Workshop Outlines
The purpose of this section is to give field trainers and managers premade outlines for workshops. We would like everyone's input for this section. This will allow us to duplicate workshops and be prepared to train even if we have nothing prepared. PROACTIVE! Eventually we will have video taped workshops that match the outlines so you can watch exactly how the workshops should be run.Email me your favorite workshops, most important workshops and 1st 6 month agent topics and post 6 month agent topics.
First 6 month agents
-Proactively Beating and Overcoming Objections
-Reducing Down
-Being willing to do the things that unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do
-Referrals – getting, setting, selling
-Building Rapport
-Gaining Control
-Establishing Trust
-How to give 20 presentations in a week
-Rolling Referrals
-POS setting, selling and overcoming common objections
-How to read reports- APP, Advance
-Beating “I don’t need it” proactively and after you get the objection
-Beating “I can’t afford it” proactively and after you get the objection
-The importance of enthusiasm in selling
-The importance of attitude in selling
-Willing to do things unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do
-Keeping it simple
-Successful mindset in sales
-How to become an MGA and what the rewards are
-Phone setting- habits, attitude, and tips
-Having a competitive mindset
-Door knocking – when to do it, what to say, and what your strategy should be
-Easy add ons for POS that don’t want to do anything (ADB, W of P, 10 year term, Mortgage Protection)
-Time management
-Money management
-Alternative closing methods- officer report form close, walk out close
-Different ways of getting referrals- catch up program, food bank
1 - How to use the laptop properly and do the presentation on script
2 - insurance knowledge
3 – referrals
4 – closing
5 - mindset and retention
6 - understanding the opportunity
Thank you Tommy Vena and Mike Vasu for getting the list started!
Mental Toughness
Belief and Passion
Paid in vs PU, CV and Select Life pitch
Closing and power phrases
Activity, managing #s, prioritizing. Maintaining consistency
15% bonus.
Pay structure, bonus structure
Assuming the sale
Term conversions/spouse/child riders
Loyalty and being coachable, insuring your own success
Retention/Reinstatements/Wed bulletin/ Mods
Rebuttaling back and forth
Sen10, FOC, Selling seniors that have insurance
Pulling policies