for funds in an amount not to exceed $21,975, to fund a study of the feasibility of rooftop Solar Photovoltaic installations at five facilities: Syracuse Hancock International Airport, the Parks Department Headquarters, the Department of Public Works, the Water Department Headquarters and the Police Patrol Headquarters. The 50% match of $21,975 will be charged to account #01.75921, Public Power Study.
25. / Authorize - Participation in the CNY Regional Planning and Development Board’s (CNY RPDB) Year-three Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Stormwater Compliance Assistance Program to assist the City in meeting the NYS Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Phase II permit requirements regarding regional public education, outreach, training compliance programs and reporting in an efficient manner. The City share of $5,000 from Sewer Fund Operating Account
26. / Authorize - Memorandum of Agreement with the CNY Regional Planning and Development Board to create the Central New York Intermunicipal Stormwater Coalition to assist the City in meeting the NYS Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Phase II permit requirements.
27. / Agreement - With Caskil LLC, located at 195 Intrepid Lane, to grant temporary access to the City’s drainage easement at 181-183 Intrepid Lane. The easement contains a swale filled with construction debris inhibiting the water flow from the property located at 195 Intrepid Lane. Caskil LLC will pay all costs and agrees to maintain the easement until the City is able to convey the easement to the benefited lot owners in Brighton Hill Business Park. There is no cost to the City.
28. / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s S.T.E.P. to reduce unsafe driving behaviors for funds in an amount not to exceed $37,224 for police overtime and equipment to target aggressive driving. No local match is required.
29. / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s Child Passenger Safety Program for funds in an amount not to exceed $15,000 for equipment and child safety seats, check up events and a fitting station. No local match is required.
30. / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s Buckle up New York Program for funds in an amount not to exceed $52,734 for police overtime to assure compliance with the use of vehicle occupant restraints. No local match is required.
31. / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee’s Distracted Driving Enforcement Programs for funds in an amount not to exceed $65,000 for police overtime to target the use of cell phones by motorists. No local match is required.
32. / Authorize - The Facility Use and Lease Agreement with M&L Trucking Services, Inc. for the use of 539.94 square feet of office space at Syracuse Hancock International Airport, for the period of January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011 at the monthly rental rate of $1,000. (Public Hearing to be held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:00 P.M.)
33. / Agreement - With Faithful & Gould for Independent Fee Estimate Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $150,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
34. / Agreement - With LR Kimball for Independent Fee Estimate Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $150,000 charged to Aviation Account #04.56100.0.415.
35. / Agreement - With Prudent Engineering for Independent Fee Estimate Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $150,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
36. / Agreement - With ARCADIS for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $2,000,000 charged to Aviation Account #04.56100.0.415.
37. / Agreement - With ARCADIS for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Non-Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $1,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
38. / Agreement - With Clough Harbour and Associates for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $2,000,000 charged to Aviation Account #04.56100.0.415.
39. / Agreement - With Clough Harbour and Associates for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Non-Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $1,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
40. / Agreement - With C&S Companies for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $2,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
41. / Agreement - With C&S Companies for General Airport for Consulting Services for Grant Non-Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $1,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
42. / Agreement - With William Taylor Architects for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $2,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
43. / Agreement - With William Taylor Architects for General Airport Consulting Services for Grant Non-Eligible Projects at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the period of three years with 2 one-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $1,000,000 charged to Aviation Account # 04.56100.0.415.
44. / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 14, Article 4 and Article XVI of the Traffic Code of the City of Syracuse to create a definition of mobile food vendor and mobile vendor stand, add new locations for mobile food vendors, make mobile vendor stands subject to the lottery system in place of food vendors, add new regulations for food vendors and mobile food vendors and other miscellaneous changes.
45. / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 16 entitled Offenses, Miscellaneous, to add a new Article 7A relative to the licensing of dogs in the City of Syracuse.
46. / Amend - Ord. #563, (10/09/07), “Purchase w/c/b - From IPT, LLC d/b/a Paylock for payment services and booting equipment relative to parking ticket enforcement for the period of three years with 2 two-year renewal options. Total cost not to exceed $50 per boot application plus 15% of the parking fines collected based on the application of the boot.” Amend to authorize the first two-year renewal option for the period of December 1, 2010-November 30, 2012.
47. / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain Arrow Appraisal Service to appraise the properties located at 3020-3040 and 3060 Erie Blvd. E., 114-122 and 124 Headson Drive for property tax litigation for the 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 Tax Years. Total cost not to exceed $3,800 for a limited, preliminary report, $7,500 for a complete trial ready report, $150 per hour for trial preparations and testimony and $75 per hour for staff.
48. / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain Arrow Appraisal Service to appraise the property located at 990-996 James Street for property tax litigation for the 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12 Tax Years. Total cost not to exceed $3,200 for a limited, preliminary report, $6,900 for a complete and trial ready report, $150 per hour for trial preparations and testimony and $75 per hour for staff.
49. / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain appraiser (Ed Pfohl – 308 and 310 S. Beech St., 119 W. Corning Ave.)
50. / Contract - With Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS) for the purpose of providing application and technology support services to the Department of Finance for the period of January 1, 2011-December 31, 2013. Total cost not to exceed $410,052 for the three year period. The Mayor has waived the RFP Process.
51. / Correct Tax Rolls - (234 W. Lafayette Ave.) For various charges for Tax Year 2010/11.
52. / Levy - Onondaga County Tax (Excluding Onondaga County Consolidated Sanitation District) for 2011.
53. / Levy - Onondaga County Water District Tax for 2011.
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Levy - Onondaga County Sewer Rent for 2011.

55. / Agreement - With Song Mountain Resort for services related to a six-week Instructional Downhill Ski and Snowboard program for the period of January 12, 2011-February 16 2011, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs, for six weekly (Wednesday) ski lessons and equipment rentals for up to twenty City youth at the following rates: $75 for unlimited Wednesday afternoons through the ski season and six ski/snowboard instructions sessions; $60 for six-week downhill ski rental (or $10 per week; $90 for six-week snowboard rental (or $15 per week). Total cost not to exceed $3,500 which will be offset through participant fees.
56. / Authorize - The Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs to establish participant fees related to the six-week Instructional Downhill Ski and Snowboard Program at Song Mountain Resort as follows: $75 for unlimited Wednesday afternoons through the ski season and six ski/snowboard instructions sessions; $60 for six-week downhill ski rental (or $10 per week); $90 for six-week snowboard rental (or $15 per week). Scholarship funds are available.
57. / Authorize - Payment to the Frankie D Band, under the direction of David Baker, for holiday performances at: Fahey Court, December 8, Vinette Towers, December 13, Ida Benderson Senior Center, December 15, Valley Vista, December 16, Eastwood Heights, December 16 and Ross Towers December 20, 2010. Total cost not to exceed $1,800 ($300 each).
58. / Purchase w/c/b - An agreement with St. Andrew’s Parks and Playgrounds, d/b/a eTrak-Plus for services related to a Comprehensive Recreation Management Software Program for the period of one year with four 1-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $1,500 the first year, $1,700 the second year, $1,900 the third year, $2,000 the fourth year and $2,100 the fifth year to be charged to Capital Account #01.71400.0.415.