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Canadian Association for Spiritual Care
Association canadienne de soins spirituels
Article I – Name and Constitution:
The name of the Region shall be the Saskatchewan Region of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care / Association canadienne de soins spirituels(Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS) in accordance with the National Association (CASC/ACSS) Constitution.
The Constitution of the Region shall be that of the National Association. The By-laws of the Region shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of CASC/ACSS.
Article II – Purpose:
The purpose of the Region is to facilitate the purpose, well-being and business of CASC/ACSS in Saskatchewan by:
- Encouraging and promoting supervised pastoral education as a part of education for ministry, both professional and lay.
- Certifying students in process of training in accordance with the standards of CASC/ACSS.
- Supporting the work of individual members and agencies within the Region and facilitating the formation of district Chapters or other support groups for ministry in harmony with the stated purposes of CASC/ACSS.
- Informing, co-operating with and relating to religious bodies, colleges, organizations and institutions within the Region regarding spiritual care and training for ministry.
Article III – Membership:
Membership shall be as stated in the Constitution of the National Association.
Article IV – Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee is comprised of Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS elected Officers. All Officers must be members of CASC/ACSS.
The Executive Committee includes: the Chairperson, Past-ChairpersonOR Vice-Chairperson (alternating years), Secretary, Treasurer, Professional Practice Chairperson, Regional Admitting Committee Chairperson, Newsletter Chairperson, Membership Chairperson, Ethics Committee Chairperson, and any other officers needed from time to time to promote effective Regional functioning consistent with CASC/ACSS policy.
The Executive Committee has the power to act between meetings according to the policies of the Region. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two times between Annual Meetings.
Article V – Elections and Appointments:
Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting upon a simple majority vote cast by the Membership present, or at a Special Meeting, duly called for the purpose of an election. The Executive Committee may appoint members to fill vacancies in an interim capacity prior to an Annual Meeting.
Article VI – Terms of Office:
When a Vice-Chairperson is elected, the individual assumes a four-year commitment to the Association: one year as Vice-Chairperson, two years as Chairperson, and one year as Past-Chairperson. The Vice-Chair/Chair/Past-Chair position holds office for a four-year term and shall not be eligible for re-election for a consecutive term.
All other Officers shall hold office for a two-year term and shall be eligible for re-election for one further term.
In the election of the Officers, due consideration will be given to continuity and rotation.
Term of office begins prior to the adjournment of the Annual Meeting.
Article VII – Roles and Responsibilities of Officers:
- be the Chief Executive Officer of the Region;
- perform such duties as are customary for Presiding Officers.
The Past-Chairpersonshall:
- chair the Nominations Committee;
- nominate the membership of the Nominations Committee, and present such nominations to the Executive Committee for ratification;
- in the absence of the Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson, assume the duties of the Chairperson.
The Vice-Chairperson shall:
- be the Chairperson Elect;
- in the absence of the Chairperson, assume the duties of the Chairperson;
- in the absence of a Past-Chairperson, oversee the Nominations Committee.
The Secretaryshall:
- record and keep a record of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Region;
- perform such duties as are customary for Recording Secretaries.
The Treasurershall:
- receive and bank all monies in accordance with the policies of the Region;
- keep an account of all the funds and pay all authorized expenditures;
- present a financial review to the Annual Meeting of the Region by a qualified individual, not less than every two (2) years and upon every change of the Treasurer..
The Professional Practice Chairperson shall:
- perform such duties as decided from time to time by the CASC/ACSS Board of Directors and as delegated by the Executive Committee of the Region;
- represent Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS at the National Association Professional Practice Commission
- oversee Peer Reviews for Teaching Supervisors and Specialists.
The Regional Admitting Committee Chairperson shall:
- nominate, in consultation with the Nominations Committee Chairperson, the membership of the Committee, and present such nominations to the Executive Committee for ratification;
- organize interviews for candidates seeking admission to Advanced Training and Training as Provisional Teaching Supervisors;
- represent Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS at the National Association Education Standards Commission.
The Newsletter Chairperson shall:
- be responsible for collecting material and formatting two Newsletters annually;
- oversee Newsletter mailings to the Members.
The Membership Chairperson shall:
- maintain a current list of Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS Members and promote membership in the Association;
- promote the Association within the Saskatchewan community at-large and oversee community relations.
The Regional Ethics Committee Chairperson shall:
- nominate, in consultation with the Nominations Committee Chairperson, the membership of the Committee, and present such nominations to the Executive Committee for ratification;
- call and conduct meetings of the Committee to carry out such duties and responsibilities as may be appointed by the Constitution, By-laws and Procedures of CASC/ACSS and the National Association Ethics Committee.
Article VIII – Meetings:
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Membership of Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS.
The Executive Committee shall decide on the date, place and theme of the Annual Meeting. Notice shall be given to the membership in writing at least one month in advance.
Special Meetings may be called by the Executive Committee by written request of five Members addressed to the Executive Committee. Notice of Special Meetings shall be given to the members at least two weeks in advance.
The Quorum for the Annual Meeting shall be those who are present at the meeting. For any meeting of the membership duly called, the quorum shall those who are present at the meeting. Only Members of the Association may vote.
The Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually.
Article IX – Standing Committees:
The Nominations Committee shall:
- nominate Members for elected positions on the Executive Committee and for appointed positions on Standing Committees. Nominations to the Executive Committee may also be made by Members at the Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting duly called for the purposes of an election.
- all Nominations Committee Members must be ratified by the Executive Committee.
The Regional Admitting Committee shall:
- interview and approve candidates for admission to Advanced Training and Training as Provisional Teaching Supervisors in accordance with CASC/ACSS Standards and By-laws;
- all Regional Admitting Committee Members must be ratified by the Executive Committee as well as the CASC/ACSS Education Standards Commission. The Committee shall be comprised of no more than fifteen members with a simple majority of Teaching Supervisors and Specialists, and with the remaining members representing Theological Educators and Faith Representatives. When necessary, the Committee may have members from other Regions sit on their Review Committees.
The Ethics Committee shall:
- carry out such duties and responsibilities as may be appointed by the Constitution, By-laws and Procedures of CASC/ACSS and the National Association Ethics Committee under the leadership of the Committee Chairperson;
- all Ethics Committee Members must be ratified by the Executive Committee.
Other Committees may be appointed by the Executive Committee as required. All Committee Members must be ratified by the Executive Committee.
Article X – Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year of Saskatchewan CASC/ACSS shall be October 1 to September 30.
Article XI – Amendments:
The By-laws of the Region may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of members present at an Annual Meeting. This is provided that the proposed amendments shall have been submitted in writing to the Executive in sufficient time to be distributed to all Members not less than two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
Amendments are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of CASC/ACSS.
Approved at the Annual Meeting of the Saskatchewan Region of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituals:
DATE:November 2, 2011
Mary Brubacher
Chairperson, CASC/ACSSSaskatchewan
Approved in 1998 by the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituals.Revised 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2008, 2009 and 2011.