Oct. 15, 2015
Secretary’s report was read and approved with modification to the last entry. The ramp project that Wayne Woodraska mentioned is set up and they do not need volunteers at this time.
Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Old Business
Desperado Days is scheduled for next year for July 29th – 31st. The next Desperado Days meeting is Oct. 20th at 8 pm @ Soak N Suds.
Fifth Monday is scheduled for Nov. 30th at the new Adee Honey building. The time is to be announced and there will be a speaker. We are having Fall Desserts for refreshments that night.
The Rock Art Contest will be held this spring. Corinne will send out details about the contest before then. The budget for the event is $200.
New Business
Discussion was held on the Fourth of July events. An e-mail from Keke of The Back 40 was read requesting that the fireworks be on the Fourth of July and that the chamber donate $200. Discussion was held on both items. A motion was made and failed to wait on deciding a date for the fireworks. A motion was made and passed to have the fireworks on the Fourth of July in 2016. Motion was made and passed not to donate the $200 to The Back 40’s event on the Fourth of July.
Discussion was held on the annual meeting date. Members chose to let the committee decide on January 22nd or 23rd.
Corinne spoke to the chamber of the idea of a Facebook Like-A-Thon to help raise awareness of the local businesses and money for the Kimball Scholarship Fund. The members suggested going ahead with the event and visit with the local businesses about involvement.
Members chose to not donate to the Kimball Fire Department.
There was a reminder that the Car Blow Up is this Saturday at 10 pm by the Main Street Park.
Meeting Adjourned