Pattison College
13 November 2012
Dear Parents
We had a most successful PTA Meet & Greet and AGM and I am delighted to inform parents that the PTA committee, which already was one of the most active ever, has now been joined by: Lorraine Bates (LJ) Joanne Cole (LI), Zig and Sorcha Bentley (LJ), Sharlene and Jon Merris-Woolhead (UI). They are joining the established committee of Neil & Beverley Cleasby Joint Chairs (Y11), Lisa Stafford (Secretary) (Y8 ), Hemy & Raj Jagjivan (Y11), Robert Hopson & Tracie Hall (Y11), Caroline Winbush (Y10), Julie & Martin Faulkner (Y9), Chimene Graney (Y9), Jason & Donna Croke (UJ), Claudia Ramsundar (LJ), Charlotte & Neil Plastow (UI), Marion Borman (Y7), Julie Predescu (Y11), Dal Singh (LJUJ) Sally Haig (UI), Maxine Oatridge (LI), Margaret Luthert (LJ).
Plans are already well under way for this year's activities, the first being a raffle to beat all raffles, with great prizes to be won including the first prize of thelatest Android Tablet with 10 inch screen and 32gb of memory.
Enclosed you will find two books of tickets which the committee very much hopes you will sell. Any pupil who sells more than £25 worth of tickets will be entered in a draw for a £10 New Look voucher. Extra tickets are always available from form teachers. They are always in great demand so please do return any unsold tickets in time for them to be sold on.
Could all raffle ticket stubs and money be returned by Monday 17December. Thank you.
Once again the PTA will be offering parents the opportunity to purchase Christmas Cards designed by their child(ren), on good quality card. There will be a photograph of the child on the back, assuming they were present on 1 October when the school photos were taken. Pupils in the Prep School and Years 7, 8, 9 & 10have made a start on their Christmas drawings or paintings. Now is the time for your orders.
Please complete the form below clearly in block capitals and return your order as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday 21 November to guarantee delivery by the end of term.
Orders will be completed in the order in which they are received, so the earlier you order, the sooner you will receive your cards!
What does the PTA do?
They organise all sorts of activities to raise funds to provide things for your children, including the following:
ICT Equipment
Jungle Gym
Speech Night prizes
Easter prizes
They have raised an incredible £9,000 and would be only too pleased to hear if you have any ideas as to how it should be spent. Thank you for your support and many congratulations to last year’s PTA on such a successful year.
Yours sincerely
Christmas Card Order
Name of child as you want it to appear on the card ………………………………………………………… Class: ……………………..
Wording on front of card: Happy ChristmasMerry Christmas
Seasons GreetingsHappy Holidays
Cards are sold in bundles of 10 for £5. How many bundles of 10 do you require: ………..
I enclose payment of £…….. made payable to Pattison College PTA
Name: …………………………………………………………………….Signed: ……………………………………………………………………
Mrs Elizabeth McConnell B.Ed (Hons)