Emerging Diseases

Chapter 10 Question Spring, 2011


Divide the class up into 8-10 groups of about 5 or 6 students each.

Choose one person to be the group facilitator. This person is responsible for overall organization of the group and for getting the assignment completed on time.

Working as a group, answer all the questions on the list below.

Make sure you keep a copy of the answers for yourself. These are your study guides for this chapter.

Be prepared to explain and discuss the answers in class today. Also be prepared to comment on the answers of other groups.

Turn in a paper with the names of your group members.


1) Why did Laurie Garrett start out Chapter 10 with a description of the 1969 Stonewall Riots? What was her point?

2) What were the changes in sexual behavior that occurred in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s? What was different about this “Sexual Revolution” compared to all others?

3) On page 270 of the textbook, Dr. June Osborne is quoted as follow: “I fear we are looking at a new ecology here.” What did she mean?

4) What was the Hepatitis B study coordinated by Dr. Don Francis?

5) Who was Gregory Howard and what point did he illustrate?

6) Who were Dr. Harold Jaffe and Dr. Jim Curran?

7) What is PPNG?

8) What as the impact of HIV infection on tuberculosis?

9) What is Chlamydia trachomatis ?

10) What are HSV-1, HSV-2, CMV, HPV and HBV?

11) Distinguish between the usual modes of transmission of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV).

Questions Chapter 11, Sections I and II, pp: 28 -334.

1) What were the first signs of the AIDS epidemic in the United States and when did they occur?

2) How did Jim Curran’s team at CDC react to the “new” disease that eventually came to be known as HIV/AIDS? How did their reaction compare or contrast to that of the NIH?

3) How did the political apparatus react to the new disease in the gay community? How was their reaction different from their reaction to Legionnaire’s Disease or Swine Flu?

4) What prompted the name change from GRID to AIDS beginning in about 1982?

5) What was the impact of AIDS on the American blood supply and what factors delayed recognition of a problem? When Don Francis became impatient at the delays and lost his temper at a major meeting, what did he accomplish?

6) How did the gay community react to the gradual understanding that a new disease was rampant in their culture?

7) What factors influenced the spread of HIV in Africa in the early 1980s?

8) What did retrospective analysis of serum samples from Yambuku and Nzara reveal about HIV?

IMPORTANT NAMES, TERMS, DISEASES: Harold Jaffe, Jim Curran, Mary Guinan, Michael Gottlieb, Selma Dritz, Bill Darrow, Everett Koop, Luc Montagnier, Francoise Barre-Sinnoussi, Robert Gallo, Anthony Fauci, Jay Levy, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Factor VIII, “the Three H’s”,